Artist: avoid posting (locked)

Table of contents:

1. Avoiding DNP infractions
2. List of DNP artists/publishers
- Publishers
- Artists
- Conditional DNP
3. Special permissions
4. Getting added to the DNP List

1. Avoiding DNP infractions

Posting DNP (Do Not Post) content, whether knowingly, or unknowingly, may lead to disciplinary action and the removal of the offending content.

To avoid DNP infractions, you should:

  • Search for aliases of the artist below or on their profile page if you are not familiar with them.
  • If they do not have art on the site, ask permission first (though this should be done with any artist).
  • If you find you have posted DNP, flag it as soon as possible; you will not receive a record if you flag your own DNP post.

No record will be given if DNP content has been on the site for over 14 days, though it will still be deleted as soon as it's discovered.

Avoid posting these things.

  • Any commercial content (Doujin, paysites, etc.). This includes HD versions only visible on Patreon and similar.
    • "Free" Pay-What-You-Want content (meaning you can buy it for $0.00) is DNP for 2 months after having been made available for "free"
  • Real porn / real images or videos depicting illegal activities (such as bestiality, child pornography, etc.)
  • Images where a person who is not the original copyright owner has placed a watermark on the image.
  • Excessive webcomic rips (more than 5 or more consecutive webcomic pages)
  • Images where compression artifacts are easily visible.
  • Art featuring only humans or primarily humans. Any form of bestiality with humans or humans with animal traits (things like cat ears or dog tails) are still okay.
  • Content that is not furry or furry-related.

The above is not exhaustive, for a more substantial list refer to our uploading guidelines.

The above can lead to disciplinary action (records) if they are repeatedly broken.

2. Avoid posting art by these artists (includes collaborations):

Posting anything from these Artists listed below will always result in disciplinary action.
Leeway will be given if you flag your own post for deletion, if you have accidentally uploaded something on the list.

Hint: If you wish to easily search for a specific artist, use the built-in search feature of your browser.

This can generally be quickly accessed by pressing Ctrl + F on Windows/Linux and Unix, and Command + F on OS X


# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Conditional Do Not Post


Avoid posting art from these sites/publishers:

  • Frisky Ferals (free promotional images are ok)
  • HardBlush (Content from / is okay)
  • Paddington and Company Limited - only pornographic material is DNP
  • Palcomix / Mobius Unleashed
  • Rabbit Valley
  • Sexyfur
  • Slipshine (free promotional images are ok)
  • Softpaw Magazine
  • Tailheat


  • 0eff0rt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • 1oi - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • 2001maxx - only the artist is allowed to post
  • 2dReddersART / 2dRedders - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • 413k zzzz
  • 69beas - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • 7mii


  • ABananaMan - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • aBlimpfox / aBritishfox
  • AboBarseem
  • AbyssalWolfy / doubleclawed
  • Accell/Accellmation
  • acedetrap - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • Acidneko / xxacidnekoxx / xxxAcidAngelxxx / cartoon-twink
  • Acidic - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • acted-red / reddacted
  • Adalee
  • AdaptaGX
  • adevio / adevio403 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Aduleon
  • afterdarkie
  • Agalamt
  • aggro_badger / aggrobadger / vykos
  • ahdadah
  • Ahnik / AhnikSaur - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ahoytimestwo / caninesinzone / coyoticgood
  • Aimee-Lesley-Sim
  • AirGuiTaR / AirSiTaR / NorthernScruff / SgtRubbersoul
  • AirSiTaR / AirGuiTaR / NorthernScruff / SgtRubbersoul
  • Aja Williams / Kamicheetah
  • Akiiokai
  • Aku Tojyo / Tojyo / tojyo1942
  • Akuva
  • Akytti
  • Alcor90 / AlcorArt - only the artist[1] and Lemongrab[2] are allowed to post
  • aleak / aleak_r - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Alec8ter / S8 - only art with S8 as signature is allowed
  • alefwdog / Alef Wilddog
  • Aleit_Steinherz / CoyoteoftheSands
  • alekksandar - Everything but safe artwork is DNP
  • AlfieRubuncle
  • Alishka / nixmis / Nix
  • alkyuz - only the artist is allowed to post
  • allbadbadgers - only the artist is allowed to post
  • AllynByrd / darkrokkuman / DarkRockman
  • ALRadeck / Firefeathers - only the artist is allowed to post
  • amadeen / amadeenart - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Amara Lemur - only the artist and commissioner is allowed to post
  • Amarl Krieger
  • amawdz / amasoxd / notamaso - only the artist and commissioner is allowed to post
  • AmethystBeetle / AmethystLongcat
  • amiraallis / Amira Allis
  • Ammako
  • Amyth - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Anarietta - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Andrew.Thy.Accursed / AndrewThyAccursed
  • Andrew W. Dickman / TheMadCatter / awdplace / awd / AWDtwit
  • angellsview3 - edits are DNP
  • AngelTF
  • Angel27
  • Anhes
  • Animal Shapes
  • Animatic / Crittermatic - only the artist is allowed to post
  • anima-virtuosa / MaryManifold - only the artist is allowed to post
  • aniutqa
  • Anixis - only personal artwork is DNP
  • Anojaa - only the artist or commissioner is allowed to post
  • anomalae
  • Anomyna
  • Anon232
  • anomalain / alain_jullien / ala1n-j
  • anonymouse / awfuldrawing / orgkmgrd / zotnamotgrim
  • AnthonyNotHere
  • anthrus1127 / SOJITZL
  • Anti-Cupid - only the artist is allowed to post
  • AntiPion / prototypeBASILISK / TheSandQrator
  • aogirinaru / misuta710 / misterkanzaki / misterkannzaki
  • aoino_broome - PWYW comics are DNP, however the cover page is allowed to be posted
  • aoiremart / aoirem2816 / aoimotion / fouroclock / fouroclocksart / the ladies of 4 o'clock / rem289
  • AoLun
  • Apes
  • Apis - the one from inkbunny, not the one from VCL
  • Apocheck13 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Appleseid
  • Aquahibeku / hikebu - only the artist is allowed to post
  • AquariusFox - only the artist, commissioner's, and k12emerald[1] are allowed to post
  • aquatheohiokitty
  • Armomen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ArrJaySketch / Tremaine / Tremaine_H_Fox
  • Artfromerror / Timeless_ERROR / timeless_ERROR
  • arwenscoots - explicit feral works are DNP
  • ArvonGile / GipBandit - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Asbel Lhant - only the artist is allowed to post
  • AsinusAdLyram
  • ASMArtist / MrNASM
  • asuka kurehito - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Atlasfield
  • atsuii - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Audiovideomeow
  • aurelleaheverfree
  • AuricLepus
  • Aurrenox / Brilyeon
  • Avalony - only the artist is allowed to post
  • awdplace / Andrew W. Dickman / TheMadCatter / awd / AWDtwit
  • aw0
  • Azaeil / Callairah / Taesolieroy / TaesoSpiritDragon
  • azorart
  • azumadai124 / daiazuma


  • babymee
  • backlash91 - non-official edits are DNP
  • Bad-Collie - explicit artwork is DNP
  • bagu / zerrazoid - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • Baka Sukonku
  • bakertoons / belletoons
  • Bakvissie - only the artist is allowed to post
  • BananaShagnus / ShadowTheLastAlpha
  • bappledilk / littlebapple
  • barachaser
  • BassyBefuddle / BassyIB - only artwork sourced from FA, itaku, SoFurry, Twitter, weasyl, and bluesky is allowed
  • Battle Franky / Brafya
  • bayboyzone
  • bazaarbobby / Sanji
  • bbmbbf
  • bc92
  • bcbanon
  • beaglebabe1
  • beanbat / superbeanbat64
  • BelayaLapa / rexisminimalis
  • BeezlebumAwoken - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Ben Hickling
  • BenjiBat - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Besonik - only the artist is allowed to post
  • bewilderbeast / Heckdemon / slimedrops
  • Bicdente
  • BiffBish
  • bigblueghost / fright.night / noodledoodles
  • bigbrownorc
  • Bikomation - only content from their FA, Twitter and Reddit are allowed
  • Binky
  • Binxxy
  • birdrabbit / moon.puddle / moon puddle
  • BirtinaTheCatDragon / HamsterGirlTheHamster - NSFW art is DNP
  • bitelickart - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Bittenbats / Batiddies
  • BkMaT55 / BkMaT - only the artist, character owners, and commissioners and are allowed to post
  • blackbearcj
  • BlackMageMathos - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Blackrabbit-13 - gore / guro is DNP
  • Blickfen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • BlinxCat
  • blitzdrachin - only the artist is allowed to post
  • BLK.ONI / Yuurikin
  • Bloodhawk - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Bloodhound_Omega - all pornography is DNP; artistic nudity is fine
  • Blondevelvet - fetishy stuff is DNP
  • Blown-Ego - only the commissioner and artist are allowed to post
  • Bluehunter
  • BlueCat_Friend
  • BlueTigress / BlueTiggy
  • bluhcat
  • BluTheDerg / NimbusDragon
  • BobbyArts / BobbyLontra / FurryBob
  • bobdude0
  • Boo-Rad13y / sirmonsterfucko / b00rad / b00_rad
  • booghetti
  • booponies - only the artist is allowed to post
  • BootlegGreely
  • bootyfeather - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Brian Harp / Jace
  • Brie Noir / KimThePancham / KimThePanda - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Brilyeon / Aurrenox
  • Brismy
  • brokenlynx21 / broken lynx
  • browneyedsaiyangirl
  • BubbleBaph - only the artist is allowed to post
  • buizelmaniac / buizilla / nsfbui
  • Bullshitporn
  • Bunchantress
  • bundog / petthatsnout
  • BunnieLovesYou - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Bunnybits - only the artist is allowed to post
  • bunsawce
  • Burgerkiss - only the artist or collaborators are allowed to post
  • Burneraccount9382 / Catkid0228 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Butter_Bat
  • Butt_on_Fire / buttonfire
  • buttonback
  • bweezy
  • Byrth


  • c4camel
  • Caindra / Caikitty / lord-cayy / Haze Alligator
  • Callairah / Azaeil / Taesolieroy / TaesoSpiritDragon
  • CallMeMS / TheMasterSauce / mastersauce
  • calmnivore / _component / MyHeartPumpsPiss / Saladbomb - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • Camcartoonfanatic
  • camooh / camooh__
  • CanadianKitten - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • Canadian Roses / MrxPhilip
  • caninesinzone / coyoticgood / ahoytimestwo
  • candychameleon
  • Canphem - only the artist is allowed to post
  • captaincassidy / Ronoae
  • Carm / monatarou / tapioka-suiyou
  • carnalcove / Covepalms / Larkaftadark
  • Carpetwurm / Kitwran
  • carrudra - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Cassius / ponygryphonrelations / keihound / Starcourser
  • caste / TheOutcaste17
  • CatCock - only artworks from that alias are DNP
  • CatCouch - only the artist, BSting[1] , and Sparky66 [2] are allowed to post
  • catgraffiti / NYAROMA / nyanorama - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Catniplewds - only the artist and collaborators are allowed to post
  • CatTinyPaws
  • cawkbox - only the artist is allowed to post
  • cbee
  • cbh / cardboardhead
  • cchipppo / chuuu
  • Centuriguil
  • ceramic
  • cercat / Knives4Cats - anything from cercat on FA and Saltmalkin on Twitter is DNP
  • cewljoke - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ChaComics / Lobozamora / Wolfcha
  • champ / RoadkillReject / rottenscoundrel / FantasticBastard / RoadkillMotel / rottenroadkill / roadkilljack
  • CharmerPie - only the artist is allowed to post
  • cheezyweapon
  • CherryBox / Garnetto - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • cherrypillowz
  • chetchaka / RazBuckner / Razferret / RaaazzleDazzle - only the artist is allowed to post
  • chibi-chaser
  • chocodiley / dogburger - only commissioners are allowed to post
  • ChokoDonkey - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ChromaFlare / Phi
  • chubbuppy
  • chucktheskunk / dustytail / angelwithtail
  • chutzpaah / PonyPoniPony
  • cieldoberman / dragonsmooches
  • cigarscigarettes
  • citrusdicks / TheRetroArtist
  • Clade / Klaide - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Cloudpie - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Coalpaw / sinistervibe
  • Cobalta
  • CobaltSnow / FatalFox - edits are DNP
  • Cocaine / NSFW_Cocaine - only the artist[1] is allowed to post
  • cocaine-leopard / whispering-tiger - only the artist is allowed to post
  • cocicka - only the artist and furlough _games[1] is allowed to post
  • Coffaebeans / Doughtea
  • CoffeeCo - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Coille - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • coillte / PigPuke
  • ComfyTail / MilkyBun
  • commissionsbyj / Jennadelle
  • conformitywhore / Hartley.Harms - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Connisaur / misdrexvosaurus
  • ConsciousAfterDark
  • coo_aak - only the artist is allowed to post
  • CooperDooper - anything not SFW is DNP
  • Coral_Luna / Fizzicist - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • coreytwc
  • counterserum / shapesplitting
  • CowBun / CowAndBun
  • CoyoteoftheSands / Aleit_Steinherz
  • Cracky - Bestiality and cub content is DNP
  • cracky45 / crackynsfw - only the artist is allowed to post
  • CrazedG
  • crazy-robo / craziestrobo
  • creams / Teekay / tktktk
  • crez
  • crazyassbeethoven - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • crazy-robo / craziestrobo
  • Crimes / Valleygirl
  • Crittermatic / Animatic - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Crowchild
  • CrunchoBar / cruncholewd / lemoncremes / White-Castle - only the artist is allowed to post
  • crybleat - only the artist is allowed to post
  • CryptidGrizzly / JixterStudios / Pirxyl / ToastyTrouble
  • CubbleChubb / ThatChubb / Cubble Chub - only the artist is allowed to post
  • cupsofjade / jefflaclede / Thunderbrother / jdlaclede / jaiyandt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Curtsibling / DirtyRatMatt
  • cushylutra - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Cyaeon - only the artist is allowed to post
  • CyberWuff
  • cynderplayer
  • Cyrogenic - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Cytoholix


