Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

44caliberloveletter said:
Unfortunately Canada, Europe, and really just the West in general are all not faring much better on that front. At this point voting dem/lib feels like it’s just delaying the inevitable stripping away of the rights of sex workers, queer people, and artists.

That really is sad but it's true. America is screwed no matter how you view it or look at it. I really wish America would start over instead of keeping this trainwreck nonsense up.

The situation reminds me of the history of the formation of the ESRB, 'Parental advisory' stickers on CDs, and motion picture ratings. There's no laws on the books really being broken, but there's enough fear that some will come around that the involved industries are trying to look more self-policing.

Though in this case there's no media circus of congressional hearings to spectate, and presumably not very many people are going up to bat in defense of obscene drawings of fictional minors.

mklxiv said:
Oh, fuck off. e621 was one of the last safe havens for all kinds of fictional content and now that you're banning things too I'm pretty certain I'm done posting any of my art here. This deletion shows me you aren't afraid to cater to puritans and nothing else is off the table for being banned as well.

If you're gonna make lame excuses of "legal changes" then please specify what has changed, as to my knowledge that's been nothing, especially considering that the content that's being banned is legal in the United States where e621 is hosted and operated from (especially considering this is what the United States federal government explicitly told the United Nations Human Rights Counsel in 2019, check page 5). Changes in the "political environment" are 100% irrelevant as peoples' personal opinions don't effect the law.

Ring a ding, baby! Anytime you wanna point st legal changes actually tell what they are or else it's just an unabashed copout

>"oh noes!1! my shota catboy art is gone!1!1!!1!1 this is a violation of freedom of speech!11"


toradrow777 said:
If things get any worse, I'm thinking of moving to Canada.

They literally dragged a guy to court for pedo claims over a sex doll, bromeo. They aint thr answer

musicw0lf said:
Lol, looks like all those hate commentators were right at the end. So no minor sex anymore, yey. Also RIP some of Dagasi arts ;(

Man Dagasi and Watermelon. I know for a fact they can bullshit most of Watermelon's stuff because of his artstyle.

techfox said:
Move to Japan, Japan doesn’t censor this kind of artwork.

I'm going to blow your mind


All porn in Japan is censored thanks to America

notmenotyou said:
It's wishy washy because it's the best we can offer. There is no single law we can point to as the tipping point, and while we were sitting pretty unaffected by most things, the same can't be said to a bunch of our business partners who did not appreciate the heat we attract.
And since we can't function in a vacuum we have had to adjust.

Trust me, I would have preferred more of a heads up myself.

Outright admittal nothing changed and y'all just bending the knee because you're cowards.

omniscient said:
Not so far, was a lot of stuff caught that didn't fit that description that the staff themselves are not going back and fixing but requiring the userbase to go through and find which ones were incorrect. Putting the onus on unpaid customers.

We have created a list of all 44k+ posts that were affected by this and will be sorting through them manually to find false positives, regardless of user input.

Users referring posts to us only expedites how quickly those posts get restored or not. Finding every single false positive is a process that is going to take us several months.

Updated by slyroon

earlopain said:
I'd love to share my thoughts here but (some) current staff probably wouldn't like that.

Fuck em. Post your thoughts.

tenmarin said:
Fuck em. Post your thoughts.

Kind of agreed, really; people are free to hold their tongue, but I really doubt anyone capable of holding back is going to say anything too rough. At that point, just voice it.

So E621 is copying Inkbunny's homework now in efforts to gain a favorable stance with it's business partners. That should summarize the occurrence of all this. People should know these things cost a lot of money and to lose that is to lose the ability to breathe. Perfectly understandable.

