Topic: religious freedom bill

Posted under Off Topic

sorry ahead of time if this goes too much into the kind of politics you guys try to keep out of the forums here.

but anyway, i was over at earlier, checking if any stories i had faved had been updated when i saw this one had a new chapter concerning this bill (the author occasionally makes chapters related to irl events like this)

after looking around (since i don't usually care enough to keep up with political bs aside from certain topics such as things like this >.>) it looks like indiana passed this bill on thursday and kansas too i think and it looks like theres around 18-19 other states trying to pass this as well.

this is so stupid...glad i don't live in either of those states. :( so, i guess segregation has the new name of "religious freedom", huh?


I'm sorry but a serious allegory that uses MLP is impossible for me to take seriously.

Updated by anonymous

This is how Hitler happened by the way.

"I don't like jews, don't support their shops and don't let them in yours"
- Hitler

"I don't like muslims, mexicans, blacks, whatever. Don't support their shops and don't let them in yours"
-Us Congress

Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
This is how Hitler happened by the way.

"I don't like jews, don't support their shops and don't let them in yours"
- Hitler

"I don't like muslims, mexicans, blacks, whatever. Don't support their shops and don't let them in yours"
-Us Congress


Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:

Had to get it overwith.

+ Easy comparison

Updated by anonymous

Hitler was a Christian.

I'm amazed atheism isn't the state religion yet.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Hitler was a Christian.

I'm amazed atheism isn't the state religion yet.

14% or more of the US population is recognized as Atheist
12% is Christian

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Hitler was a Christian.

I'm amazed atheism isn't the state religion yet.

Hitler was also a MAN
therefore we must castrate all MEN and lock them away forever, so they don't fly anymore planes WITH CHILDREN ON BOARD into mountains

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Hitler was also a MAN
therefore we must castrate all MEN and lock them away forever, so they don't fly anymore planes WITH CHILDREN ON BOARD into mountains


Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Hitler was also a MAN
therefore we must castrate all MEN and lock them away forever, so they don't fly anymore planes WITH CHILDREN ON BOARD into mountains

it was the patriarchy!

Updated by anonymous

Super_Hornet said:
I'm sorry but a serious allegory that uses MLP is impossible for me to take seriously.

Any serious issue presented like this is embarrassing.

I'm also guilty of doing this once. Only once. Wrote and published it over at Fanfiction. Every day, I visit a priest, trying to cut out whatever possessed me to do that.

Updated by anonymous

It allows people to discriminate on the basis of religion. A business owner can kick people out if he thinks they're gay.

Will it hold up? Absolutely not, but it was still stupid

Updated by anonymous

Super_Hornet said:
I'm sorry but a serious allegory that uses MLP is impossible for me to take seriously.

Especially when it is an allegory that can be summarized by

  • Alias: RL words -> pony words.

Mod note: I moved this thread to off-topic.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Especially when it is an allegory that can be summarized by

  • Alias: RL words -> pony words.

Mod note: I moved this thread to off-topic.

pretty much this. most "pony words" are like rl words, just with more/different/alternate meanings/uses to them.

as for moving the thread, ty i guess. i tend to just leave my forum tab for this site on the index page and since that isn't divided into sub-sections i tend to just over look what category threads are in by default. >.>

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Where the heck did you get those numbers from?

From google (When I typed in: Percentage of American population: Christian) I got a response of google saying "12%" then another that said Atheist took up 14%. Which seemed unbelievable to me so I guess there you go. But google was showing the answer I didn't click on any webpages.

Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
From google (When I typed in: Percentage of American population: Christian) I got a response of google saying "12%" then another that said Atheist took up 14%. Which seemed unbelievable to me so I guess there you go. But google was showing the answer I didn't click on any webpages.

Hmm, I find that interesting

Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
From google (When I typed in: Percentage of American population: Christian) I got a response of google saying "12%" then another that said Atheist took up 14%. Which seemed unbelievable to me so I guess there you go. But google was showing the answer I didn't click on any webpages.

Congratulations, you've won award for the worst research ever made. Seriously, I can't really imagine how anyone can do worse research. Even making up those numbers would make more sense then what you did.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
Congratulations, you've won award for the worst research ever made. Seriously, I can't really imagine how anyone can do worse research. Even making up those numbers would make more sense then what you did.

Google does that automatically. If you search, for example, population in a determined place, it'll tell you without clicking on any result (most of the time). You can also use it as a coffee warming calculator (all that processing power to know how much is 2+2)

But anyway

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
Congratulations, you've won award for the worst research ever made. Seriously, I can't really imagine how anyone can do worse research. Even making up those numbers would make more sense then what you did.

To be fair when Google gives you a stat personally. I think you'd believe it too.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:

as for moving the thread, ty i guess. i tend to just leave my forum tab for this site on the index page and since that isn't divided into sub-sections i tend to just over look what category threads are in by default. >.>

I've definitely never done this before, nope... :x

Updated by anonymous

Business owners should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Let them live with the consequences.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Business owners should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Let them live with the consequences.