  • DACAD - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DaFuze / Da-Fuze
  • DaSharky3D / DahSharky / DahSharky3D - only the artist is allowed to post
  • daiazuma / azumadai124
  • Dangerdoberman / Wildwulf
  • Daniel Harris / Nightweaver
  • DanteYang / dante_yun - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Danza - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Darkeshi - only the artist is allowed to post
  • darkfool. / Wolfool
  • Darkhazard / SugarlessPaints - only the artist[1] , commissioners, and Lemongrab[2] are allowed to post
  • darkrokkuman / DarkRockman / AllynByrd
  • Dashboom - only the artist is allowed to post
  • dativyrose - only the artist[1] and BobbertJones[2] are allowed to post
  • DatSexyLemur / DSLkinkyfantasies / Sheiks / SheiksDWeirdo
  • DaveLievski - only the artist is allowed to post
  • davidohdrums / MoonriseStudios / Tofu93
  • David Frangioso / tpirman1982
  • ddunS - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DeadingDog - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Defiant Drills / WhereShadowsThrive
  • deepfriedlemons / Deep_FriedLime - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • Deersun - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Deishido
  • delinquentfreak
  • DeltaSomnium - only the artist, commissioners, character owners, and collaborators are allowed to post
  • del.kon / DelKon / 1Delkon / Del-Kon / Two Roars - anything not from their free galleries is DNP
  • Demura / DemuraArt / Demurra / Demurrra - only the artist and collaborators are allowed to post
  • DepthsoftheDrex
  • DerpyRider - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DerFuhrer / Tyramish / TyrranaxH / Tyrranax Hawk / Rahton
  • Deruuyo / Ruugiaruu - everything featuring cub is DNP
  • desertmotels / werewolfcowboy
  • devildjmachine - only the artist or commissioner is allowed to post
  • dexxa - everything NSFW is DNP
  • dfer / dfer32 / eropastel / pastel
  • Diablo_En_Musica_92
  • Diero
  • DiffusedLizard - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DigitalDomain123 - edits are DNP
  • DigitalLis - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DigitalPopsicle
  • Dilarus / DilAfterDark
  • diokhan
  • dio_fish / dio_fishy - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Dipper
  • dirtypaddercat / paddercat / ThePonyPlaypen
  • DirtyRatMatt / Curtsibling
  • disappointedf0x
  • discoverychannel / discoverychannelofficial
  • dischimera / disneyishchimera - only the artist is allowed to post
  • disparitybit
  • dobescrusher / van_weasel
  • Doffa
  • dogburger / chocodiley - only commissioners are allowed to post
  • dogsdontwipe
  • dogseesghosts
  • Dogsoul / Rrhexis/ Soulofadog
  • DonCoon
  • donduruma / d0nduruma / lucciola - only the artist is allowed to post
  • done0008 / SP8
  • Donovallo - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Donro / Monglor / Herdarts
  • DoopCity
  • Doppelgaenger / dopplegangsta / Thornwolf <- Note spelling, very close to non DNP artist
  • dottii / Dottko - only the artist is allowed to post
  • doubleclawed / AbyssalWolfy
  • DoubleDeal
  • doublePopsicle
  • DourDoofus
  • Doxhun / mentalkitty - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Draco Fenris - only the artist or commissioner is allowed to post
  • Draco - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DracoArcadia
  • Dradmon / Dradgien - anything not from their FA galleries is DNP
  • Draekos
  • Draffectionates / VixenDra
  • Dragoneer
  • dragonsmooches / cieldoberman
  • Dragons-and-Drawings
  • Dragonvortex
  • draite - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DrakeRaynier - only the artist and Versperus are allowed to post
  • Drako1997 - edit are DNP
  • Drawz_Art / Drawz_artz / Drawz / drawztheartist / drawliez - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Drayko-The-Pyro / tehcutepyro
  • DreadCaptain
  • DreamTheorem / GlacierDragon
  • Dream-Cassette / Hoshime / Princess Hoshime / Smut Valerian
  • DreamerTooth - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Drlazerrage / Kahbear / Kahmari
  • Dr.Bubblebum - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • DuckDraw / PCAduck
  • dylbun / Dylan_Bun / DylanBunBun / Mannik - only the artist is allowed to post
  • d-sui / skywolfdude / spellbl4de
  • D-wop / delelelewop / doowop / doowopnsfw


  • earthsong9405 / EarthnAshes
  • easeforall
  • Ebnet - only the artist is allowed to post
  • EbonyChimera / Kayla-Na / Mel The Hybrid - MLP, Deltarune, Undertale, and Zootopia art is DNP
  • Ebonyleopard / Ebonypikachu / Shawntae Howard
  • ebonyplume / Ghostierplume
  • eccstasy
  • eddy-boy / lewdboyeddy - only artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • Edensky
  • eggsma / rotten_eggsma / rotten-eggsma
  • Egophiliac
  • Eifie
  • Eiko Tsukida
  • Einsamkeitus - only the artist is allowed to post
  • elcoffeecatto
  • electrixocket
  • ElectroPorn - only the artist is allowed to post
  • electrycpynk
  • elerq / Lurking_e
  • Elliotte-Draws / Elliotte-D - only MLP is DNP
  • elranno / Marc Knelsen
  • ElricMysteryShifter
  • eltalite / demu / rhey
  • Eltonpot / Elton Portilho
  • Elvche - only artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • Emeritus Terciel
  • emifern
  • Empa / pierogero / tanukeki / Shimmerspark / YCR
  • emptyset - only the artist is allowed to post
  • enjambre / fellstinger / hiveofenjy
  • enjoiPANDAS / KingHime / softraylo
  • Ensayne
  • eparihser - only artwork sourced from their inkbunny and itaku is allowed
  • erithacuscreations
  • Eroboros / Eroborus / erobos - anything tagged as young is DNP
  • eropastel / dfer / dfer32 / pastel
  • Esealia - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • EsotericWind / KazeXavier / K-San / K-X / RedWolfOfWind / Windy / WolfOfWind
  • EspressoSkoonk / Kehei
  • EtherealArcadia
  • Evenytron / Kierano / Pedrovin / Pstash / Vincios / Pstash5
  • evepoesy / euskuuy - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • Evianrei / Evian - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • Evil_Art_Nazi / EvilArt / Jeremy Bernal
  • eviljake2
  • evillabrat - anything not from their FA account is DNP
  • EVOV1 / EVOVI - only edits are DNP
  • exed_eyes - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ExplicitAl / XplicitAl


  • F-A
  • fakeanimalperson
  • FallenArt / ker0ker0 / merkavamerkava - edits are DNP
  • FancyFez
  • FantasticBastard / rottenscoundrel / champ / RoadkillReject / RoadkillMotel / rottenroadkill / roadkilljack
  • FarDraws / FarDrawsBad / LewdOreoCat
  • FatalFox / CobaltSnow - edits are DNP
  • Fatdingleberry
  • Fattato / Fyuvix / Tato / Thirdpotato / Yasminachan
  • Fauwcks / FauwcksPause / Jaluxi / Sugarmable / Nebularium / NebulaNursery - only the artist is allowed to post
  • FeatheredClaw
  • feathers-not-fur / shroompunk - only the artist is allowed to post
  • feelin Synful - only the artist is allowed to post
  • FeidKedr - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • Fellarts / FallenArts
  • FellFallow
  • fellstinger / enjambre / hiveofenjy
  • fennecfuchs / fenergizer / Fen. / superninfendo / auskeydraws
  • Fepon
  • FeralSoren / Pseudonymh / Owlhearted / owlkin (the one on IB, not FA)
  • Ferima
  • Ferniio
  • FervourBunny - only the artist is allowed to post
  • fetchmonkey
  • Feyaarts
  • filthy-d
  • Fin6 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Firefeathers / ALRadeck - only the artist is allowed to post
  • FirriApril / wolfirry
  • Fishbones / Fishbones / Necrophile / Mynosylexia
  • fishhound
  • fishwrappe
  • Fisk / Jay Naylor - anything not from his free galleries is DNP
  • flak wizard - edits are DNP
  • Flam
  • FlameyDragWasp
  • FlamingRose279 / FunarSepal / SolarPetal
  • floravola
  • Florida-Man / Florida Man
  • Fluffball
  • FluffyPadding
  • FluffX - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • Fluff-Kevlar - edits are DNP, except for coloring sketches; everything not from their free galleries is DNP
  • FluffyCato - only the artist and Eszet are allowed to post allowed to post
  • FluffWolfEdward / FluffyWolamute
  • FluffyTuft / TuftBox - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Fluorengi / Pieraite
  • Fnook
  • Footninja15 / Starnina15
  • ForbiddenFlora series (by purplekecleon)
  • ForbiddenVixen / Silvixen / SilvixenArt
  • forge / forgewielder / thewielder / zeforge
  • Fortuna
  • fouroclock / fouroclocksart / the ladies of 4 o'clock / aoiremart / aoirem2816 / aoimotion / rem289
  • FoxSeams
  • foxryk - extreme content like autoerotic asphyxiation, gore, physical abuse, and ferals are DNP
  • Foxxian
  • Foxxy Vixen
  • foxyfellowuk / skycladfox
  • FOX-POP - commission works are DNP, edits are DNP
  • Fragment-six / TheLynox
  • Francis_Xie / francishsie
  • Freaks
  • freckelz - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Freemau
  • frengers
  • Fricken_Stoat / holyhell111 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • fright.night / bigblueghost / noodledoodles
  • fripck / MPCX / MZXXPC
  • Frisket17
  • Frogsbreath
  • Frots / Fronnie - Twitter/Dropbox is DNP, IB & Tumblr are allowed
  • Frozenreflex - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Fruv
  • Fufik_pufik / fufik[pufik] - only the artist is allowed to post
  • fuhrawr
  • fullheroo
  • funkybun - only the artist is allowed to post
  • FurrEver / FurrEver.
  • FurryBob / BobbyArts / BobbyLontra
  • FursuitChina
  • FuryPaladin / GayClub / GayClubFA / GoreClub / GoreClubFA / GayClubComics / GCSpecies
  • FussyPaws
  • FuzzleSuits
  • fxscreamer / cashmeresky
  • Fyuvix / Fattato / Tato / Thirdpotato / Yasminachan


  • g0966
  • GalaxyOron - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • GallivantCrow / Noctem-Tenebris
  • GammelGaedda - only commissioners are allowed to post
  • Gaoru / RenaldosDen - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • GarbageBoxxxed - only artwork sourced from their Twitter is allowed
  • Gardelius
  • Garnetto / CherryBox - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • gattonero2001 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • GatomonLover / Haiiromon / MilesNukem
  • Gator3k / SwampStomper / PotatoVodka
  • gaturo / GatodelFuturo - explicit artworks are DNP
  • GayClub / GayClubFA / GoreClub / GoreClubFA / GayClubComics / FuryPaladin / GCSpecies
  • Gayluigisex
  • geletulator
  • GhostierPlume / ebonyplume
  • GiantMilkDud - only the artist is allowed to post
  • giftheck - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • GipBandit / ArvonGile - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Girl_Poss / J_RudeArt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • girokett
  • GlacierDragon / DreamTheorem / GlacierDragoon / MothMachine
  • glenohum / lacrimale - only commissioners are allowed to post
  • glenthefossa
  • Glitched Puppet / purplekecleon (ForbiddenFlora series)
  • glorpofruithag
  • goatypie
  • GOD__BEY (tagged as god_bey here due to the forbidden double underscore)
  • goetiagoat
  • GoGoAndyRobo / Rockmanzallz
  • goldelope / woetoy - only collaborations are allowed, everything else is DNP
  • gonenannurs
  • goobysart - everything explicit is DNP
  • Goopomancer
  • Grau
  • gravecore / gr4v3c0r3 - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • grayish - only the artist is allowed to post
  • GreatKingToro / ToroTheKing / Shirtbusters
  • GreyCore - only commissioners are allowed to post
  • Greykitty
  • greyskee
  • grimdank - only the artist is allowed to post
  • GrimmInHisCrib / GrimmGrey / GrimmCorneliuesGrey / grimmgreybaby
  • Grinn3r - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Griz Urso / ThePlushGriz
  • groatydeer / Kippy - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Growlbeast / Tape
  • Growlybeast
  • Grumpyvulpix - only edits are DNP
  • gummuru - everything rated explicit is DNP
  • Gunther Silves
  • gurobait / gurophilia (on IB) - only the artist is allowed to post


  • H0TAPPLECIDER - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • Hahul
  • Haiiromon / GatomonLover / MilesNukem
  • Halopromise - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • HammyToy - only the artist is allowed to post
  • HamsterGirlTheHamster / BirtinaTheCatDragon - NSFW art is DNP
  • HareWithoutAHat
  • HarmoniousRain
  • haven / Lo~Ki
  • hayleymulch
  • heartcollar
  • Heathenfang / Inkrend / Phantom.Berserker
  • Heckdemon / bewilderbeast / slimedrops
  • heddy
  • HedonisticVows
  • helical
  • hellazest
  • hellfurred / Scudwulf / RadicalHat / Wulfums - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Henzolin / Henzypoots
  • Herdarts / Monglor / Donro
  • Herisheft
  • Herr_Aardy
  • Hexuru - only the artist is allowed to post
  • hessonite
  • Hettie
  • hexeix / hexe / honkingbunny / ibuybread / tsukaui
  • hiccyart / hiccupsdoesart / hiccupsdoessmut / twistedhiccy - only the artist is allowed to post
  • hikebu / Aquahibeku - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Hiraume42
  • HiroshiSan / SaiyanGoku4
  • HiroWithArt
  • hiveofenjy / enjambre / fellstinger
  • HMDKOBA - only the artist is allowed to post
  • HolidayDipstick - edits are DNP
  • hologram
  • HomoMalk / KingOfMaggots
  • Honey Llemon
  • horrificrabbits
  • Hoshime / Princess Hoshime / Dream-Cassette / Smut Valerian
  • hosi_koro
  • humgeronimo / moosemisha / sing_geronimo - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Huwon
  • HXTAPPLECIDER - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • HyperNsfw / SuperHyperSonic2000 - only the artist is allowed to post