Listen, I know this is going to be unpopular but it's not the admins fault this happened nor is it the site, the site has costs and advertising is where they get the money, many people here would give $5 to keep a Booru up running because people would say it's "paywalling"

But it's a society issue, both democrats and republican are both equally to blame for giving financial industries so much power over small businesses that even the slightest discomfort they can point the finger and threaten them, it's happened to PIXIV and to Patreon all the way to smaller sex industry businesses,

Obviously I wish we had prior warning for this thing and yes I do get extremely annoyed at some of the rules and the consistency of things but that's going to be every site you visit unfortunately

So if you want to blame anything blame the anti-NSFW financial system that condemns artists and Sex workers alike that causes issues with puritanical and washing down contents of all the sites we are on, both sides want this sort of content gone because as a society NSFW is still frowned upon and we do not do enough to protect businesses and sites we love from it, a lot of people just expect this stuff to be on a silver platter and moan that it's not doing enough to survive

Anyway rant over, just want people to see what's up really with this sort of stuff because it gets lost in reactionary reactions and anger

notasexualdodo said:
It was certainly considered THE furry art site, with much of the people who were nuked off the platform during the cub ban of old going on to form Inkbunny. Basically this shit outraged people who liked on-model Digimon and Pokémon, feral enthusiasts, and shortstack enjoyers all at the same time. Basically, think of the "tag what you see" policy e621 has, but rather than having a post mistagged and annoying a few people, your post just gets nuked because the mods think your short king looks like a child. Yeah.

Remember the Reggie Rat shit of what... 6 years ago? Thats what FA didnwith anything smaller than 6' basically

lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple. if you don't agree with that or if you're trying to deflect it by what-abouting other subjects, too bad, you're just a vocal minority. leave now, you won't be missed.

to those falsely equating it to "video game violence is real violence", you failed critical thinking. the images may be fictional but your attraction to them is real. stop pretending you are collecting it for anything other than self-gratification. if it bothers you that much to lose access to it, you need to seek professional help for your addiction.

can we put cub on the chopping block next, please? :3

Updated by Versperus

User received a record for the contents of this message.



deusexkittycoon said:
So E621 is copying Inkbunny's homework now in efforts to gain a favorable stance with it's business partners.

To gain a stance with dependent business partners. People they can't run the site without. The options were, remove sexualized young human-like characters, or remove sexualized young human-like characters and everything else.

toradrow777 said:
If things get any worse, I'm thinking of moving to Canada.

As a canadian I strongly advise avoiding the interior if you can't handle both -40°c and +40°c, also Vancouver and Victoria have some of the highesr housing costs in the country so B.C. ain't the best option.

Either way, research before making a descision.

Next up: No feral art, then no copyrighted art, then no art at all! Just think of the advertisers that no one sees because they use ublock!

nonbearnary said:
We have created a list of all 44k+ posts that were affected by this and will be sorting through them manually to find false positives, regardless of user input.

Users referring posts to us only expedites how quickly those posts get restored or not. Finding every single false positive is a process that is going to take us several months.

That is alot to sort through.

fuyu_graycen said:
Listen, I know this is going to be unpopular but it's not the admins fault this happened nor is it the site, the site has costs and advertising is where they get the money, many people here would give $5 to keep a Booru up running because people would say it's "paywalling"

But it's a society issue, both democrats and republican are both equally to blame for giving financial industries so much power over small businesses that even the slightest discomfort they can point the finger and threaten them, it's happened to PIXIV and to Patreon all the way to smaller sex industry businesses,

Obviously I wish we had prior warning for this thing and yes I do get extremely annoyed at some of the rules and the consistency of things but that's going to be every site you visit unfortunately

So if you want to blame anything blame the anti-NSFW financial system that condemns artists and Sex workers alike that causes issues with puritanical and washing down contents of all the sites we are on, both sides want this sort of content gone because as a society NSFW is still frowned upon and we do not do enough to protect businesses and sites we love from it, a lot of people just expect this stuff to be on a silver platter and moan that it's not doing enough to survive

Anyway rant over, just want people to see what's up really with this sort of stuff because it gets lost in reactionary reactions and anger

I genuinly hope this survives, but given how absurdly powerful large businesses are I worry.

nonbearnary said:
We have created a list of all 44k+ posts that were affected by this and will be sorting through them manually to find false positives, regardless of user input.

Users referring posts to us only expedites how quickly those posts get restored or not. Finding every single false positive is a process that is going to take us several months.

