Topic: Tag implication: nardoragon -> furred_dragon

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag seems more "name of a furred dragon 3D model, named after the modeler" than "name of a species"…

According to this FAQ linked on the gumroad page the creator describes them as "fluffy dragons" so this seems appropriate, but are there any nardoragons that aren't fluffy?

Dutch angel dragons aren't implicated to anything and they're also described as "fluffy dragons" so maybe this tag should just stay its own thing, or implicate to just dragon

dimoretpinel said:
The tag seems more "name of a furred dragon 3D model, named after the modeler" than "name of a species"…

Seems like slightly more than that to me, I definitely have seen people making OCs based on it, that's how most made-up species get started.

I think this kinda falls into the discussion about wether we should tag the 3D modeler or not

dimoretpinel said:
I think this kinda falls into the discussion about wether we should tag the 3D modeler or not

They're definitely related, although there is some 2D art of these "species" too



pankino2002 said:
Reason: These are just otters. Really, that's all they are

Should be an alias instead of an implication, then.

dimoretpinel said:
Is there a way to find all of these vrchat model "species"?

Doing some clicking through various posts tagged nardoragon

Granted, not all of these are simple "generic model of a species", some of them are... hybrids, I guess? Or based on other species. Dunno if they break the rule about hybrids or if they're distinct enough to be their own species.


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