Topic: [REJECTED] Kink disambiguation

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Better to invalidate it maybe? Seems so broad that it doesn't carry any useful meaning.



Maybe alias to fetish? Since it seems to be used for essentially the same thing, being equally vague and non-descriptive not saying what kink/fetish it is. Or alias to invalid_tag.

Could also maybe put together a category for people to browse and see what applies to the thing they can't tell what applies but they know something should.

watsit said:
Maybe alias to fetish? Since it seems to be used for essentially the same thing, being equally vague and non-descriptive not saying what kink/fetish it is.

Definitely makes sense to me, just "kink" or "fetish" are too broad to be useful information - it should be replaced with what kink it actually is.

It looks like it's currently a mix of BDSM, vore, farting and things I have no idea how to explain

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