If you have statistics for how many posts have been checked, how many restored, and how many left to do, posting progress updates somewhere might help assuage the people jumping to conspiracy-tier accusations.

As for everyone else in the thread: Learn from this event. No site lasts forever; save your favourites locally. Whether by DMCA, issues like this, or hardware failure without adequate backups, websites lose content. This is your forewarning well ahead of next time to start archiving. Do you think you'd have been able to save much if they told you a full week early? Or would you be a bystander, shouting "someone should do something!" until the mass removal hits and you all discover that no, none of you actually did?

Cool, another sterilized Western art website that dictates what character proportions are allowed. Nothing differentiates E621 from the rest of the websites now. It's laughable to me, that Furries of all people, want to claim some morale high ground. Don't think for a second, that furry content will be indefinitely off the censorship radar. Goal posts shift with each content bann. It's Loli today, and whatever tomorrow. This website is already a cesspool of degeneracy. Nobody outside the fandom thinks your "adult looking furry character" is any better than a young looking one. To the outside worlds eyes, we're all rejects. If it wasn't credit card companies pressuring this decision, which are the culprits for other websites removing content. But rather a "muh morales" decision. Then kindly, go F yourself, and the rest of you hypocritical pro censorship morons.

in_denile said:
I genuinly hope this survives, but given how absurdly powerful large businesses are I worry.

This site will still exist, it is important for general Furry art and I know it's frustrating losing that art, as an archivist myself it's the most heartbreaking thing but don't forget the other 90% of this site we still need to fight to protect it even if we don't like this action

eranormus said:
maybe if 99% of all posts here were not pure vitriol, the mods would not keep deleting comments

Only got more vitriolic when they stopped responding. We want answers as to why they bent the knee so fast, they gave us a handwaving "explanation" but that's not enough.

dimoretpinel said:
Is feral bestiality content also likely to be purged, or is it safe?

only a matter of time. we're not allowed to have fucking anything.
e6 being hosted in the US should have meant artistic expression protected us, but I guess not.
I am so sick of this.

mathfetish said:
lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple. if you don't agree with that or if you're trying to deflect it by what-abouting other subjects, too bad, you're just a vocal minority. leave now, you won't be missed.

to those falsely equating it to "video game violence is real violence", you failed critical thinking. the images may be fictional but your attraction to them is real. stop pretending you are collecting it for anything other than self-gratification. if it bothers you that much to lose access to it, you need to seek professional help for your addiction.

can we put cub on the chopping block next, please? :3

if you see fictional characters and the first thing you think of is fucking real life children and animals, you are not mentally well. take your delusional hooey elsewhere.

roengxnt1um said:
>"oh noes!1! my shota catboy art is gone!1!1!!1!1 this is a violation of freedom of speech!11"


I mean... it is. e6 is hosted in the USA. Fictional content not targeting any real person should be allowed. Moral grandstanding and puritans continue to get their way with everything, though, because people with money talk the fucking loudest.

I'm finally realizing the gravity of this situation... Shota/Loli is just the start of this whole thing and even people who dont care for it are understanding that their kinks aren't safe either. Next thing it'll be cub, feral, and so on. It kind of defeats the whole point of it being an "archive" with such rash handling of things. Not giving a heads up, and just mass deleting so many things... No matter how many excuses NMNY spews out this is it quite literally the start of this sites destruction. Highly unfortunate as this site was one of the best. Hopefully they realize the error of their ways and revert that change. Artists eventually will start to realize that their art is no longer safe on this site since at any moment it could be wiped. After all why would anyone want to publish their work with the chance it'll just be gone and never to see the light of day over a "political challenge"? It's so sad to be watching this site's downfall like this... Fun while it lasted at least.

arquila8000 said:
I just realized that maybe the whole situation with Dacad's content some months ago was a prelude to this, fuck the possibilities of any explicit art that contains even a young-looking character no matter the species being banned in the future don't look as unlikely now.