  • I-am-Clover - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ibuybread / hexeix / hexe / honkingbunny / tsukaui
  • iceagechippies
  • icyshibe
  • iaido / iaidonooji
  • ihoundr / Moonmilk - only commissioners are allowed to post
  • Iguky-Neky - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • iiPaw
  • iKitsunyan / iRoxykun / sinfulkitz - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Ilgrigio
  • ilovecosmo
  • imafutureguitarhero
  • inanna-nakano / nakanoart
  • Inert-Ren / Striderden
  • InfamousMustelid / mikachu_tuhonen / mikachutuhonen
  • InfiniteDelusion - personal artwork is DNP
  • infinitixen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • InkBeastArt / Sternenziege
  • Inkblooded
  • Inkrend / Phantom.Berserker / Heathenfang
  • Inkplasm / Welwraith - only submissions from their Welwraith Twitter account are allowed
  • inkpuni
  • Inkydemon - explicit artwork is DNP
  • ineeda / ineedanaccount - only the artist is allowed to post
  • inprogresspokemon
  • InsomniacOvrLrd - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Ipipo
  • Irene
  • iRootie - explicit artwork is DNP
  • Isaac Baranoff
  • isabel9819 / DragonIsabel
  • iskawhiskers / nonkerbonkers
  • IsoFrieze
  • Itoril - everything not on the Itoril-FA account is DNP
  • ivenvorry
  • Ixerin


  • Jace / Brian Harp
  • jackalteeth / spazzticglitch
  • jacob_lhh3
  • jads_l_rutan / jads
  • Jagzcat
  • Jaleo
  • Jalmu / J-a-l-m-u / Just-a-little-mixed-up - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Jaluxi / Fauwcks / FauwcksPause / Sugarmable / Nebularium / NebulaNursery - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Jameless - commissions are DNP
  • jaspernoodles27
  • jayfiregrowlithe
  • Jay Naylor / Fisk - anything not from his free galleries is DNP
  • jcosneverexisted - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • JFETspeaks
  • jefflaclede / Thunderbrother / jdlaclede / jaiyandt / cupsofjade - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Jennadelle / commissionsbyj
  • Jeremy Bernal / Evil_Art_Nazi / EvilArt
  • jesterdk
  • Jezzlen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • jimbohusky
  • jingo824 / jingo_the_dingo - explicit / NSFW artist is DNP
  • JJ_Thiccmz
  • JnMono / Jn_Mono / goated
  • Johawk
  • John Martello / omegaltd
  • Jollyjack / Phillip M Jackson - Commercial works are DNP
  • Jonas / jonasafterdark - only the artist[1] and nakedpenny are allowed to post
  • joooji - only the artist and extractions are allowed to post
  • jooshster / jooshter / remmer / salty_tart
  • JordanFrechet / littlekobschannel / albinoturtle - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Josh Gong / Duckmeat Woohoo
  • Jotun22 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • jtp-remart
  • Jugg4
  • jungabeast / junga


  • Ka / Kagerofu
  • KaeMantis / MustLoveFrogs
  • Kadath - Paid content is DNP
  • Kahmari / drlazerrage / kahbear
  • Kais_studios / kaisstudios69 / kaifurry
  • Kaitzuwu - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kaji
  • KajiVore - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kajiru - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kalvince
  • Kamicheetah / Aja Williams
  • karpet-shark
  • Kattalu / KattaluArt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Katzbalger / murcifer
  • Kayla-Na / EbonyChimera / Mel The Hybrid - MLP, Deltarune, Undertale, and Zootopia art is DNP
  • KazeXavier / K-San / K-X / EsotericWind / RedWolfOfWind / Windy / WolfOfWind
  • Kazoko / KAN0101 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • KazuK9 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • kazz a fella / kazz a trazz - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to post
  • KBH Yeen / ookamisuketoudara / reddy-akarin - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to post
  • kclt
  • Kefkafloyd
  • Kehei / EspressoSkoonk
  • keihound / ponygryphonrelations / Cassius / Starcourser
  • kelvinshadewing / Kylontario / Midi
  • ker0ker0 / FallenArt / merkavamerkava - edits are DNP
  • kelevtov. / kelevtov
  • Kidakins / Kidakinks - explicit art is DNP
  • kielseki
  • Kierano / Evenytron / Pedrovin / Pstash / Vincios / Pstash5
  • kiirei / kii
  • kii-kitsune
  • Killveous - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kim Koskamp / NeoGeen
  • KimThePancham / KimThePanda / Brie Noir - only the artist is allowed to post
  • KingEpitaph / VonEpitaph - edits and anything not from their free galleries is DNP, commissioners are allowed to post
  • KingHime / enjoiPANDAS / softraylo
  • KingOfMaggots / HomoMalk
  • Kink_Press / Solardog / S0lardog / Thunper
  • Kipcha
  • Kippy / groatydeer - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kircai
  • KittehMei / lilmynx
  • kittydogcrystal / meloucannsfw / meloucan
  • kittystarr
  • Kitwran / Carpetwurm
  • kivaaa66 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • kivalewds - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kiva~ / Sorniyamiro - anything not from their Kiva~ FA account is DNP
  • kiweevil
  • KiwiPotato
  • kKitten
  • kkrevv
  • KK-FurryWorks - commissioned artworks with original characters are DNP
  • Klaide / Clade - only the artist is allowed to post
  • KlotzZilla / bimbaloon / littlegreendorito / carnival-tricks
  • Knives4Cats / cercat - anything from cercat on FA and Saltmalkin on Twitter is DNP
  • knotty
  • knottykitten
  • kodardragon - edits are DNP
  • koili - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kolvackh - only the artist is allowed to post
  • komm64 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • konanarillah / Super-Dough-Mutt
  • koriaris
  • Korram
  • KPSketches
  • KrazyKurt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kraest / DrKraest / Lukiber / demonwerewolf110
  • KrimRath / KrimxonRath / KrimxonRage / KrimDeLaKrimxon
  • KrimsonBurns / Telafuro
  • krisCrash / tigr3ss
  • kriticalerror
  • Kubikoza
  • kugi / kuginsfw / tohiguk
  • Kululu-xiao
  • Kuningatar / Verenpunainen Kuningatar - only the artist is allowed to post
  • kurikia
  • Kurogi Fox SIV / Kurogi hbFoxSIV - only the artist is allowed to post
  • KuroiGammamon - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • Kylontario / kelvinshadewing / Midi
  • Kyoushiro


  • labbit / labbit1337 - only finished works are allowed to post
  • lacrimale / glenohum - only commissioners are allowed to post
  • ladyshinwa
  • Lady Kurai
  • LadySomnambule / MikuruLucky - only the artist is allowed to post
  • LadySophia / SophL18 / SophTimes - only commissioners or character owners are allowed to post
  • Lamm / Lammflaum / cupidize - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • La Pockis - only the artist and Light Neon[1] are allowed to post
  • Larkaftadark / carnalcove / Covepalms
  • Latex - only NSFW and fetishy artwork is DNP
  • Lawlzy
  • leatherruffian
  • LectroArt
  • leefuu
  • Lemoncore - commissions are DNP
  • lemoncremes / CrunchoBar / cruncholewd / White-Castle - only the artist is allowed to post
  • LemonKyubun - only artist and commissioners are allowed to upload
  • lemonlycan
  • Leoian
  • Leonhusky / SaltyPoundCake / Spookeedoo
  • Leonois
  • Lepronasty
  • lewdboyeddy / eddy-boy
  • lewdliege - only artwork sourced from their FA or Twitter is allowed
  • LewdOreoCat / FarDraws / FarDrawsBad
  • LewdTant - only the artist is allowed to post
  • lexathefox
  • LHacedor - fetish content (inflation, burping) is DNP
  • licentuouslamb
  • licos / licographics / wizlicos - only content from their own homepage and twitter are allowed
  • liepard / gothgator - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • LilHoneyPup
  • LilithOfGlace
  • lilithveritas
  • lilmynx / KittehMei
  • LimLam
  • Linndrim - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Lintu - all art published as Lintu is DNP
  • Littlefreckles / Novaloux
  • LittleMiu / Stretchycubs
  • LittleScoty / MewMohDuh / Scoty Doodlerz / Scoty Doodlerz / StinkyScoty
  • LivALittle - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Livesinabag - Paid content is DNP
  • Liz Art - only MLP stuff is DNP
  • Liz Day / Liz Stanford
  • LPawz / Paulo_Z - only the artist, OneFattyCatty[1] , or Meredith Gay[2] are allowed to post
  • Lobofeo - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Lobozamora / ChaComics
  • Loki the Vulpix
  • LoonyLeandra - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to post
  • LoonaQueenOfSimps / loonanudes - only the artist is allowed to post
  • looq drake / whippy / whippytail
  • LordMarukio / DigiMaru / LordMaru
  • louiefurrywolfy
  • loupgarou - anything not from their FA gallery is DNP
  • LowestPolygon
  • loveletterstoamonster / MoltenGoldArt / namiin / Viral_Divinity / viraldivinity
  • LucarioOcarina / lucario9635 / Puppercase
  • lucciola / donduruma / d0nduruma - only the artist is allowed to post
  • LulubelluleArt / / lulubellule
  • Lukiber / Kraest / DrKraest / demonwerewolf110
  • Lumaberry
  • lumekat
  • Lumi
  • Lunacatta
  • lunarbunnie / meggchan - only the artist and FangTheWeavile[1] are allowed to post
  • LunarFloral
  • Lunaselenewolfe / Lunaselene
  • luna_altername / lunapseudonym
  • luriostragedy
  • Lustbubbles
  • LustyKnightDraws - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Lustylamb - trans / intersex characters are DNP
  • Luvythicus
  • Luxuria-sins
  • lv99perv / lv1perv
  • Lycosa
  • Lynxbrush - only the artist is allowed to post
  • LyrrLunalarr


  • Mabit - unauthorized edits are DNP
  • Madakan
  • Madd-D
  • Madhattermonster / Tora-Shiromaru / yedg
  • Maim / Maimface
  • maiteik - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Makeinu
  • MakingLemonade - only the artist is allowed to post
  • MalachiMoet
  • Malerouille - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Malificus / ficus / Or-Fi-S
  • maloroid - everything not sourced from their twitter account is DNP
  • Mama-Hyena - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Mangobird - only the artist is allowed to post
  • maplecookies
  • MariLimmy
  • marrowsoup
  • Marshy_Swtr
  • MaryManifold / anima-virtuosa - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Maskuerade_S
  • masonparker - only hyper or feral art are DNP, unless posted by the character owner
  • masuku
  • Mattaku Shinzu
  • Mattartist25
  • mattsykun - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Max-Dragon
  • MaxTwenty
  • Mc_Arts
  • McDutt
  • mdwines - only the artist is allowed to post
  • mearcu
  • meggchan / lunarbunnie - only the artist and FangTheWeavile[1] are allowed to post
  • meggiebun - only the artist and Fawnpawss[1] are allowed to post
  • Meekbite / saintxd / saintdromeda
  • MehndiX
  • Meirdent
  • Mel The Hybrid / EbonyChimera / Kayla-Na - MLP, Deltarune, Undertale, and Zootopia art is DNP
  • melbaka / melyuni
  • Melo666 / Melissa Steben / Sekhmet
  • melvismd
  • Mensies
  • mentalkitty / Doxhun - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Mentalo
  • meowcephei - only the artist is allowed to post
  • mercurial64 - edits are DNP, everything not from their free galleries is DNP, commissioners and character owners are allowed to post
  • merenhor
  • merkavamerkava / ker0ker0 - edits are DNP
  • Mesoplush - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Metz
  • MewMohDuh / LittleScoty / Scoty Doodlerz / Scoty Doodlerz / StinkyScoty
  • mewyfox
  • Mickeyila
  • Midi / Kylontario / kelvinshadewing
  • mikachu_tuhonen / mikachutuhonen / InfamousMustelid
  • mikaemikae / Mikae_NSFW
  • mikakater
  • mikefur
  • MikuruLucky / LadySomnambule - only the artist is allowed to post
  • MilkyBun / ComfyTail
  • mimisrol - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Misdrexvosaurus / Connisaur
  • misshammer
  • misshiirin
  • Miss-Mittens - only the artist is allowed to post
  • misterkanzaki / misterkannzaki / aogirinaru / misuta710
  • Mithaa
  • Mithril07 / Mithril (on dA) - NSFW stuff is DNP
  • Mittsies - only the artist is allowed to post
  • MizaT11
  • Mmuted - all SFW art is DNP
  • Moblo - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Molish
  • MoltenGoldArt / loveletterstoamonster / namiin / Viral_Divinity / viraldivinity
  • Momentaii
  • Monglor / Donro / Herdarts
  • monatarou / Carm / tapioka-suiyou
  • moondevourer
  • Moonlit-Comet - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • MoonriseStudios / davidohdrums / Tofu93
  • Morbi
  • morkovjpn
  • Motsutambo
  • Mottenfest / Urban-Coyote - SWF and gore is okay, porn is DNP.
  • moxsully
  • MPCX / MZXXPC / fripck
  • Mrawl - explicit and questionable works are DNP, safe images are okay
  • mrpanghu / BearYena
  • MrWhiskerz - everything featuring cub is DNP
  • MrxPhilip / Canadian Roses
  • Mr.Shigglesworth / Mr-Shigglesworth - only the artist or commissioner is allowed to post
  • Mr.Lemur / Mr-Lemur
  • Mr Otter Breath / LegoSkellyDude
  • MsDianneAurora / SheriffPunchy - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Msrah
  • Muffinlewds - only the artist and RAYnbow9997[1] are allowed to post
  • Muramuri
  • murcifer / Katzbalger
  • Murkbone
  • MuscleBeastDerg / NidtheDragon / ragnarokdragon / monsterhogg / venomderg
  • MushyMuffin / chaziz / bluffingo
  • MustLoveFrogs / KaeMantis
  • MuteMyth
  • mxwqtkl
  • Myakoda - only the artist is allowed to post
  • MyEmetophobia / Familial / SignifiedSatyr
  • MyHeartPumpsPiss / calmnivore / _component / Saladbomb - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • Mykendyke - only the artist is allowed to post
  • MyLoveless / SatanSeth
  • Mynosylexia / Fishbones / Necrophile
  • Myuinhiding (Myu in hiding)
  • Myznyx - only the artist is allowed to post


