Topic: Tag alias: 2ch -> 2channel

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #70193 2ch -> 2channel is pending approval.

Reason: It's Pretty Self Explanatory I Guess, Huh?

Also It Might Be A Little Preemptive To Say But Aliasing "channel_2", "", "", "5channel", "channel_5" & "" Might Be A Good Idea So They Don't Crop Up In The Future Because That's Just Obnoxious...

Also Also I'm Vaguely Aware of The Russian Imageboard "2ch" But It's A Different Website And Is Tagged As "2ch_(dvach)" Here On e621

Also Also Also Sense I'm To Socially Borked To Just Ask Someone Like A Normal Person And Seeing As I Currently Have A Small Platform To Stand On I Have A Question, Is There A Way To Search Through Website Links On e621 With Like Keywords And Stuff?

"2channel also known as 2ch, Channel 2, and sometimes retrospectively as, was an anonymous Japanese textboard founded in 1999 by Hiroyuki Nishimura." - Wikipedia

"Dvach also known as 2ch, is the largest Russian anonymous imageboard. It originally began in 2006 and was shut down in 2009." - Wikipedia

Updated by Cinder

User received a warning for the contents of this message.

Why are you capitalizing every word?
The reasoning was so annoying to read that I just didn't bother trying.


how do you even type like that? are you deliberately hitting shift at the start of every word or is there some setting on whatever device you're using that causes you to speak like the title of a light novel?

cinder said:
Why are you capitalizing every word?
The reasoning was so annoying to read that I just didn't bother trying.

dba_afish said:
how do you even type like that? are you deliberately hitting shift at the start of every word or is there some setting on whatever device you're using that causes you to speak like the title of a light novel?


TL;DR - Autism + OCD + Daily Nicotine Consumption + Mental Degradation + Apathy + L + Ratio + Just The Way I Learned Unfortunately...

P.S. - I Found The Light Novel Quip Quite Funny Given My Recent High Consumption of Said Media XD

lafcadio said:

Being Autistic Makes The Idea of Change Deeply Disconcerting/Disquieting, Having OCD Has Bolstered These Negative Attributes Causing Me To Not So Much Trip Into A Rut As Plummet Straight To The Bottom of The Grand Canyon, And The Nicotine? It's My Mental/Emotional Health Management (Done In The Only Way I Can) But Predictably Its Causing Progressive Loss of My Facilities And Honestly I Could Look Past That But The Emotional Whiplash Caused By The Degradation Has Made Life Inside My Head Even More of A Hell Then It Was From The Start (Grand Canyon Meet The Mariana Trench) So If I Stop Then The Thoughts And Negativity Come Creeping Back In And The Worst of It Is Taking A Shower, I Mean, There's No Distractions Just You The Hiss of The Water And Your Thoughts, That's What Say "Showeing Is Good For Thinking, Shower Thoughts!", Just Me And My Thoughts... As For "Apathy + L + Ratio" Well To Put It Simply I'm So Deep In The Hole That I Just Stopped Trying To Climb Back Out; The Autism Clung To Capitalization And The OCD Forged A Steadfast Pattern, One So Fixed In Place That Trying To Do So Is Actually Painful To Me So I Gave Up, I Became Apathetic, I Lost And Just Let The Negativity Bury Me Alive, I'm Not A Loop I'm A Spiral...

But As I Said, It's Just The Way I Learned Unfortunately...

*Breathes In* So... About That TL;DR...

Updated by Cinder

User received a warning for the contents of this message.

broken_husk said:
Being Autistic Makes The Idea of Change Deeply Disconcerting/Disquieting, Having OCD Has Bolstered These Negative Attributes Causing Me To Not So Much Trip Into A Rut As Plummet Straight To The Bottom of The Grand Canyon, And The Nicotine? It's My Mental/Emotional Health Management (Done In The Only Way I Can) But Predictably Its Causing Progressive Loss of My Facilities And Honestly I Could Look Past That But The Emotional Whiplash Caused By The Degradation Has Made Life Inside My Head Even More of A Hell Then It Was From The Start (Grand Canyon Meet The Mariana Trench) So If I Stop Then The Thoughts And Negativity Come Creeping Back In And The Worst of It Is Taking A Shower, I Mean, There's No Distractions Just You The Hiss of The Water And Your Thoughts, That's What Say "Showeing Is Good For Thinking, Shower Thoughts!", Just Me And My Thoughts... As For "Apathy + L + Ratio" Well To Put It Simply I'm So Deep In The Hole That I Just Stopped Trying To Climb Back Out; The Autism Clung To Capitalization And The OCD Forged A Steadfast Pattern, One So Fixed In Place That Trying To Do So Is Actually Painful To Me So I Gave Up, I Became Apathetic, I Lost And Just Let The Negativity Bury Me Alive, I'm Not A Loop I'm A Spiral...

But As I Said, It's Just The Way I Learned Unfortunately...

*Breathes In* So... About That TL;DR...

I was not asking for your life's story, I want to disambiguate this tag.

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