The tag alias #71622 ballerina_shoes -> pointe_shoes is pending approval.
Reason: Same thing. ballet_shoes and several other variations have already been aliased.
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag alias #71622 ballerina_shoes -> pointe_shoes is pending approval.
Reason: Same thing. ballet_shoes and several other variations have already been aliased.
I think they should be put in ballet_shoes instead. Pointe_shoes are a specific type- not all ballet shoes are pointe. Also ballet_flats, which are aliased to pointe_shoes are absolutely not pointe shoes at all, or even dance shoes. They're thin casual shoes with a similar shape to ballet shoes, but thicker soles appropriate for walking around outdoors.
pointe_shoes looks like a misspelling of pointed_shoes or pointy_shoes, which aren't ballerina_shoes.