  • naexus - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • Nakoo - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • namiin / loveletterstoamonster / MoltenGoldArt / Viral_Divinity / viraldivinity
  • Nanashi-Arts - only the artist, character owners, and commissioners and are allowed to post
  • naokiwolf - commissions are DNP, unless uploaded by the commissioner
  • naoma-hiru - explicit artwork is DNP
  • nasty-fox / StarLuxioAD
  • nasusbot
  • Nazuu-m0nster
  • Necrophile / Fishbones / Mynosylexia
  • necrosquelch
  • Nefarious_Kurana / samagthraV2
  • Nekomata_Neko
  • nemomein
  • neogeen / Kim Koskamp
  • nepetacide / sorimori - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • Nereza / Nerezaworks
  • nexii / NexiiFox
  • Nexcoyotlgt / TrentGT - only the artist[1] , Lemongrab[2] , and SkyFURash30[3] are allowed to post
  • nicesweater
  • NickShutter
  • nickswift
  • NidtheDragon / MuscleBeastDerg / ragnarokdragon
  • nighteternal2469
  • Nightweaver / Daniel Harris
  • NikiNazu / Necky
  • Nikita-the-stag
  • nikolai-the-wolfdog / CosmicK9 / ChunkleChip / CollinsCorner
  • nikoyishi - anything not on FA is DNP
  • nikunabe1989
  • Nimrais
  • NinthEclipse
  • Niss / 2gecs / 2gecsart
  • nixmis / Nix / Alishka
  • Noben
  • Noctem-Tenebris / GallivantCrow
  • nogu-art
  • Noiverus
  • nooplip
  • NorthBeastArt
  • NorthernScruff / AirGuiTaR / AirSiTaR / SgtRubbersoul
  • nostars
  • nosylvsforwork
  • Notkastar - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Notloc / NotlocComics - only the artist is allowed to post
  • nsfwolfe / VCR-Wolfe
  • NT6969 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • nudegote
  • NukeTheMongoose / Nukeleer
  • NumberXXXVI
  • nyanyakotarou
  • NYAROMA / nyanorama / catgraffiti - only the artist is allowed to post
  • nyhgault


  • oakspirit
  • October Nights / Oct_Nights
  • Octopoodle
  • odonatanymph / odonata-nymph
  • odontoceti - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ogaraorcynder
  • Oha / Ohapix / archeova / snovaoha
  • Ohmuu
  • Okamiterasu
  • Oksara - only the artist is allowed to post
  • OlexaFox / black.core - Only the artist / commissioners are allowed to post
  • ollieosa
  • Olly - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Olven
  • Omegaltd / John Martello
  • Omnoproxyl337 / Ricofoxmods
  • Omochi - only the one on Inkbunny is DNP
  • ookamithewolf1
  • Oouna - edits are DNP
  • opiodae / opiodae18 / opiophyle
  • Orbstuffed
  • OrenjiSalmonPaw / villalobossand1 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • orf - only the artist is allowed to post
  • orgkmgrd / zotnamotgrim / anonymouse / awfuldrawing
  • Orgunis
  • Oriole
  • ORIONFELL - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Or-Fi-S / Malificus / ficus
  • ottiro / OttiroArt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • otto0ttsy / ott_tart - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Ourflatcoat - Only the artist / commissioners are allowed to post
  • outsidewolves / redacteur
  • OwlBlack
  • OZE / OZE-jp / Z.O.E / ZOE - Twitter uploads are DNP
  • Ozzybae


  • paddercat / ThePonyPlaypen / dirtypaddercat
  • Paliken / Ryoku - Only the artist is allowed to post their comics
  • pandasayori
  • pannekoeke - only the artist is allowed to post
  • pansear lady / Pansear_Doodles - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • Pantheggon
  • PantheraDraws / sxfpantera
  • PantyRanger / PantyGremlin - anything not from their PantyRanger galleries is DNP
  • Paolo
  • papilrux
  • paradoxing - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to upload
  • pastel / dfer / dfer32 / eropastel
  • PastelArcadiaAD
  • PastellPrinz / Soka (on FA)
  • Paulo_Z
  • pawlytigris017 / pawlytigris
  • PawpadComrade - only the artist is allowed to post
  • PCAduck / DuckDraw
  • pckle - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Pedrovin / Pstash / Evenytron / Kierano / Vincios / Pstash5
  • Pehkeshi / peshky - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Pendeura - only the artist is allowed to post
  • peony
  • Pero3 / Chayason8
  • petit-bambi / spicy_eggy / yummyeggy
  • peyo
  • Phantom.Berserker / Inkrend / Heathenfang
  • Pherion - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Phi / ChromaFlare
  • Phlareox - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to upload
  • phoenixazrael
  • Phosaggro - only the artist, commissioners, and collaborators (in art packs and collabs) are allowed to post
  • phox_(artist)
  • Pico
  • Pieraite / Fluorengi
  • pierogero / Empa / Shimmerspark / tanukeki / YCR
  • PigPuke / coillte
  • pikajota - non-official edits are DNP
  • pinkboyjay / Zorua
  • pinkkatfox
  • Pinuh
  • Pirun
  • Pitkin
  • piumartiglio
  • pixcello - only the artist is allowed to post
  • pkuai - only the artist is allowed to post
  • PlaydohComa
  • PluralRural
  • P N G / P_N_G / underscorePNG - only the artist is allowed to post
  • PocketPaws - anything tag locked as young is DNP
  • pointedfox
  • polywomple
  • Pomander
  • ponygryphonrelations / Keihound / Cassius / Starcourser
  • PonyPoniPony / chutzpaah
  • Poonani
  • PopHopper
  • Poppin / Splatterpop - anything featuring genital mutilation, genital torture, or eunuchs -depicted, in text, or implied- is DNP
  • popsmasterson - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to upload
  • PotatoVodka / Swampstomper / gator3k
  • pettypalps
  • preschoolkaiju
  • pricklypudding / pinklilim
  • Princess Rei - only the artist is allowed to post
  • prototypeBASILISK / TheSandQrator / AntiPion
  • Proximiter
  • Pseudonymh / FeralSoren / owlkin / Owlhearted
  • Pstash5 / Pstash / Evenytron / Kierano / Pedrovin / Vincios
  • psy101 - edits are DNP
  • PsychoNinetales
  • PsychoVixen
  • Puccaruu - everything except commissions is DNP
  • Puddingpaw - edits are DNP
  • Pudge_Ruffian - edits are DNP
  • Pulp / deelendi - anything not SFW is DNP
  • Pulsar
  • Punkypanda - only the artist and SmuglytheRat[1] are allowed to post
  • Puppercase / LucarioOcarina / lucario9635
  • puppyemonade - anything from before 11th February 2023 is DNP
  • PuppyrooArt / Tonio
  • Puptaire - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • purplekecleon / Glitched Puppet (ForbiddenFlora series)
  • PxlFur - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Pyriax / Pyriax_art - only the artist is allowed to post
  • p0ssmn / sylphite / kaijuthighs


  • Qualzar - collaborations are allowed, everything else is DNP
  • Questly
  • Quetzalcoatl
  • Quin-nsfw - Edits are DNP


  • RaaazzleDazzle
  • RabbatFan / Ryan_Rabbat
  • RabbitBatThing
  • RachelTheFictionkin - only the artist is allowed to post
  • RadianceMutt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • raevee
  • ragnarokdragon / MuscleBeastDerg / NidtheDragon
  • Racktor / Rackiera
  • Raijikaru / Raijikaruart
  • rainbowpillars - only the artist is allowed to post
  • rainiing / rainiing_art / rainymutt
  • RaithVaneal - only the artist is allowed to post
  • raitime
  • rakket
  • ranard_lightningfall
  • Randy_Entinger - anything signed as Randy Entinger is DNP
  • Rapps
  • Rashkah
  • Ratbloke
  • Ratte - All pornographic material is DNP
  • Rawbelr / Rawbel - only the artist is allowed to post
  • RaysOfSunshine
  • RazBuckner / Razferret / RaaazzleDazzle / chetchaka - only the artist is allowed to post
  • RDroid - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ReallyHighRiolu
  • red-dog / red_dog / Tamen / woofmonster
  • redacteur / outsidewolves
  • Redadillio
  • reddacted / acted-red
  • RedWolfOfWind / EsotericWind / KazeXavier / K-San / K-X / Windy / WolfOfWind
  • ReggaeCyp / SerenaCypB
  • reimentyuru / simazimosan
  • reindeerbites - only the artist is allowed to upload
  • ReinDone
  • reiishn
  • Reizakirga
  • reizu47 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Rem / squeakyrem
  • rem289 / aoiremart / aoirem2816 / aoimotion / fouroclock / fouroclocksart / the ladies of 4 o'clock
  • remanedur - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Remmer / jooshster / jooshter / salty_tart
  • Renkindle
  • renthedragon - anything not from FA is DNP
  • Reptilecynrik / Reichel (signatures may include Roman numerals)
  • rexisminimalis / BelayaLapa
  • rhos
  • ribboncable - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ribboners / ytsimusak
  • Ribbonfemale
  • RichardScarryFan / ScarryFan777
  • Ricofoxmods / omnoproxyl337
  • rikkitz
  • Rikutida
  • rionmaro
  • Rishi-Chan
  • Rivibivi / Rivibaes / Bivirivi - only the artist is allowed to post
  • RML
  • RoaringLycanArt / RoaringLycan
  • Rockfall / xxgato - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Rodicle
  • rottenscoundrel / FantasticBastard / champ / RoadkillReject / RoadkillMotel / rottenroadkill / roadkilljack
  • rohly
  • Romzy / Zody
  • Ronoae / captaincassidy
  • roserivy / r0serivy
  • rottingichor - everything NSFW is DNP, unless posted by the artist[1]
  • Roum
  • RoyalzBed / Wandour / Dokara
  • Royz / Latex / ZyorArt - only NSFW and fetishy artwork is DNP
  • Rrhexis / Soulofadog / Dogsoul
  • rubisdrake
  • rubyrebirth
  • Runaris - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Ruugiaruu / Deruuyo - everything featuring cub is DNP
  • Ruvark - edits are DNP
  • Ryan_Rabbat / RabbatFan
  • rydgedshep - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Ryoku / Paliken - Only the artist is allowed to post their comics


  • Saca44 / Sashakity
  • SadBitch - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • sadcat16hrz - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • Saebira - only the artist and commissioner's are allowed to post
  • SaerixDurr / Saerix / SaerixDeer / Salvatus / NickyMage - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • SafariMom / SafariMomArts - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • SageJWood
  • saintxd / saintdromeda / meekbite
  • saint lum - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • SaiyanGoku4 / HiroshiSan
  • Saladbomb / calmnivore / _component / MyHeartPumpsPiss - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • SaltyPoundCake / Spookeedoo / Leonhusky
  • salty_tart / jooshster / jooshter / remmer
  • samagthraV2 / Nefarious_Kurana
  • Samkin
  • Sammy_Stowes / sammystowes
  • sammythetanuki
  • Sanae
  • sandybuny / shinybuny / squeakybuny
  • Sanji / bazaarbobby
  • Santanni
  • SAPhe
  • sapphiesweet
  • Sarvak
  • sashabelle - only this alias is DNP
  • SatanSeth / myloveless
  • sattytsukumo / sattiaris - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Saucy
  • Saurian
  • Saurit
  • SavourySausages - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to post
  • ScallywagBooty - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Scappo - material that isn't from his free sites [weasyl, FA, FN, dA, tumblr, etc] is DNP
  • Scoty Doodlerz / LittleScoty / MewMohDuh / Scoty Doodlerz / StinkyScoty
  • ShortConcepts
  • scalesforlife
  • ScalyWanderer - only the artist or collaborators are allowed to post
  • Schl4fmuetze / Schl4fy
  • Sciggles
  • Scpkid
  • Sefeiren - commercial works are DNP
  • Sekhmet / Melo666 / Melissa Steben
  • SeliDevilfeather - only the artist is allowed to post
  • selirum
  • sentharn - only the artist and commissioner's are allowed to post
  • Seph Ebonblade
  • sephygoth / shocktress
  • SerenaCypB / ReggaeCyp
  • Sesameseedbun
  • sexbad
  • SexyGoatGod / CaptainFetus / Little-Checker / gluttonace
  • SgtRubbersoul / NorthernScruff / AirGuiTaR / AirSiTaR
  • shadnaotomi / Mewichie / MewichieB / DespairBagel
  • shadowfirdark
  • ShadowSani
  • ShadowTheLastAlpha / BananaShagnus
  • Shadowzer / Zerwolf
  • shaggingdg / sideshag
  • shapesplitting / counterserum
  • Sharue
  • shawoo - only the artist, goodusername[1] , and Certified GSD[2] are allowed to post
  • Sheepdust
  • SheriffPunchy / MsDianneAurora - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Sheiks / SheiksDWeirdo / DatSexyLemur / DSLkinkyfantasies
  • Sherilane
  • sheyesh
  • Shido-Tara - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Shimisen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Shinxiolu
  • Shirsha - only the artist and Kali woof[1] are allowed to post
  • Shirtbusters / ToroTheKing / GreatKingToro
  • Shiru Fox / Sh1ru - only the artist is allowed to post
  • shocktress / sephygoth
  • shredded-wheat - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Schrodinger The Wolf
  • shroompunk / feathers-not-fur - only the artist is allowed to post
  • shupamikey / Shupa-Mikey
  • ShuryaSHISH
  • shysketch
  • Sidian
  • SignifiedSatyr / MyEmetophobia / Familial
  • silitha
  • silverbobcat
  • Silvixen / SilvixenArt / ForbiddenVixen
  • sincerity_gender
  • SinfulGoatz
  • Singafurian - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Singlerider4
  • sinistervibe / Coalpaw
  • sinnerscasino
  • Sinibunn / sinibun_95 - anything featuring animal genitalia is DNP
  • Siplick / SiplickIshida
  • SirBlythe
  • sirmonsterfucko / Boo-Rad13y
  • sissyskunk
  • Sixthleafclover /The-SixthLeafClover / SixLeafClover
  • skandiniwi - only artwork sourced from their Twitter is allowed
  • Skatoulaki
  • skittleytwix / sktwx / sktwxAD - only the artist is allowed to upload
  • Skooma Whore / AlphaEX200 - only the artist is allowed to upload
  • Skoon - only the artist is allowed to post
  • skullwomb / signal / nilsig
  • skycladfox / foxyfellowuk
  • SkyDiggityDive
  • skywolfdude / spellbl4de / d-sui
  • slash0x
  • SLATES1N - only the artist and commissioner's are allowed to post
  • sleepylopunny
  • Sleepweed / SirToasterButt - only the artist and commissioner's are allowed to post
  • slimedrops / bewilderbeast / Heckdemon
  • SlobStash
  • Slyvern / vappytail / vappylewd
  • smolrainbowgoat
  • Smommo / momma / MuttGirl
  • smoothsharb
  • Smut Valerian / Dream-Cassette / Hoshime / Princess Hoshime
  • Smuttysquid
  • snakekin / sodo_AD
  • snakeside - only the artist is allowed to post
  • SnaxAttacks / AfterSnax
  • SnowSeer - only the artist is allowed to post
  • snuddi
  • snuddy / Snudd2 / Snudd - only the artist is allowed to post
  • SoakedBikini / boypanties
  • sodasquids / corvidcactus
  • sodongs
  • softraylo / enjoiPANDAS / KingHime
  • SOJITZL / anthrus1127
  • Soka (on FA) / PastellPrinz
  • Sokalo
  • Solardog / S0lardog / Kink_Press / Thunper
  • solidpoint
  • SonicDash
  • sonokido / sonokidont - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • SootyLion
  • sorimori / nepetacide - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • Soulofadog / Dogsoul / Rrhexis
  • Soulsplosion / Soulsplosionsketches / Soulsplosionarpg
  • SoundwavePie
  • Sourisdedog / Icecreampupper / CorruptedTVDogi
  • Soyuz
  • spacemaverick - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Spacepoptart
  • spaceysoda
  • spazzticglitch / jackalteeth
  • Spice5400 / SpiceLeaf / Spicy_Snorblet
  • spicy_eggy / petit-bambi / yummyeggy
  • Spino / SpinoOne
  • Spintrick / TransDonaldDuck
  • Spiritto / Anima-Dos
  • Splatterpop / Poppin - anything featuring genital mutilation, genital torture, or eunuchs -depicted, in text, or implied- is DNP
  • spookytrap / xx_g.u.n_xx
  • spoonfulofsuga / sp00nfulofcum
  • spottedsqueak
  • SpringleDongle
  • Sprinkle-butt
  • sqrlyjack / rabbotred / rabbotnasty
  • squeakcore / slipperysqueaks
  • squeakyrem / Rem
  • Squeedgemonster
  • StarLuxioAD / nasty-fox
  • Starnina15 / Footninja15
  • StationArrow
  • Steak In The Daylight
  • stellarfalcon
  • Sternenziege / InkBeastArt
  • Steve Gallacci / sagallacci
  • StopMe / St0pMe
  • Stretchycubs / LittleMiu
  • Striderden / Inert-Ren
  • Strider Orion / strider-orion
  • Strype
  • sub-rosa
  • SugarlessPaints / Darkhazard - only the artist[1] , commissioners, and Lemongrab[2] are allowed to post
  • SugarMarble / Fauwcks / FauwcksPause / Jaluxi / Nebularium / NebulaNursery - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Sugarpoultry
  • Suirano - edits are DNP
  • Sumat / Sumatsuki
  • sunflowerbun
  • superbeanbat64 / beanbat
  • SuperHyperSonic2000 / HyperNsfw - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Superratbike64
  • SuperTrashParty / hooo_boy - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • svarz / svarzye - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • Swampstomper / gator3k / PotatoVodka
  • Sweat_(artist)
  • sweetishcyborg / VerdantPhysician - only uploads from their FA/Twitter account "VerdantPhysician" are allowed, commissioners are allowed to upload their own commissions, ShitpostingStag is allowed to upload
  • SweetPinkPetals
  • SugarSweetDoodles / SweetSugarDoodles - only the artist is allowed to post
  • swaetshirt / swaetshrit / sweatshirt_(artist)
  • Swizzlestix
  • sy~ / sy- / sy / xainy


