Topic: Tag alias: scenery_porn -> scenery_focus

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #71323 scenery_porn -> scenery_focus is pending approval.

Reason: While I'm aware scenery porn is an established internet slang term, this tag is still very unclear and especially so for non-native speakers.

Additionally, "scenery porn" doesn't actually give any indication that the scenery needs to be the focus of the image.

I think scenery_focus is a much better name in this case.


Former Staff

That seems more ambiguous. You can have focus on the scenery without it being particularly detailed/good.

genjar said:
That seems more ambiguous. You can have focus on the scenery without it being particularly detailed/good.

amazing_background is for richly detailed backgrounds. Scenery porn, as defined on the wiki and in use, is used on this site to mean images that are primarily focused on their detailed scenery. They're separate tags.

How is it more ambiguous when the current tag has to have a note saying not to use it on just porn with scenery and people mistag it for posts that are just scenery or amazing_background? Look at the change history.

See also topic #42996.

To be honest, I don't understand why the tag should exist if it also requires detail, when scenery_focus amazing_background would work fine and not require a tag with a name that's completely unhelpful on its own. There is no need to have a combined tag for "focus on greatly detailed scenery" when "focus on scenery" and "greatly detailed scenery" searched together would serve the same purpose with less vague definitions and subjectivities.


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