Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: mp4ort -> mr_shy

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

How can I set an association for my new nickname? something like " adam wan -> zaush "?

mr_shy said:
How can I set an association for my new nickname? something like " adam wan -> zaush "?

You would need an alias, as Strikerman did above.

I don’t understand anything, please answer clearly, how can this be done, if this cannot be done, then why and what needs to be done to correct the situation? Thank you in advance

mr_shy said:
I don’t understand anything, please answer clearly, how can this be done, if this cannot be done, then why and what needs to be done to correct the situation? Thank you in advance

I apologize about any confusion I may have caused. Your request to merge your tags can be done, and we're happy to do it. However, an implication won't do what you want. You need an alias, and Strikerman did it above for you with a BUR (Bulk Update Request). You don't need to do anything more except wait for an Admin to reject the implication request at the top of this thread (as it's interfering with the BUR) and reject the duplicate request in the other thread to accept Strikerman's BUR (or reject Strikerman's BUR for your duplicate in the other thread; either way works the same). If you're still confused in any way, feel free to ask for better clarification.

clawstripe said:
I apowogize about any confusion I may have caused. Youw wequest to mewge youw tags can be donye, and we'we happy to do it >w< Howevew, an impwication won't do what you want. You nyeed an awias, and Stwikewman did it abuv fow you with a BUW (Buwk Update Wequest). You don't nyeed to do anything mowe except wait fow an Admin to weject the impwication wequest at the top of this thwead (as it's intewfewing with the BUW) and weject the dupwicate wequest in the othew thwead to accept Stwikewman's BUW (ow weject Stwikewman's BUW fow youw dupwicate in the othew thwead; eithew way wowks the same). If you'we stiww confused in any way, feew fwee to ask fow bettew cwawification.

That would be right away))) now everything is clear, thank you! :3

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