  • Tacoyaki
  • Taesolieroy / TaesoSpiritDragon / Callairah / Azaeil
  • taidekettu - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • tailgrip - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • TakaraChan / DreadlockdHyena
  • Takk / TakOttah / ToastedBiscuits
  • Tato / Fattato / Fyuvix / Thirdpotato / Yasminachan
  • Tailsrulz - only the artist is allowed to post
  • TalentlessHack - only the artist and LilyaNida[1] are allowed to post
  • TalviTwister - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tamen / red-dog / red_dog / woofmonster
  • Tangerine (the artist, not the fruit) - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tanidareal / Tani da Real - explicit artwork is DNP, safe/questionable is ok
  • tankakuka / kukatanka / somebigchichis
  • Tanookicatoon - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • tansydrawsnsfw
  • Tanyafoxy
  • tanukeki / Empa / pierogero / Shimmerspark / YCR
  • Tape / Growlbeast
  • tapioka-suiyou / Carm / monatarou
  • Tarot (on Inkbunny)
  • Tasaeyeang / Tasae
  • tatemil
  • Tatious
  • taurikadark / Taurika Dark / Taurika - only the artist is allowed to post
  • TayFerret
  • Tealie / WiltedStray
  • Tears of Soy
  • Teekay / tktktk / creams
  • teckworks - edits are DNP
  • Tegu / Tegucreative
  • tehcutepyro / Drayko-The-Pyro
  • Tehweenus
  • tejedora713joker / joker713 / tejedora713 / tejedora7 / tejedora
  • Teke
  • TeleLewdz / LegitLewdTelly - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tempobun - anything from their Twitter[1] is DNP, anything cub / young is DNP
  • Temporarye - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • TentativelyToon / TentTerr
  • teranen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Teremun / teremunart - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • terian
  • TeriyakiNSFW / Teriyaki Chicken
  • tetrapoda
  • tf4me
  • TGT1512 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Thaily
  • ThatBlackCopFromDawnOfTheDead - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ThatVonDude / Vonfartissimo / VonBlargh
  • The cherret awaits
  • theheartlands - only the artist is allowed to post
  • TheHenWithATie - edits are DNP
  • TheKitty
  • TheKoboldKing - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • TheLabTwins
  • Thelightsmen - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • TheLynox / Fragment-Six
  • TheMadCatter / Andrew W. Dickman / awdplace / awd / AWDtwit
  • ThePlushGriz / Griz Urso
  • ThePonyPlaypen / paddercat / dirtypaddercat
  • TheOutcaste17 / caste
  • TheRamJing
  • TheRetroArtist / citrusdicks
  • TheSandQrator / prototypeBASILISK / AntiPion
  • TheSpiderBunny
  • The-SixthLeafClover / SixthLeafClover
  • thewielder / forge / forgewielder / zeforge
  • Thickglacier
  • Thirdpotato / Fattato / Fyuvix / Tato / Yasminachan
  • Thornwolf / Doppelgaenger / dopplegangsta <- Note spelling, very close to non DNP artist
  • throudwire / dotddn / dopeduane
  • Thunderbrother / cupsofjade / jefflaclede / jdlaclede / jaiyandt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Thunper / Kink_Press / Solardog / S0lardog
  • Thymilph
  • TideKeeper / TideKeeperZC
  • timelessERROR / timeless_ERROR / Artfromerror
  • Tinintri
  • TitusW - anything not rated safe is DNP
  • Tofu93 / davidohdrums / MoonriseStudios
  • Tohupo - All explicit artwork is DNP
  • Tojo The Thief - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tojyo / Aku Tojyo / tojyo1942
  • tomash_segers / Fcomega121
  • TomColetti / Tom Coletti
  • Tom Fischbach - all unofficial edits are DNP
  • toonyrobot
  • Tora-Shiromaru / Madhattermonster / yedg
  • ToroTheKing / Shirtbusters / GreatKingToro
  • tpirman1982 / David Frangioso
  • Tremaine / Tremaine_H_Fox / ArrJaySketch
  • Tren / MariusTheGold
  • Trex_B6 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tricksta - edits are DNP
  • TropLilly / LilyLilly
  • Trunchbull
  • Truro / Tsareia
  • Tsareia / Truro
  • tsukaui / hexeix / hexe / honkingbunny / ibuybread
  • Tsukikibaokami / TsukiAltGallery / Tsuki__AltGallery
  • Tsunkat - Only the artists[1] [2] are allowed to post
  • TuftBox / FluffyTuft - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Turboranger / TRanger - only the artist is allowed to post
  • TurnipBerry
  • TwistedTemptation
  • Two Roars / del.kon / DelKon / 1Delkon / Del-Kon - anything not from their free galleries is DNP
  • TykePupArts / Omorashi
  • Tyramish / TyrranaxH / Tyrranax Hawk / DerFuhrer / Rahton
  • Tyromearts - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload


  • UncensoredHugs
  • UncleSam1776
  • UnicornSpirit
  • Uniquesoul1600 - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to post
  • Unpeeledwasp
  • Urban-Coyote / Mottenfest - SWF and gore is okay, porn is DNP.
  • Ursine-Major-Ike / JakkinDragonBoy
  • Uzai


  • Vahldem_Sol
  • Vaktus - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Valleygirl / Crimes
  • van_weasel / dobescrusher
  • Vanzard / viciov - only the artist is allowed to post paysite content
  • vappypaws / nsfwvappy
  • vappytail / vappylewd / Slyvern
  • varuiven / varuIven (<- that's an i, not an L anywhere)
  • VCR-Wolfe / nsfwolfe
  • Velvet Charm - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Venerit
  • venomstench
  • VerdantPhysician / sweetishcyborg - only uploads from their FA/Twitter account "VerdantPhysician" are allowed, commissioners are allowed to upload their own commissions, ShitpostingStag is allowed to upload
  • Verenpunainen Kuningatar / Kuningatar - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Vilani - everything not on her FA is DNP
  • Vilegrim
  • vilipede - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • villalobossand1 / OrenjiSalmonPaw - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Vincios / Evenytron / Kierano / Pedrovin / Pstash / Pstash5
  • ViolentAnxiety
  • viomarks
  • Viral_Divinity / viraldivinity / MoltenGoldArt / namiin / loveletterstoamonster
  • VixenDra / Draffectionates
  • VkSuika / SuikaVk - only the artist is allowed to post
  • VLKosarek - only the artist is allowed to post
  • volfislav - only the artist is allowed to post
  • volvokun
  • VonEpitaph / KingEpitaph - edits and anything not from their free galleries is DNP, commissioners are allowed to post
  • Vonfartissimo / VonBlargh / ThatVonDude
  • Vulpes Helios - only the artist is allowed to post
  • vuurren / vurren / vurrart
  • vykos / aggro_badger / aggrobadger


  • wastedandblue
  • WastedPaw - only the artist is allowed to post
  • watermelon - All Inkbunny scraps are DNP, but everything on their Twitter is allowed to be posted (unless it is also in their Inkbunny scraps)
  • Waynekan - anything with guro / gore is DNP
  • Wen
  • WereWhusky / halogamer01 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • werewolfcowboy / desertmotels
  • werewuffstuffer / Pranicsbird
  • WhimsicalSquirrel - only the artist is allowed to post
  • whippy / whippytail / looq drake
  • Whisperfoot - Only the artist and Lemongrab are allowed to post
  • WhisperingForNothing - only the artist is allowed to post
  • whispering-tiger / cocaine-leopard - only the artist is allowed to post
  • withelias
  • whisperer
  • WhiteFennec-13 - gore / guro is allowed
  • whitemantis
  • White-Castle / CrunchoBar / cruncholewd / lemoncremes - only the artist is allowed to post
  • WhiteV - only the artist is allowed to post
  • WicketRIN
  • wildlion
  • Wildwulf / Dangerdoberman
  • Windy / WolfOfWind / EsotericWind / KazeXavier / K-San / K-X / RedWolfOfWind
  • Wings-and-strings / wings and strings
  • WispyParadox
  • WizardlyWalrusKing - only the artist is allowed to post
  • wizlicos / licos / licographics - only content from their own homepage and twitter are allowed
  • wolfbane154 / ToxicMiasma - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • wolfirry / FirriApril
  • Wolfool / darkfool.
  • wolftacos -edits are DNP
  • WonderWaffle93 / wonder-waffle / wonder-waffle93
  • WorldOfFizz / trbb
  • WoodpeckerToons
  • woofmonster / red_dog / red-dog / tamen
  • woofstep
  • Woolier
  • w00my / justacreachr / gremlin_png / ghostontheweb / poodlepoofs / gremlinpng / m0n0chr0matic
  • Wyntersun / Yaita - Pay content is DNP
  • Wyrwulf - only content from their FA and Twitter are allowed


  • xainy / sy~ / sy- / sy
  • XanKragoc - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • xanthewolf / Xanthe - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Xepheriah
  • xepher777
  • Xeshaire
  • Xienoan
  • Ximorexx / Xim0rexx
  • Xiraco
  • xNiroX - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner(s) are allowed to post
  • Xoel - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • XoPachi - Explicit artwork is DNP
  • xouual
  • xxBREWBEASTxx / Starzaiic
  • xxgato / Rockfall - only the artist is allowed to post
  • xx_g.u.n_xx / spookytrap


  • YabbaAfterDark - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Yaita / Wyntersun - Pay content is DNP
  • YakuKitsu / Yakushishi - edits are DNP
  • Yamamoto
  • yedg / Tora-Shiromaru / Madhattermonster
  • yeenmusk - no third-party edits
  • Yasminachan / Fattato / Fyuvix / Tato / Thirdpotato
  • yi_feng
  • yimamiantang
  • yiyani
  • Yorutime
  • YourDigimonGirl - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Yoshitura / floofitura
  • yui-hii
  • Yumei / MasterX94 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • yummyeggy / petit-bambi / spicy_eggy
  • yuudai - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Yuurikin / BLK.ONI
  • ytsimusak / ribboners


  • Zaaruchan / ZaaruNSFW - Only art from the Zaaruchan[1] and ZaaruNSFW[2] accounts is allowed
  • Zackary911 - edits are DNP
  • zandybutt / zandolaf
  • Zazush-una - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Zeachy / Dragollo / Wireframedragon
  • Zeara
  • zeforge / forge / forgewielder / thewielder
  • zeiroslion
  • zenniefox / yametezennie / limpfurry
  • Zenrii - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Zeplich
  • zerrazoid / bagu - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • Zerwolf / Shadowzer
  • ZestyLemonss
  • Zody / Romzy
  • Z.O.E / ZOE / OZE / OZE-jp - Twitter uploads are DNP
  • Zoey03 - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • Zooptoon
  • zotnamotgrim / anonymouse / awfuldrawing / orgkmgrd
  • Zoyler - only the artist is allowed to post
  • zp92 - edits are DNP
  • Zyegnar
  • ZyorArt / Latex / Royz - only NSFW and fetishy artwork is DNP
  • Zypter