A slippery slope is called that for a reason.

mathfetish said:
lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple. if you don't agree with that or if you're trying to deflect it by what-abouting other subjects, too bad, you're just a vocal minority. leave now, you won't be missed.

to those falsely equating it to "video game violence is real violence", you failed critical thinking. the images may be fictional but your attraction to them is real. stop pretending you are collecting it for anything other than self-gratification. if it bothers you that much to lose access to it, you need to seek professional help for your addiction.

can we put cub on the chopping block next, please? :3

"Your actions in a video game may be fictional, but your desire to commit violence is real."

flowrfalln said:
Kind of agreed, really; people are free to hold their tongue, but I really doubt anyone capable of holding back is going to say anything too rough. At that point, just voice it.

Genuinely, if a former mod is worried they'll upset current ones by [inarguably even, rightfully blasting the handling of this] then the current ones not only shouldn't have an ounxe of power, they should leave the site entirely. People have said it in abundance: You had a million better answers and ways to do this. "Oh we got pressured by Mr Unknown who was pressured by the Gubbamint to do it NOW" ok and? If the politician aspect is true then they'll know damn well what red tape is and you can utilize that to not just buy time to do the right thing and warn the userbase, but to plan an actually FUCKING SENSIBLE action.

mathfetish said:
lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple. if you don't agree with that or if you're trying to deflect it by what-abouting other subjects, too bad, you're just a vocal minority. leave now, you won't be missed.

to those falsely equating it to "video game violence is real violence", you failed critical thinking. the images may be fictional but your attraction to them is real. stop pretending you are collecting it for anything other than self-gratification. if it bothers you that much to lose access to it, you need to seek professional help for your addiction.

can we put cub on the chopping block next, please? :3

Ironic, coming from the person with an NSFW feral PFP. Do you get an erection whenever you see a lizard because it reminds you of a dragon like in your PFP?

With your logic, because you're clearly attracted to fictional pictures of feral dragons, why not also think you'd wanna get with a real life dog or horse? see how utterly stupid your argument seems when you start associating people who jack off to virtual, fictional pictures on the internet, to the ACTUAL criminals who partake in the real-life, illegal equivalent?

dba_afish said:
oh man, another baseless claim!

I mean it wouldn't be the first time...

Edit: Again, the reggie rat saga which the site and mods were inarguably wrong on


Cub and Feral are 100% next on the chopping block, are there any other furry websites that allow it?, maybe make a splinter

mathfetish said:
lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple. if you don't agree with that or if you're trying to deflect it by what-abouting other subjects, too bad, you're just a vocal minority. leave now, you won't be missed.

to those falsely equating it to "video game violence is real violence", you failed critical thinking. the images may be fictional but your attraction to them is real. stop pretending you are collecting it for anything other than self-gratification. if it bothers you that much to lose access to it, you need to seek professional help for your addiction.

can we put cub on the chopping block next, please? :3

If I draw a gun on a piece of paper or a bomb, is it a real gun or a bomb? I wish a motherfucker would and I mean WOULD put me in prison just because I can draw something really good. If it offends you, is that my problem? Nope. I still get money by doing it, why would I stop?

mathfetish said:
lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple. if you don't agree with that or if you're trying to deflect it by what-abouting other subjects, too bad, you're just a vocal minority. leave now, you won't be missed.

to those falsely equating it to "video game violence is real violence", you failed critical thinking. the images may be fictional but your attraction to them is real. stop pretending you are collecting it for anything other than self-gratification. if it bothers you that much to lose access to it, you need to seek professional help for your addiction.

can we put cub on the chopping block next, please? :3

Following that logic, if liking fictional underage characters makes you a pedo then your favorites would make you a potential zoophile and a danger to real animals because you feel attracted to that idea even though it's not real.

I think the idea of doing half the things you see in fiction wouldn't even cross the minds of most people, I don't think you'll automatically join the army after playing a shooter game, for example

mathfetish said:
lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple. if you don't agree with that or if you're trying to deflect it by what-abouting other subjects, too bad, you're just a vocal minority. leave now, you won't be missed.

to those falsely equating it to "video game violence is real violence", you failed critical thinking. the images may be fictional but your attraction to them is real. stop pretending you are collecting it for anything other than self-gratification. if it bothers you that much to lose access to it, you need to seek professional help for your addiction.

can we put cub on the chopping block next, please? :3

You have 9 pages of bestiality(~650 images worth) and 76 pages of feral in your favourites.