Fortunately, unlike America, most civilized countries don't share this sentiment.

Cutedementia said:
To be fair when Google gives you a stat personally. I think you'd believe it too.

To be fair... No. Not really. Not at all. Even if I'm very lazy I'll at least check Wikipedia instead of getting numbers from 2 random unrelated sources. I wonder what would happened if you got 70% of christians in first and 40% of atheists in second. Would you believe then that there are 110% Americans in America? (Also your filter bubble must suck if you got 12% christian result.)
I hope you won't get google personal advice when trying to figure out how to deal with cancer.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Business owners should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Let them live with the consequences.

This to infinity and beyond. Like, okay, you don't want me in your store because of X reason.

Well now, you lost a customer, and out of spite, some friends and family will not shop at your establishment.
Businesses are essentially losing income. And they have every right to.

But maybe to them they rather provide a place where like-minded people can go congregate or shop. Nothing wrong with that, no one has to think that Homosexuals or muslims or latinos are secondary-citizens just that they feel they don't want them at their business.

I mean, I wouldn't mind if all the gay bars didn't allow women into their establishment, just like I wouldn't mind if an all-female gym didn't allow men to work-out there or a taxi-service specifically for females (which are both a real thing).

If you disallow people based on gender, I do not see why sexual orientation, religion or race get a free ride.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Business owners should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. Let them live with the consequences.

It's likely that the businesses won't have to deal with consequences as much as the people getting refused will.

On the other hand, this may actually give large chain businesses an advantage as they have a huge incentive to stay neutral and might end up as a bit of a safe haven for a lot of these people. It would be interesting to see if smaller businesses start closing (regardless of who they allow) just because there are enough customers who are hesitant to go anywhere they aren't already familiar with.

Updated by anonymous

Onii-chan said:
Well now, you lost a customer, and out of spite, some friends and family will not shop at your establishment.

This is a common assumption that is untrue in reality. People can't even boycott effectively in most cases.

The best way to explain it is via a simple economic example: Let's take insulin, which is a necessary product for diabetics to survive. Basically, no matter where or what price insulin is sold, diabetics are subject to whatever the market is demanding of them, because they require it to live. Bad press doesn't stop people from buying very much, they just don't care because the utility they receive from the product is more important to them than the companies' misdoings, no matter how heinous.

So let's say you have a pharmacy located in a local town with no other access to the drugs, and the pharmacy owner is a huge racist and says "no insulin for diabetic blacks" and as a result, all diabetic blacks in the local community die or have to get their supply from a black-market criminal outlet. Is the pharmacy owner responsible for their deaths? (Note that non-black diabetics will continue to shop there and give this man their money, because if they don't they will die.)

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
This is a common assumption that is untrue in reality. People can't even boycott effectively in most cases.

This. People have a really short attention span for this kind of stuff. Just because one family member refuses to buy Nestlé products doesn't mean that anyone else in the family will give a shit.

So let's say you have a pharmacy located in a local town with no other access to the drugs, and the pharmacy owner is a huge racist and says "no insulin for diabetic blacks" and as a result, all diabetic blacks in the local community die or have to get their supply from a black-market criminal outlet.

Road trips and mail order. :P

Joking aside, I'd be surprised if places like hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, gas stations, etc. wouldn't be considered for exceptions of this law. I mean, some random fundamentalist barber shop and a small diner where the cook scratches his back with their only spatula are one thing...but disallowing people basic access to health (and the ability to leave :P) is kind of a big deal.

Updated by anonymous

Those Religious groups are IMHO not christian,because there is no Christianity to them,no kindness no compassion. I Think if Jesus ever came back he would tell them that this is not what he meant. Like in Hawaii,many religious groups were fighting against gay marriage and raising money to fight equal marriage. Yet those churches could have used that money to fund a afforable housing thing in hawaii to help the poor and needy,which is something Jesus actually did say. Jesus never said anything about gays,but he did say that people are to help the poor and needy. And, oh on that prayer in public thing,Jesus would be against it.

Updated by anonymous

Axelthefox said:
Those Religious groups are IMHO not christian,because there is no Christianity to them,no kindness no compassion. I Think if Jesus ever came back he would tell them that this is not what he meant. Like in Hawaii,many religious groups were fighting against gay marriage and raising money to fight equal marriage. Yet those churches could have used that money to fund a afforable housing thing in hawaii to help the poor and needy,which is something Jesus actually did say. Jesus never said anything about gays,but he did say that people are to help the poor and needy. And, oh on that prayer in public thing,Jesus would be against it.

Love thy neighbor

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:

Identifying as someone from a particular religion isn't the same thing as actually following its practices. I could say I'm Muslim and eat pork every day. Would I truly be Muslim, then?