Conditional Do Not PostLink :

  • 0eff0rt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • 1oi - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • 2001maxx - only the artist is allowed to post
  • 2dReddersART / 2dRedders - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • 69beas - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • ABananaMan - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • acedetrap - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • Acidic - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • adevio / adevio403 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Ahnik / AhnikSaur - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Alcor90 / AlcorArt - only the artist[1] and Lemongrab[2] are allowed to post
  • aleak / aleak_r - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Alec8ter / S8 - only art with S8 as signature is allowed
  • alekksandar - Everything but safe artwork is DNP
  • alkyuz - only the artist is allowed to post
  • allbadbadgers - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ALRadeck / Firefeathers - only the artist is allowed to post
  • amadeen / amadeenart - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Amara Lemur - only the artist and commissioner is allowed to post
  • amawdz / amasoxd / notamaso - only the artist and commissioner is allowed to post
  • Amyth - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Anarietta - only the artist is allowed to post
  • angellsview3 - edits are DNP
  • anima-virtuosa / MaryManifold - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Anixis - only personal artwork is DNP
  • Anti-Cupid - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Anojaa - only the artist or commissioner is allowed to post
  • aoino_broome - PWYW comics are DNP, however the cover page is allowed to be posted
  • Apocheck13 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Armomen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Asbel Lhant - only the artist is allowed to post
  • asuka kurehito - only the artist is allowed to post
  • atsuii - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Aquahibeku / hikebu - only the artist is allowed to post
  • AquariusFox - only the artist, commissioner's, and k12emerald[1] are allowed to post
  • Avalony - only the artist is allowed to post
  • arwenscoots - explicit feral works are DNP
  • backlash91 - non-official edits are DNP
  • Bad-Collie - explicit artwork is DNP
  • bagu / zerrazoid - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • Bakvissie - only the artist is allowed to post
  • BassyBefuddle / BassyIB - only artwork sourced from FA, itaku, SoFurry, Twitter, weasyl, and bluesky is allowed
  • BeezlebumAwoken - only the artist is allowed to post
  • BenjiBat - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Besonik - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Bikomation - only content from their FA, Twitter and Reddit are allowed
  • bitelickart - only the artist is allowed to post
  • BkMaT55 / BkMaT - only the artist, character owners, and commissioners and are allowed to post
  • BlackMageMathos - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Blackrabbit-13 - gore / guro is DNP
  • Blickfen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • blitzdrachin - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Blondevelvet - fetishy stuff is DNP
  • Bloodhawk - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Blown-Ego - only the commissioner and artist are allowed to post
  • booponies - only the artist is allowed to post
  • bootyfeather - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Brie Noir / KimThePancham / KimThePanda - only the artist is allowed to post
  • BubbleBaph - only the artist is allowed to post
  • BunnieLovesYou - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Bunnybits - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Burgerkiss - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Burneraccount9382 / Catkid0228 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • calmnivore / _component / MyHeartPumpsPiss / Saladbomb - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • CanadianKitten - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • Canphem - only the artist is allowed to post
  • carrudra - only the artist is allowed to post
  • CatCock - only artworks from that alias are DNP
  • CatCouch - only the artist, BSting[1] , and Sparky66 [2] are allowed to post
  • Catniplewds - only the artist and collaborators are allowed to post
  • cawkbox - only the artist is allowed to post
  • cercat / Knives4Cats - anything from cercat on FA and Saltmalkin on Twitter is DNP
  • cewljoke - only the artist is allowed to post
  • CharmerPie - only the artist is allowed to post
  • CherryBox / Garnetto - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • chocodiley / dogburger - only commissioners are allowed to post
  • ChokoDonkey - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Clade / Klaide - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Cloudpie - only the artist is allowed to post
  • CobaltSnow / FatalFox - edits are DNP
  • Cocaine / NSFW_Cocaine - only the artist[1] is allowed to post
  • cocaine-leopard / whispering-tiger - only the artist is allowed to post
  • cocicka - only the artist and furlough _games[1] is allowed to post
  • CoffeeCo - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Coille - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • conformitywhore / Hartley.Harms - only the artist is allowed to post
  • coo_aak - only the artist is allowed to post
  • CooperDooper - anything not SFW is DNP
  • Coral_Luna / Fizzicist - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • Cracky - Bestiality and cub content is DNP
  • cracky45 / crackynsfw - only the artist is allowed to post
  • crazyassbeethoven - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • Crittermatic / Animatic - only the artist is allowed to post
  • CrunchoBar / cruncholewd / lemoncremes / White-Castle - only the artist is allowed to post
  • crybleat - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Cyrogenic - only the artist is allowed to post
  • CubbleChubb / ThatChubb / Cubble Chub - only the artist is allowed to post
  • cupsofjade / jefflaclede / Thunderbrother / jdlaclede / jaiyandt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • cushylutra - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Cyaeon - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DACAD - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DaSharky3D / DahSharky / DahSharky3D - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DanteYang / dante_yun - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Danza - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Darkeshi - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Dashboom - only the artist is allowed to post
  • dativyrose - only the artist[1] and BobbertJones[2] are allowed to post
  • DaveLievski - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ddunS - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DeadingDog - only the artist is allowed to post
  • deepfriedlemons / Deep_FriedLime - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • Deersun - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DeltaSomnium - only the artist, commissioners, character owners, and collaborators are allowed to post
  • del.kon / Two Roars / DelKon / 1Delkon / Del-Kon - anything not from their free galleries is DNP
  • Demura / DemuraArt / Demurra / Demurrra - only the artist and collaborators are allowed to post
  • DerpyRider - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Deruuyo / Ruugiaruu - everything featuring cub is DNP
  • devildjmachine - only the artist or commissioner is allowed to post
  • dexxa - everything NSFW is DNP
  • DiffusedLizard - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DigitalDomain123 - edits are DNP
  • DigitalLis - only the artist is allowed to post
  • dio_fish / dio_fishy - only the artist is allowed to post
  • dischimera / disneyishchimera - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Donovallo - only the artist is allowed to post
  • dottii / Dottko - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Doxhun / mentalkitty - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Draco - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Draco Fenris - only the artist or commissioner is allowed to post
  • Dradmon / Dradgien - anything not from their FA galleries is DNP
  • draite - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DrakeRaynier - only the artist and Versperus are allowed to post
  • Drako1997 - edit are DNP
  • Drawz_Art / Drawz_artz / Drawz / drawztheartist / drawliez - only the artist is allowed to post
  • DreamerTooth - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Dr.Bubblebum - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • dylbun / Dylan_Bun / DylanBunBun / Mannik - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Ebnet - only the artist is allowed to post
  • EbonyChimera / Kayla-Na / Mel The Hybrid - MLP, Deltarune, Undertale, and Zootopia art is DNP
  • eddy-boy / lewdboyeddy - only artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • Einsamkeitus - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ElectroPorn - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Elliotte-Draws / Elliotte-D - only MLP is DNP
  • Elvche - only artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • emptyset - only the artist is allowed to post
  • eparihser - only artwork sourced from their inkbunny and itaku is allowed
  • Eroboros / Eroborus / erobos - anything tagged as young is DNP
  • Esealia - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • Evianrei / Evian - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • evepoesy / euskuuy - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • evillabrat - anything not from their FA account is DNP
  • EVOV1 / EVOVI - only edits are DNP
  • exed_eyes - only the artist is allowed to post
  • FallenArt / ker0ker0 / merkavamerkava - edits are DNP
  • Fauwcks / FauwcksPause / Jaluxi / Sugarmable / Nebularium / NebulaNursery - only the artist is allowed to post
  • feathers-not-fur / shroompunk - only the artist is allowed to post
  • feelin Synful - only the artist is allowed to post
  • FeidKedr - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • FervourBunny - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Fin6 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • FluffX - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • Fluff-Kevlar - edits are DNP, except for coloring sketches; everything not from their free galleries is DNP
  • FluffyCato - only the artist and Eszet are allowed to post allowed to post
  • foxryk - extreme content like autoerotic asphyxiation, gore, physical abuse, and ferals are DNP
  • FOX-POP - commission works are DNP, edits are DNP
  • freckelz - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Fricken_Stoat / holyhell111 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Frots / Fronnie - Twitter/Dropbox is DNP, IB & Tumblr are allowed
  • Frozenreflex - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Fufik_pufik / fufik[pufik] - only the artist is allowed to post
  • funkybun - only the artist is allowed to post
  • GalaxyOron - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • GammelGaedda - only commissioners are allowed to post
  • Gaoru / RenaldosDen - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • GarbageBoxxxed - only artwork sourced from their Twitter is allowed
  • gattonero2001 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • gaturo / GatodelFuturo - explicit artworks are DNP
  • GiantMilkDud - only the artist is allowed to post
  • giftheck - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • GipBandit / ArvonGile - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Girl_Poss / J_RudeArt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • goldelope / woetoy - only collaborations are allowed, everything else is DNP
  • goobysart - everything explicit is DNP
  • gravecore / gr4v3c0r3 - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • grayish - only the artist is allowed to post
  • GreyCore - only commissioners are allowed to post
  • grimdank - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Grinn3r - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Grumpyvulpix - only edits are DNP
  • gummuru - everything rated explicit is DNP
  • gurobait / gurophilia (on IB) - only the artist is allowed to post
  • H0TAPPLECIDER - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • Halopromise - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • HammyToy - only the artist is allowed to post
  • HamsterGirlTheHamster / BirtinaTheCatDragon - NSFW art is DNP
  • hellfurred / Scudwulf / RadicalHat / Wulfums - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Hexuru - only the artist is allowed to post
  • hiccyart / hiccupsdoesart / hiccupsdoessmut / twistedhiccy - only the artist is allowed to post
  • HMDKOBA - only the artist is allowed to post
  • HolidayDipstick - edits are DNP
  • humgeronimo / moosemisha / sing_geronimo - only the artist is allowed to post
  • HXTAPPLECIDER - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • I-am-Clover - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Iguky-Neky - only the artist and commissioner are allowed to post
  • ihoundr / Moonmilk - only commissioner are allowed to post
  • iKitsunyan / iRoxykun / sinfulkitz - only the artist is allowed to post
  • InfiniteDelusion - personal artwork is DNP
  • infinitixen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Inkplasm / Welwraith - only submissions from their Welwraith Twitter account are allowed
  • Inkydemon - explicit artwork is DNP
  • ineeda / ineedanaccount - only the artist is allowed to post
  • InsomniacOvrLrd - only the artist is allowed to post
  • iRootie - explicit artwork is DNP
  • Itoril - everything not on the Itoril-FA account is DNP
  • Jameless - commissions are DNP
  • Jalmu / J-a-l-m-u / Just-a-little-mixed-up - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Jay Naylor / Fisk - anything not from his free galleries is DNP
  • jcosneverexisted - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • Jezzlen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • jingo824 / jingo_the_dingo - explicit / NSFW artist is DNP
  • Jollyjack / Phillip M Jackson - Commercial works are DNP
  • Jonas / jonasafterdark - only the artist[1] and nakedpenny are allowed to post
  • joooji - only the artist and extractions are allowed to post
  • JordanFrechet / littlekobschannel / albinoturtle - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Jotun22 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kadath - Paid content is DNP
  • Kaitzuwu - only the artist is allowed to post
  • KajiVore - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kajiru - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kattalu / KattaluArt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kazoko / KAN0101 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • KazuK9 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • kazz a fella / kazz a trazz - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to post
  • KBH Yeen / ookamisuketoudara / reddy-akarin - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to post
  • Kidakins / Kidakinks - explicit art is DNP
  • Killveous - only the artist is allowed to post
  • KingEpitaph / VonEpitaph - edits and anything not from their free galleries is DNP, commissioners are allowed to post
  • Kippy / groatydeer - only the artist is allowed to post
  • kivaaa66 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • kivalewds - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kiva~ / Sorniyamiro - anything not from their Kiva~ FA account is DNP
  • KK-FurryWorks - commissioned artworks with original characters are DNP
  • kodardragon - edits are DNP
  • koili - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kolvackh - only the artist is allowed to post