By your own logic, that'd make you a zoophile.

popoto said:

You have 9 pages of bestiality(~650 images worth) and 76 pages of feral in your favourites.

By your own logic, that'd make you a zoophile.

I was waiting for someone to look in their favorites and say this. Thank you.

There isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said.
I think the worst part for me is all the translation work that got lost with the captions on those pictures in the crossfire. The images will circulate to different websites, certainly, but the work done for them disappears too. There was a lot of alright translation work done here that I didn't see anywhere else and it's gone now.

Yeah, see, you want to force your porn hosting to be outside the country, so that it's under foreign jurisdiction, so that Grand Fenwick or wherever's doing hosting arbitrage has leverage over you. And it's better if the porn whose hosting's under arbitrage is specifically the kind that midwits consider disagreeable, so that it's especially useful for blackmail. This isn't just stupidity, it's familiar stupidity we've encountered and mitigated before! Why the fuck do you think Grindr got sold to Americans?

Who the fuck signed off on this? Who's at the wheel here?


fuyu_graycen said:
So if you want to blame anything blame the anti-NSFW financial system that condemns artists and Sex workers alike that causes issues with puritanical and washing down contents of all the sites we are on, both sides want this sort of content gone because as a society NSFW is still frowned upon and we do not do enough to protect businesses and sites we love from it, a lot of people just expect this stuff to be on a silver platter and moan that it's not doing enough to survive

It's astonishing to me that we recognize telecommunications companies and internet service providers as common carriers and hold them to a (supposed) higher level of scrutiny, yet the entire financial industry that holds the reins to our livelihoods - the free flow of money - are still allowed to do damn near anything they want.

ATF and Gelbooru are seemingly open to people moving over thankfully, shame how much art was outright lost from things being torched. I hope more artists see the writing on the wall instead of just the ones affected

natanata said:
ATF and Gelbooru are seemingly open to people moving over thankfully, shame how much art was outright lost from things being torched. I hope more artists see the writing on the wall instead of just the ones affected

I really dont trust gelbooru too after they banned toddlercon

mathfetish said:
lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple. if you don't agree with that or if you're trying to deflect it by what-abouting other subjects, too bad, you're just a vocal minority. leave now, you won't be missed.

to those falsely equating it to "video game violence is real violence", you failed critical thinking. the images may be fictional but your attraction to them is real. stop pretending you are collecting it for anything other than self-gratification. if it bothers you that much to lose access to it, you need to seek professional help for your addiction.

can we put cub on the chopping block next, please? :3

"If you are thrilled by committing murder in any form, you are a violent maniac, plain and simple."
"Video games may be fictional but your desire to do it is real"

mathfetish said:
lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple. if you don't agree with that or if you're trying to deflect it by what-abouting other subjects, too bad, you're just a vocal minority. leave now, you won't be missed.

to those falsely equating it to "video game violence is real violence", you failed critical thinking. the images may be fictional but your attraction to them is real. stop pretending you are collecting it for anything other than self-gratification. if it bothers you that much to lose access to it, you need to seek professional help for your addiction.

can we put cub on the chopping block next, please? :3

then by that logic, any and all existing media should be outlawed?
ya know, not like movies, or even books featured violence or sexually suggestive themes, or drugs

mathfetish said:
lol lmao if you are attracted underage characters in any form, you are a pedophile, plain and simple.

One of the problems with the internet now being big enough that you can get siloed is that people who read this are not necessarily going to be familiar with Midna discourse, let alone femboy discourse, kobold discourse, shortstack discourse, elf discourse, fairy discourse, sprite discourse, pixie discourse, Hanniwill discourse, troll discourse, or — may god have mercy upon us — Asian discourse, and they're not going to be equipped to immediately appreciate that this apparent sentence is a semantic hellgate.

For my part, I will say this: humans are neotenized apes. Whatever ship you think you're watching for sailed when you were still the bad dream that convinced an australopithecus not to rub sticks together.