You can't say someone's not a Scotsman if that person was born in Scotland. But if you ask me, it's not so unreasonable for someone to shun a fellow believer who doesn't follow the values of the religion they claim to adhere to.

Updated by anonymous

Super_Hornet said:
Identifying as someone from a particular religion isn't the same thing as actually following its practices. I could say I'm Muslim and eat pork every day. Would I truly be Muslim, then?

You can't say someone's not a Scotsman if that person was born in Scotland. But if you ask me, it's not so unreasonable for someone to shun a fellow believer who doesn't follow the values of the religion they claim to adhere to.

So do you think Hitler was or was not a Christian?

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
So do you think Hitler was or was not a Christian?

I don't think it matters, since the Bible didn't influence his actions in any way.

Updated by anonymous

Using Hitler as proof that Christians are bad or Mao as proof that atheists are bad is just not going to help anything. I think we can all just agree that they were horrible people, regardless of where their faiths lied.

Hitler was a ruthless, mass-murdering dictator.
Hitler was a Christian.
Hitler created some of the first animal welfare programs in history.
Hitler ate sugar.

Do any of these statements have much to do with each other?

Updated by anonymous

Super_Hornet said:
I don't think it matters, since the Bible didn't influence his actions in any way.

Ah, the Bible, that funny book that tells you to stone people to death for adultery, and that the Earth was formed in a week.

(Also that gays are evil.)

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Ah, the Bible, that funny book that tells you to stone people to death for adultery, and that the Earth was formed in a week.

(Also that gays are evil.)

Are you really trying to turn this into that kind of debate? Nobody's going to gain anything from that except for newfound resentment for others.

Updated by anonymous

Super_Hornet said:
Identifying as someone from a particular religion isn't the same thing as actually following its practices. I could say I'm Muslim and eat pork every day. Would I truly be Muslim, then?

Having a lack of kindness or compassion isn't strictly forbidden in many denominations of Christianity, even if it is highly discouraged to do so. This is more comparable to "You're not a real Muslim if you've never read the Quran".

That being said, for personal preference I will be backing off of the religious part of this discussion. To anyone that wants to continue discussion, I'd like to remind you that it's easy for a topic like this to get out of hand very quickly. Likewise, I'd like to encourage everyone to keep it civil in here.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Super_Hornet said:
Nobody's going to gain anything from that except for newfound resentment for others.

Quite true.
Myself, I try to avoid religious discussions, largely because my personal beliefs tend to upset followers of several major religions.

If you guessed satanist, that was a bad guess. Not an atheist either.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Hey, to be fair, Jesus was just a hippie who wanted to be king but wasn't willing to get his hand's dirty. At least Mohammed had the sac to conquer his enemies and claim seventeen wives.

And people wonder why we keeping losing in the middle east...


Discussing religious groups, especially specific ones, is against the rules. Something I seem to recall talking to you about before.

You're welcome to discuss religion as a whole, but any more of this and we're going to start issuing records.

Updated by anonymous

Super_Hornet said:
I think we can all just agree-

Probably the dumbest thing I've ever written.

parasprite said:
I'd like to remind you that it's easy for a topic like this to get out of hand very quickly. Likewise, I'd like to encourage everyone to keep it civil in here.

ur all ugli n dum

Updated by anonymous

Uh, didn't private businesses already have the right to refuse service to anyone? Why do we need another bill making "anyone" more clear?

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Uh, didn't private businesses already have the right to refuse service to anyone? Why do we need another bill making "anyone" more clear?

I don't live in America so I might be wrong.

But I think it's a fine line law where it's like: If this family of jews just came into your resturant and you flat up said "Fuck the jews get out" You're gana get in shit for that.

But if some jewish family comes in and you say. "I'm sorry our religions don't mesh well would you mind going to another restaurant?" and the dad replys "Fuck you you're an asshole" Now you're being aggressive and I'm pretty sure that follows under a different setting where they can kick you out for something along the lines of threats, making a scene, or disturbing other customers by your presence or something.

I might be wrong tho.

Updated by anonymous

Sounds like those who are denied service no longer have the right to sue because of discrimination.

Updated by anonymous

edidaf said:
Sounds like those who are denied service no longer have the right to sue because of discrimination.


I don't get this at all.

This would be like saying that if people of color are discriminated against because of the color of their skin, that they don't have a right to sue against discrimination. Discrimination of any sort is wrong. Kinda ironic that considering that our ancestors fleed England when they were being forced to support the church and came to America to get religious freedom,but looks like they want the church to do stuff that is the very reason that our ancestors fleed England to begin with.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
i tend to have that effect

The null effect

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I buttered your mom's toaster last night.

Wait, what?

That isn't the first time someone's gotten their dick stuck in my toaster.

Updated by anonymous

facebook: america's news source since hold on let me look at this cat pic

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
facebook: america's news source since hold on let me look at this cat pic

They have furry groups on there.

Updated by anonymous

*facepalm* autoplay videos on news sites, annoying and paused.

Updated by anonymous

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