  • komm64 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • KrazyKurt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Kurogi Fox SIV / Kurogi hbFoxSIV - only the artist is allowed to post
  • KuroiGammamon - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • labbit / labbit1337 - only finished works are allowed to post
  • lacrimale / glenohum - only commissioners are allowed to post
  • LadySomnambule / MikuruLucky - only the artist is allowed to post
  • LadySophia / SophL18 / SophTimes - only commissioners or character owners are allowed to post
  • Lamm / Lammflaum / cupidize - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • La Pockis - only the artist and Light Neon[1] are allowed to post
  • Latex / Royz / ZyorArt - only NSFW and fetishy artwork is DNP
  • Lemoncore - commissions are DNP
  • LemonKyubun - only artist and commissioners are allowed to upload
  • lewdliege - only artwork sourced from their FA or Twitter is allowed
  • LewdTant - only the artist is allowed to post
  • LHacedor - fetish content (inflation, burping) is DNP
  • liepard / gothgator - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to post
  • Linndrim - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Lintu - all art published as Lintu is DNP
  • LivALittle - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Livesinabag - Paid content is DNP
  • Liz Art - only MLP stuff is DNP
  • Lobofeo - only the artist is allowed to post
  • LoonyLeandra - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to post
  • LoonaQueenOfSimps / loonanudes - only the artist is allowed to post
  • loupgarou - anything not from their FA gallery is DNP
  • LPawz / Paulo_Z - only the artist, OneFattyCatty[1] , or Meredith Gay[2] are allowed to post
  • lunarbunnie / meggchan - only the artist and FangTheWeavile[1] are allowed to post
  • lucciola / donduruma / d0nduruma - only the artist is allowed to post
  • LustyKnightDraws - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Lustylamb - trans / intersex characters are DNP
  • Lynxbrush - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Mabit - unauthorized edits are DNP
  • maiteik - only the artist is allowed to post
  • MakingLemonade - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Malerouille - only the artist is allowed to post
  • maloroid - everything not sourced from their twitter account is DNP
  • Mama-Hyena - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Mangobird - only the artist is allowed to post
  • masonparker - only hyper or feral art are DNP, unless posted by the character owner
  • mattsykun - only the artist is allowed to post
  • mdwines - only the artist is allowed to post
  • meggiebun - only the artist and Fawnpawss[1] are allowed to post
  • meowcephei - only the artist is allowed to post
  • mercurial64 - edits are DNP, everything not from their free galleries is DNP
  • Mesoplush - only the artist is allowed to post
  • mimisrol - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Miss-Mittens - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Mithril07 / Mithril (on dA) - NSFW stuff is DNP
  • Mittsies - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Mmuted - all SFW art is DNP
  • Moblo - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Moonlit-Comet - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • Mottenfest / Urban-Coyote - SWF and gore is okay, porn is DNP.
  • Mrawl - explicit and questionable works are DNP, safe images are okay
  • MrWhiskerz - everything featuring cub is DNP
  • Mr.Shigglesworth / Mr-Shigglesworth - only the artist or commissioner is allowed to post
  • MsDianneAurora / SheriffPunchy - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Muffinlewdss - only the artist and RAYnbow9997[1] are allowed to post
  • Mykendyke - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Myznyx - only the artist is allowed to post
  • naexus - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • Nakoo - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • Nanashi-Arts - only the artist, character owners, and commissioners and are allowed to post
  • naokiwolf - commissions are DNP, unless uploaded by the commissioner
  • naoma-hiru - explicit artwork is DNP
  • Nexcoyotlgt / TrentGT - only the artist[1] , Lemongrab[2] , and SkyFURash30[3] are allowed to post
  • nikoyishi - anything not on FA is DNP
  • Notkastar - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Notloc / NotlocComics - only the artist is allowed to post
  • NT6969 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • NYAROMA / nyanorama / catgraffiti - only the artist is allowed to post
  • odontoceti - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Oksara - only the artist is allowed to post
  • OlexaFox / black.core - Only the artist / commissioners are allowed to post
  • Olly - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Oouna - edits are DNP
  • OrenjiSalmonPaw / villalobossand1 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • orf - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ORIONFELL - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ottiro / OttiroArt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • otto0ttsy / ott_tart - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Ourflatcoat - Only the artist / commissioners are allowed to post
  • OZE / Z.O.E / ZOE / OZE-jp - Twitter uploads are DNP
  • Paliken / Ryoku - Only the artist is allowed to post their comics
  • pannekoeke - only the artist is allowed to post
  • pansear lady / Pansear_Doodles - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • PantyRanger / PantyGremlin - anything not from their PantyRanger galleries is DNP
  • paradoxing - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to upload
  • PawpadComrade - only the artist is allowed to post
  • pckle - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Pehkeshi / peshky - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Pendeura - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Pherion - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Phlareox - only the artist and commissioners are allowed to upload
  • Phosaggro - only the artist, commissioners, and collaborators (in art packs and collabs) are allowed to post
  • pikajota - non-official edits are DNP
  • pixcello - only the artist is allowed to post
  • pkuai - only the artist is allowed to post
  • P N G / P_N_G / underscorePNG - only the artist is allowed to post
  • PocketPaws - anything tag locked as young is DNP
  • Poppin / Splatterpop - anything featuring genital mutilation, genital torture, or eunuchs -depicted, in text, or implied- is DNP
  • popsmasterson - only artist and commissioners are allowed to upload
  • Princess Rei - only the artist is allowed to post
  • psy101 - edits are DNP
  • Puccaruu - everything except commissions is DNP
  • Pulp / deelendi - anything not SFW is DNP
  • Puddingpaw - edits are DNP
  • Pudge_Ruffian - edits are DNP
  • Punkypanda - only the artist and SmuglytheRat[1] are allowed to post
  • puppyemonade - anything from before 11th February 2023 is DNP
  • Puptaire - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • PxlFur - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Pyriax / Pyriax_art - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Qualzar - collaborations are allowed, everything else is DNP
  • Quin-nsfw - Edits are DNP
  • RachelTheFictionkin - only the artist is allowed to post
  • RadianceMutt - only the artist is allowed to post
  • rainbowpillars - only the artist is allowed to post
  • RaithVaneal - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Randy_Entinger - anything signed as Randy Entinger is DNP
  • Ratte - All pornographic material is DNP
  • Rawbelr / Rawbel - only the artist is allowed to post
  • RazBuckner / Razferret / RaaazzleDazzle / chetchaka - only the artist is allowed to post
  • RDroid - only the artist is allowed to post
  • reindeerbites - only the artist is allowed to upload
  • reizu47 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • remanedur - only the artist is allowed to post
  • renthedragon - anything not from FA is DNP
  • ribboncable - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Rivibivi / Rivibaes / Bivirivi - only the artist is allowed to post
  • rottingichor - everything NSFW is DNP, unless posted by the artist[1]
  • Runaris - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Ruvark - edits are DNP
  • rydgedshep - only the artist is allowed to post
  • SadBitch - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • sadcat16hrz - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner are allowed to post
  • Saebira - only the artist and commissioner's are allowed to post
  • SaerixDurr / Saerix / SaerixDeer / Salvatus / NickyMage - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • SafariMom / SafariMomArts - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • saint lum - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • sattytsukumo / sattiaris - only the artist is allowed to post
  • SavourySausages - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to post
  • ScallywagBooty - only the artist is allowed to post
  • ScalyWanderer - only the artist or collaborators are allowed to post
  • Scappo - material that isn't from his free sites [weasyl, FA, FN, dA, tumblr, etc] is DNP
  • Sefeiren - commercial works are DNP
  • SeliDevilfeather - only the artist is allowed to post
  • sentharn - only the artist and commissioner's are allowed to post
  • shawoo - only the artist, goodusername[1] , and Certified GSD[2] are allowed to post
  • Sherilane - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Shido-Tara - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Shimisen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Shirsha - only the artist and Kali woof[1] are allowed to post
  • Shiru Fox / Sh1ru - only the artist is allowed to post
  • shredded-wheat - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Singafurian - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Sinibunn / sinibun_95 - anything featuring animal genitalia is DNP
  • skandiniwi - only artwork sourced from their Twitter is allowed
  • skittleytwix / sktwx / sktwxAD - only the artist is allowed to upload
  • Skooma Whore / AlphaEX200 - only the artist is allowed to upload
  • Skoon - only the artist is allowed to post
  • SLATES1N - only the artist and commissioner's are allowed to post
  • Sleepweed / SirToasterButt - only the artist and commissioner's are allowed to post
  • snakeside - only the artist is allowed to post
  • SnowSeer - only the artist is allowed to post
  • snuddy / Snudd2 / Snudd - only the artist is allowed to post
  • sonokido / sonokidont - all explicit artwork is DNP
  • sorimori / nepetacide - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • spacemaverick - only the artist is allowed to post
  • SugarlessPaints / Darkhazard - only the artist[1] , commissioners, and Lemongrab[2] are allowed to post
  • Suirano - edits are DNP
  • SuperHyperSonic2000 / HyperNsfw - only the artist is allowed to post
  • SuperTrashParty / hooo_boy - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • svarz / svarzye - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • SugarSweetDoodles / SweetSugarDoodles - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tangerine (the artist, not the fruit) - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • taidekettu - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • tailgrip - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tailsrulz - only the artist is allowed to post
  • TalentlessHack - only the artist and LilyaNida[1] are allowed to post
  • TalviTwister - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tanidareal / Tani da Real - explicit artwork is DNP, safe/questionable is ok
  • Tanookicatoon - Only the artist is allowed to post
  • taurikadark / Taurika Dark / Taurika - only the artist is allowed to post
  • teckworks - edits are DNP
  • TeleLewdz / LegitLewdTelly - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tempobun - anything from their Twitter[1] is DNP, anything cub / young is DNP
  • Temporarye - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • teranen - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Teremun / teremunart - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • ThatBlackCopFromDawnOfTheDead - only the artist is allowed to post
  • theheartlands - only the artist is allowed to post
  • TheHenWithATie - edits are DNP
  • TheKoboldKing - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • Thelightsmen - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • TGT1512 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • TitusW - anything not rated safe is DNP
  • Tohupo - All explicit artwork is DNP
  • Tojo The Thief - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tom Fischbach - all unofficial edits are DNP
  • Turboranger / TRanger - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Trex_B6 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tricksta - edits are DNP
  • Tsunkat - Only the artist's[1] [1] are allowed to post
  • TuftBox / FluffyTuft - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Tyromearts - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • Uniquesoul1600 - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to post
  • Vaktus - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Vanzard / viciov - only the artist is allowed to post paysite content
  • Velvet Charm - only the artist is allowed to post
  • VerdantPhysician / sweetishcyborg - only uploads from their FA/Twitter account "VerdantPhysician" are allowed, commissioners are allowed to upload their own commissions, ShitpostingStag is allowed to upload
  • Verenpunainen Kuningatar / Kuningatar - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Vilani - everything not on her FA is DNP
  • vilipede - only the artist or commissioners are allowed to upload
  • VLKosarek - only the artist is allowed to post
  • VkSuika / SuikaVk - only the artist is allowed to post
  • volfislav - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Vulpes Helios - only the artist is allowed to post
  • WastedPaw - only the artist is allowed to post
  • watermelon - All Inkbunny scraps are DNP, but everything on their Twitter is allowed to be posted (unless it is also in their Inkbunny scraps)
  • Waynekan - anything with guro / gore is DNP
  • WereWhusky / halogamer01 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • WhimsicalSquirrel - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Whisperfoot - Only the artist and Lemongrab are allowed to post
  • WhisperingForNothing - only the artist is allowed to post
  • WhiteFennec-13 - gore / guro is allowed
  • WhiteV - only the artist is allowed to post
  • WizardlyWalrusKing - only the artist is allowed to post
  • wizlicos / licos / licographics - only content from their own homepage and twitter are allowed
  • wolfbane154 / ToxicMiasma - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • wolftacos - edits are DNP
  • Wyntersun / Yaita - Pay content is DNP
  • Wyrwulf - only content from their FA and Twitter are allowed
  • XanKragoc - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • xanthewolf / Xanthe - only the artist is allowed to post
  • xNiroX - only the artist, commissioner, or character owner(s) are allowed to post
  • Xoel - only the artist or commissioner are allowed to post
  • XoPachi - Explicit artwork is DNP
  • xxgato / Rockfall - only the artist is allowed to post
  • YabbaAfterDark - only the artist is allowed to post
  • YakuKitsu / Yakushishi - edits are DNP
  • yeenmusk - no third-party edits
  • YourDigimonGirl - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Yumei / MasterX94 - only the artist is allowed to post
  • yuudai - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Zaaruchan / ZaaruNSFW - Only art from the Zaaruchan[1] and ZaaruNSFW[2] accounts is allowed
  • Zackary911 - edits are DNP
  • Zazush-una - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Zenrii - only the artist is allowed to post
  • Zoey03 - only commissioners or the artist are allowed to upload
  • Zoyler - only the artist is allowed to post
  • zp92 - edits are DNP

