Topic: Tag alias: tasque_(cryptiacurves) -> tasque_manager_(cryptiacurves)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions



It should just be aliased to the character instead. We shouldn't be tagging individual models of a character as their own character, which just creates confusion and tag bloat. Tagging the modeler themself (along with the normal character tag) would be sufficient to find a particular modeler's model of a character.

watsit said:
It should just be aliased to the character instead.

Why not alias to the model’s creator instead? I feel like people might not know they can tag a model’s creator as artist on a post, especially if the render or animation was done by someone else than the modeler.



dimoretpinel said:
Why not alias to the model’s creator instead? I feel like people might not know they can tag a model’s creator as artist on a post, especially if the render or animation was done by someone else than the modeler.

The tag starts with the character name, so aliasing it to the character helps autocomplete to more likely to suggest the intended character when typing the character name in. Particularly for more prominent modelers with less prominent characters, it wouldn't be good to have autocomplete suggest an unrelated modeler above the character being typed in. I also think it's better to ensure the character is properly tagged, in the case of someone just tagging the model without the normal character tag.

Seems there's still debate on what exactly to do with model tags, see topic #43654 and topic #45003 which means for now they probably won't be touched until we come to a decision. I'm in favor of keeping them, personally.

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