A friend of mine convinced me to open up my anti-social and paranoid shell a bit. I make 3D furry-related character models, and I'm moderately interested in posting my work here. I have a couple of questions, I'm completely unfamiliar with how posting stuff works.
1. I generally only post my content on my personal website as a portfolio (and rarely I send people stuff through Discord), I don't use DA, FA, Inkbunny, Twitter, etc, and I'm not interested in those platforms, does that complicate things? Does that make sourcing harder in some sort of way?
2. Additionally, should I be worried about publicly sharing my website in sources? I'm a programmer, but I'm very unfamiliar with networking or web hosting, I just use a Namecheap domain with EasyWP, and I don't know if this would drive enough traffic to sudo-DDOS myself, or otherwise cause issues for me.
3. I've also only posted SFW content to my website, partially because I know my relatives sometimes look at it, but partially because I have no idea if I'm allowed to put my NSFW stuff on there, or how to moderate it. If I were to post my NSFW stuff here, how would sourcing work?
4. If it's possible, could I be added to the conditional DNP list? The way I want it is that it either has to come from me, or if someone else wants to post my stuff, it needs to have my watermark (most of my art on my website has my watermark). I'm fine with people posting my stuff if I forget to do it, but because I occasionally send people watermark-less versions of stuff on Discord, I'm worried about those being uploaded, and others stealing them and claiming it for themselves, and a watermark requirement would make me feel a bit better.
5. Is there anything else I should otherwise know about posting that isn't on the wiki?
Frozenreflex / Fro Zen