Posting anything on the Avoid Posting list (DNP List, Do-Not-Post List) may lead to the removal of the post, as well as disciplinary action to your account, like negative records, temporary suspension, or even the permanent ban of your account.

3. Special Permissions

If for some reason you have been given permission to upload something that is DNP, please include proof in the image description otherwise it will be treated as DNP content and taken down. This may include the rights being transferred, the artist giving you the right to upload or other rare circumstances.

4. Getting added to the DNP List

If you are an artist or publisher and wish to be added to our DNP-List then please either file a takedown request and state that you'd like to be added to the DNP as well, or write a short note to one of our accounts on other furry pages, listed below.
We do not give DNP status to anybody except artists or publishers.

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The following tags implicate this tag: opiodae, bluhcat, adaptagx, booghetti, zypter, karpet-shark, slyvern, explicital, starnina15, zestylemonss, meirdent, isaac_baranoff, fuhrawr, spottedsqueak, viomarks, babymee, aimee-lesley-sim, xepher777, momentaii, bappledilk, octopoodle, byrth, royalzbed, jeremy_bernal, sexyfur, tailheat, frogsbreath, kaemantis, kriscrash, paolo, rikutida, shadowsani, sharue, tamen, thaily, thornwolf, tinintri, unicornspirit, xiraco, softpaw, theramjing, olven, sugarpoultry, sonicdash, melo666, kefkafloyd, doubleclawed, ebonyplume, squeakcore, dipper, doffa, egophiliac, nightweaver, liz_day, kylontario, zerwolf, redadillio, reptilecynrik, fluffball, kipcha, kululu-xiao, lunacatta, nazuu-m0nster, msrah_(artist), angel27, spookeedoo, kiirei, kii-kitsune, sidian, zody, nekomata_neko, tatious, luvythicus, jaleo, ixerin, jennadelle, ferniio, baka_sukonku, max-dragon, squeedgemonster, gardelius, sixthleafclover, aku_tojyo, uzai, tktktk, tomcoletti, lumaberry, sheepdust, atlasfield, sciggles, ammako, fallenarts, wings-and-strings, fortuna, mattaku_shinzu, pinklilim, thekitty, greykitty, omnoproxyl337, madhattermonster, kahmari, timelesserror, sweatshirt_(artist), tanyafoxy, leefuu, reizakirga, cheezyweapon, hahul, leatherruffian, cigarscigarettes, ka, edensky, sephygoth, sweetpinkpetals, myuinhiding, spacepoptart, silitha, strider-orion, xainy, jooshster, sammy_stowes, okamiterasu, inert-ren, foxxian, buizilla, ladyshinwa, lilhoneypup, mikachu_tuhonen, weebpossum, deltasomnium, xienoan, woofstep, misshiirin, teriyaki_chicken, pitkin, mr.lemur, unpeeledwasp, bicdente, cbh, strype, ebonyleopard, eltonpot, paddercat, poonani, dogsoul, rottenscoundrel, bazaarbobby, ensayne, jayfiregrowlithe, ollieosa, solidpoint, harewithoutahat, purplekecleon, rabbit_valley, ookamithewolf1, kamicheetah, themadcatter, omegaltd, neogeen, rubyrebirth, thymilph, keihound, van_weasel, torotheking, vixendra, leoian, ilgrigio, mewyfox, aquatheohiokitty, noben, sesameseedbun, roum, ohmuu, jagzcat, yasminachan, mattartist25, erithacuscreations, silverbobcat, audiovideomeow, kraest, aniutqa, inanna-nakano, agalamt, donro, helical, peony, darkrokkuman_(artist), zeara, littlemiu, fishbones_(artist), dogseesghosts, sanae, akuva, roserivy, mickeyila, cobalta, violentanxiety, tsareia, lunaselenewolfe, venerit, kyoushiro, nimrais_(artist), kaji_(artist), jace_(artist), anhes, airguitar, sprinkle-butt, curtsibling, misshammer, ranard_lightningfall, fishhound, metz, heartcollar, floravola, gonenannurs, littlefreckles, shinxiolu, morbi, swampstomper, pirun, spazzticglitch, kkrevv, taesolieroy, battle_franky, samagthrav2, disparitybit, herisheft, alefwdog, inkblooded, oriole_(artist), eviljake2, yamamoto, hoshime, forge_(artist), beanbat, singlerider4, camcartoonfanatic, nikita-the-stag, twistedtemptation, santanni, bigbrownorc, maxtwenty, rapps, the_cherret_awaits, kurikia, yuurikin, kittehmei, sokalo, hessonite, citrusdicks, murcifer, preschoolkaiju, mearcu, sexbad, aduleon, grau_(artist), myloveless, frisket17, lilithofglace, bbmbbf, palcomix, spino, soakedbikini, puppercase, aurelleaheverfree, maplecookies, yoshitura, krimrath, ryan_rabbat, marilimmy, polywomple, datsexylemur, whitemantis, racktor, inprogresspokemon, dangerdoberman, melvismd, deishido, shysketch, c4camel, ribboners, raevee, moxsully, nikinazu, omochi_(inkbunny), tetrapoda, cchipppo, moltengoldart, derfuhrer, muramuri, merenhor, accell, prototypebasilisk, seph_ebonblade, yimamiantang, mikaemikae, pastellprinz, acidneko, hirowithart, coillte, ratbloke, trunchbull, sodasquids, tonio_(artist), lawlzy, mensies, tankakuka, loki_the_vulpix, bunchantress, kuroigammamon, enjambre, buttonback, moondevourer, the_lynox, thelabtwins, smommo, kalvince, nereza, bluetigress, greyskee, soundwavepie, eifie, or-fi-s, blackbearcj, valleygirl_(artist), soyuz, bluehunter, ben_hickling, butter_bat, nickswift, brokenlynx21, oakspirit, chucktheskunk_(artist), sissyskunk_(artist), 7mii, afterdarkie, nemomein, azorart, discoverychannel, herr_aardy, da-fuze, mentalo, snuddi, featheredclaw, oha, kingofmaggots, sumat, piumartiglio, irene_(artist), hologram_(artist), steve_gallacci, vcr-wolfe, redwolfofwind, zenniefox, rohly, connisaur, doncoon_(artist), diablo_en_musica_92, xepheriah, doopcity, abobarseem, ipipo, lulubelluleart, korram, thunper, lexathefox, phi, gatomonlover, lumi_(artist), dragoneer, crowchild, dragonvortex, carm, xx_g.u.n_xx, zotnamotgrim, harmoniousrain, limlam, fullheroo, tacoyaki, smolrainbowgoat, koriaris, bweezy, louiefurrywolfy, saiyangoku4, cbee, alfierubuncle, iceagechippies, coreytwc_(artist), growlybeast, pulsar, jimbohusky, redacteur, spiritto, vilegrim, cynderplayer, reggaecyp, licentuouslamb, nyhgault, apes, aw0, marrowsoup, kehei, rhos, ogaraorcynder, lilithveritas, mikefur, furrever, nighteternal2469, ivenvorry, necrosquelch, knottykitten, counterserum, grimmgrey, anon232, tehcutepyro, xouual, emeritus_terciel, enjoipandas, crazedg, g0966, cieldoberman, samkin, rem289, sinistervibe, vuurren, sammythetanuki, boo-rad13y, ozzybae, tsukaui, caste_(artist), brilyeon, swizzlestix, saucy, ragnarokdragon, tofu93, tidekeeper, bootleggreely, petit-bambi, caindra, gallivant_crow, snaxattacks, kriticalerror, d-wop, slash0x, raysofsunshine, shadnaotomi, sexygoatgod, nudegote, kpsketches, mikakater, diokhan, empa, henzolin, klotzzilla, dourdoofus, gogoandyrobo, wonderwaffle93, dogsdontwipe, nasusbot, 413k_zzzz, pomander, wolfcha, mehndix, duckdraw, dreadcaptain, chubbuppy, sqrlyjack, haven_(artist), ahdadah, w00my, shortconcepts, rubisdrake, slimedrops, wolfirry, morkovjpn, sagejwood, psychovixen, renkindle, schl4fmuetze, volvokun, iipaw, tape_(artist), kugi, lunarfloral, masuku, bluecat_friend, nicesweater, phoenixazrael, jungabeast, silvixen, bc92, numberxxxvi, pandasayori, nooplip, fatdingleberry_(artist), azumadai124, draekos, jacob_lhh3, chutzpaah, hettie, quetzalcoatl_(artist), icyshibe, proximiter, reddacted, nexii, terian, slobstash, heddy, nostars, lady_kurai, jesterdk, nogu-art, animal_shapes, fishwrappe, kelevtov., thatvondude, geletulator, leonois, bunsawce, asmartist, mithaa, saintxd, sandybuny, reiishn, alirrasarts, rem, nickshutter, spice5400, candychameleon, fraichetaso, adalee, elricmysteryshifter, freaks, sashabelle, raitime, zandybutt, glenthefossa, apis_(artist), comfytail, tealie, corgicam, pophopper, papilrux, orbstuffed, aggrobadger, kkitten, tomash_segers, leoian_(artist), amarl_krieger, jtp-remart, hedonisticvows, phox_(artist), canadian_roses, heathenfang, fetchmonkey, kielseki, johawk, lycosa, glorpofruithag, nasty-fox, crez, skycladfox, flam, toastedbiscuits, sunflowerbun, coyoteofthesands, anthrus1127, craziestrobo, electrycpynk, mxwqtkl, dfer32, dilarus, diero, gunther_silves, tentativelytoon, kittydogcrystal, steak_in_the_daylight, done0008, rainiing, luriostragedy, eccstasy, skullwomb, pinuh, tarot_(artist), eiko_tsukida, imafutureguitarhero, goopomancer, pinkkatfox, questly, mr_otter_breath, madakan, xeshaire, woodpeckertoons, ablimpfox, kclt, fuzzlesuits, doubledeal_(artist), brismy, akiiokai, sodongs, razferret, flameydragwasp, raaazzledazzle, chetchaka, mcdutt, filthy-d, rakket, anomalae, beaglebabe1, zooptoon, freemau, pieraite, kiweevil, mc_arts, saphe, hayleymulch, sub-rosa, smoothsharb, sodo_ad, rml, sootylion, akytti, binxxy_(artist), odonata-nymph, goetiagoat, yi_feng, scpkid, fancyfez, transdonaldduck, kircai, murkbone, kiwipotato, shuryashish, maxisb8, ragonox, luxuria-sins, inkbeastart, pero3, emifern, nikunabe1989, tsukikibaokami, huwon, scalesforlife, bundog, disappointedf0x, pointedfox, yui-hii, zyegnar, nyanyakotarou, psychoninetales, vahldem_sol, darkfool., angeltf, francis_xie, jads_l_rutan, ruzeb, turnipberry, sincerity_gender, cattinypaws, bobdude0, david_frangioso, spaceysoda, bigblueghost, bittenbats, nukeleer, vappypaws, rikkitz, frengers, aogirinaru, tears_of_soy, knotty, tasaeyeang, desertmotels, stellarfalcon, lv99perv, birdrabbit, consciousafterdark, rexisminimalis, rashkah, maim, lepronasty, griz_urso, soulsplosion, springledongle, stationarrow, fnook_(artist), amethystbeetle, sarvak, dracoarcadia, pastelarcadiaad, raijikaruart, etherealarcadia, sirblythe_(artist), wispyparadox, pico_(artist), inkpuni, fennecfuchs, unclesam1776, st0pme, sheyesh, molish, yiyani, saca44, werewuffstuffer, iaido, appleseid, lustbubbles, ceramic_(artist), selirum, scoty_doodlerz, cowbun, dragons-and-drawings, thespiderbunny, jfetspeaks, gayclub, makeinu, goatypie, alishka, evenytron, furrybob, depthsofthedrex, fepon, motsutambo, anomyna, peyo, tegucreative, sinnerscasino, josh_gong, marshy_swtr, malachimoet, sinfulgoatz, horrificrabbits, varuiven, biffbish, skydiggitydive, ilovecosmo, takarachan, uncensoredhugs, ursine-major-ike, browneyedsaiyangirl, pseudonymh, kitwran, lewdoreocat, shupamikey, amiraallis, teke, shadowthelastalpha, sapphiesweet, barachaser, bluthederg, callmems, pantheradraws, troplilly, xxbrewbeastxx, anomalain, iskawhiskers, arrjaysketch, defiant_drills, foxxy_vixen, melbaka, reallyhighriolu, fxscreamer, lemonlycan, doublepopsicle, elranno, nosylvsforwork, lowestpolygon, isabel9819, carnalcove, caninesinzone, woolier, sweat_(artist), kais_studios, zeplich, toonyrobot, rodicle, feyaarts, mrpanghu, trashgaylie, smuttysquid, electrixocket, centuriguil, tf4me, venomstench, isofrieze, p0ssmn, cytoholix, hellazest, northbeastart, andrew.thy.accursed, tejedora713joker, delinquentfreak, hiraume42, saurian_(artist), tykepuparts, wicketrin, sourisdedog, kubikoza, siplick, zeiroslion, worldoffizz, cyberwuff, superratbike64, pettypalps, digitalpopsicle, myemetophobia, gayluigisex, collinscorner, anthonynothere, captaincassidy, hexamanta, october_nights, leprosick, playdohcoma, honey_llemon, jugg4, asinusadlyram, mutemyth, niss, f-a, aeodoodles, ximorexx, shadowfirdark, god_bey, owlblack, camooh, butt_on_fire_(artist), dreamtheorem, rionmaro, foxseams, fruv, skatoulaki, thickglacier, ribbonfemale, flamingrose279, krimsonburns, pinkboyjay, auriclepus, lumekat, pantheggon, washbearzz, reindone, bullshitporn, noiverus, mushymuffin, bakertoons, madd-d, fakeanimalperson, blinxcat, whisperer, mizat11, jj_thiccmz, glacierdragoon, florida_man, eggsma, yorutime, tehweenus, jnmono, ferima, roaringlycan, kittystarr, luna_altername, cryptidgrizzly, pluralrural, lectroart, bayboyzone, wastedandblue, elcoffeecatto, rabbitbatthing, easeforall, cherrypillowz, tatemil, rishicoyote, binky_(artist), shaggingdg, schrodinger_the_wolf, girokett, maskuerade_s, fussypaws, coffaebeans, spoonfulofsuga, nintheclipse, wen, eltalite, fellfallow, lyrrlunalarr, lordmarukio, reimentyuru, orgunis, elerq, fluffwolfedward, whippytail, fluffypadding, thermohellfire, tansydrawsnsfw, richardscarryfan, jaspernoodles27, hosi_koro, zeachy, withelias (learn more).

Posts (view all)

absurd_res anthro avoid_posting black_nose bodily_fluids buckteeth clothing clover_(plant) clover_leaf confusion cum cum_on_feet cum_on_penis dialogue duo feet first_person_view foot_fetish foot_focus foot_play footjob four_leaf_clover fur genital_fluids genitals grey_body grey_fur heart_symbol hi_res human human_pov jaythefox333 kruggsbunny_(character) lagomorph leaf leporid male male/male male_pov mammal penis pink_clothing plant rabbit sex sitting slightly_chubby slightly_chubby_male sweat sweatdrop teeth
2024 amarayas anal anal_penetration anthro athletic avoid_posting balls big_dom_small_sub body_hair bovid caprine collar cougar dominant duo erection felid feline genitals goat hair happy_trail hi_res holding_leg holding_thigh horn male male/male mammal mikaemikae monochrome muscular muscular_male pecs penetration penile penile_penetration penis penis_in_ass piledriver_position predator/prey raitlin rock scar sex sheep short_hair short_tail size_difference smile spread_legs spreading sunder_(voidphoenix) tail upside_down voidphoenix
alamo alcohol ally_tinhorn americana anthro avoid_posting baseball_cap basset_hound bbqnboots40 beer_mug belt_buckle beverage blue_bottomwear blue_clothing blue_jeans blue_pants bottomwear bovid bovine brown_hair buckle cactus canid canine canis cattle chaps clothing cowboy_hat denim denim_bottomwear denim_clothing domestic_dog english_text female female/female group hair hat headgear headwear hi_res hunting_dog jeans male male/male mammal pants plant red_lighting scent_hound smug solo_focus talking_to_viewer texas texas_flag text trio united_states_of_america warm_colors whiskey_bottle
2024 alien animal_genitalia anthro avoid_posting bad_end ball_bulge balls belly belly_hair belt big_balls big_butt big_penis big_tail black_body black_fur blush bodily_fluids bodily_noises body_hair body_in_urethra boots bottomwear breasts bulge butt chest_fur chest_hair chest_tuft churn claws cloak clothed clothing clothing_pull cock_vore demon discarded_clothing dreameater_(stargazernue) duo ear_piercing ear_ring erection fangs felid feline female fighting_pose floppy_ears footwear fur gaping gaping_urethra genital_fluids genital_slit genitals glans grey_body grin hand_imprint hat headgear headwear hi_res huge_penis imprint lips magic magic_user male male/female mammal manly moobs musclegut muscular muscular_anthro muscular_male navel nipple_piercing nipples nude nue_stargazer partially_clothed pattern_clothing penile penis piercing pink_clothing pink_underwear pose precum pubes pupils purple_clothing retracted_balls ring_piercing robe scarf sequence shaking signature smile spread_legs spreading staff stripes sweat sweatdrop taihab tail teeth teeth_showing text thick_penis thong thong_pull thong_straps tight_bottomwear tight_clothing torn_clothing tuft underwear underwear_pull undressing urethra urethral_bulge vore white_body wide_hips witch_hat