Topic: Replace votes with favorites

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

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Former mods and many users already don't like the voting system, and to be frank I'm tired of it too. In a few of my posts they get mass downvoted by people who can't be arsed to just add a tag to their blacklist. In a couple of my edits, instead of just blacklisting, I'm pretty sure it's the same people just downvoting it. To make matters worse, when I tried to be positive in my comments, sending wishes that people enjoy it, that comment got downvoted too.

It's very obvious to me that downvotes are being abused. It's highly immature if something just "isn't your thing" and you decide to downvote it along with its related posts and comments on all of them. Especially when people rely on searching by minimum score, it filters images that people have a potential to like because a few people found it to "not be their thing".

E621 already has a blacklist feature if you don't like an image, and it already has a favorite counter on the post itself. Why can't we just use favorites as the rank instead of upvotes and downvotes? I don't care about how many people "didn't have a fetish" for something, I care about the actual quality of the image.

It baffles me that it's been proposed for several years to remove or replace the voting system, and this hasn't been done despite very little disagreement on the matter.

Updated by Donovan DMC

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