Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: cooking_with_furs -> gore

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag implication #64111 cooking_with_furs -> gore has been rejected.

Reason: Well, in general to 'cooking with furs', 'cooking with scalies', 'cooking with humanoids', etc., since there's impalement, roasting, or boiling the insides of a creature, implied or otherwise, and because "just because you don't see what is happening inside doesn't mean that gore isn't happening", like how in post #1008168 you don't see any blood or guts but the implied gore is there and someone even explains down there why it is gore.

Disregard, didn't understand how "implied" works.

EDIT: The tag implication cooking_with_furs -> gore (forum #409900) has been rejected by @TsukiyomaruZero.

Updated by auto moderator

Oh, so there are exceptions... But given how often it does involve gore, shouldn't it tag it as 'gore' til the tag is manually removed from the submission?

tsukiyomaruzero said:
Oh, so there are exceptions... But given how often it does involve gore, shouldn't it tag it as 'gore' til the tag is manually removed from the submission?

Implications mean you cannot remove the tag if the antecedent tag is still there

The only place on e6 where a tag is automatically added and can be removed when it isn't applicable is animated, which would not apply to slideshow

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