Topic: Tag alias: air_bubble -> bubble

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

"Most bubbles are air bubbles" is technically true, but I think there's a big distinction between what people commonly call "air bubbles" - small pockets of gas surrounded by liquid
post #4667016 post #4617936 post #2884366

Other kinds of bubble like soap_bubble do mostly compose of air, but the defining factor here is the thin film of soap that the sphere is made from and the fact it's generally surrounded by air rather than liquid.

post #1669956 post #2231783 post #2518020


The air_bubble tag is almost exclusively used for underwater air bubbles, I think this is a valid subtag and should be an implication instead, since bubble already includes many kinds of bubbles: soap_bubble, snot_bubble, cum_bubble, drunk_bubble, etc.



An air bubble is still a pocket of air (or some other gaseous substance) enclosed by some liquid. Whether that enclosure is itself in air or not seems irrelevant to me. Especially when they can be partially in air and partially in water/liquid, such as when it's on the surface of said liquid.

Seems like the naming standard for [type]_bubble should have [type] be the gas's enclosing substance and not the gas itself. Thus, the underwater "air bubbles" should perhaps instead be called water_bubble. Better to tag the unique substance that can be seen (water) than the common substance that can only be inferred anyway (air).

FWIW I had rewritten bubble's examples to its current state.

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