Once again, the situation wouldn't be fixed but the tone would be much calmer if the mods allowed download of the purged stuff for a period of time.

Meanwhile there is no hint that the mods are even considering it, and thus peoples are more pissed of...

dba_afish said:

to elaborate on this for anyone who doesn't know. the situation was that, six years ago, artist Whygena got real pissy about TWYS, essentially the site's core tenet, in relation to the character reggie_(whygena) being tagged female in works where the character presented as a girl. rather than a) dealing with it like everyone else b) working an alternate solution like making a mention of the character's gender in the description c) going DNP or d) anything reasonable, Whygena encouraged followers, either directly or indirectly, to break site rules by tag warring and harassing site staff and users.

if anything, the fact that Whygena didn't catch a perm shows that the staff is way more forgiving than they needed to be.

giygas said:
Once again, the situation wouldn't be fixed but the tone would be much calmer if the mods allowed download of the purged stuff for a period of time.

Meanwhile there is no hint that the mods are even considering it, and thus peoples are more pissed of...

It especially doesn't help that many pics either do not have sources at all, or the sources are no longer available or are inferior to what was uploaded. For example, one animation I like is only available with major compression artifacts from baraag, as the hq link is on google drive and thus dead.

thecharcoalinpachi said:
Between the amount of censorship that has been creeping onto this site, the power-tripping staff deliberately targeting artists they don't like for whatever reason, and artists moving to other sites, e621 is continually losing relevancy because of their poor decision making. It's like watching a friend distance themselves from you and become a completely different person than you knew before.

Word. This is so true. If you guys have any alternatives like ATF or Gel, I'd love to hear them. Fucking E6...

popoto said:

You have 9 pages of bestiality(~650 images worth) and 76 pages of feral in your favourites.

By your own logic, that'd make you a zoophile.

Seeing comments like this makes the whole situation a little less bullshit :3

popoto said:

You have 9 pages of bestiality(~650 images worth) and 76 pages of feral in your favourites.

By your own logic, that'd make you a zoophile.

oh, but they're dragons and pokémon and dinosaurs, so it's okay, they're not even real.

Mhh, this is quite a doozy isn't it?
By bowing down so quickly and easily, the site owner showed that they either not willing or not capable(as in there is maybe going on more than we know) to fight against potential risks.
Which now, of course, raises the question: What happens when Furry altogether is being targeted? Will the site simply shut down? As there are sites hosted, -you all know them well i assume, that have this kind of content, and even worse, there must be a way to slither past these potential risks.
Sites that have any form of payment and removed this content, most likely got threatened by payment processors that disallow said content, (The whole dlsite drama proved it, and they decided against western payment and went with its "userbase") but does e621 fall under that category?

And mark my words, Furry will be the next on the copping block, not yet, not in 2 or 3 years, but it absolutely will be if this continues.

So what happens now? Maybe make a deal with another site to transfer all content that has/will been deleted --Cooperate and create dummy accounts and give the e621 owner the login data and inform them?
Anyways, its quite a shame that now even some things that normally would fall under furry will be removed/not allowed.
Well then, the age of porn purges as started, grab all the things you can and hope for the best, it was a honer o7.



giygas said:
Once again, the situation wouldn't be fixed but the tone would be much calmer if the mods allowed download of the purged stuff for a period of time.

Meanwhile there is no hint that the mods are even considering it, and thus peoples are more pissed of...

The point of the purge was for the site to stop providing the content to users. The mods allowing users to download the purged content, even temporarily, would be doing what the site needed to stop, jeopardizing the site as a whole.

mklxiv said:
Oh, fuck off. e621 was one of the last safe havens for all kinds of fictional content and now that you're banning things too I'm pretty certain I'm done posting any of my art here. This deletion shows me you aren't afraid to cater to puritans and nothing else is off the table for being banned as well.

If you're gonna make lame excuses of "legal changes" then please specify what has changed, as to my knowledge that's been nothing, especially considering that the content that's being banned is legal in the United States where e621 is hosted and operated from (especially considering this is what the United States federal government explicitly told the United Nations Human Rights Counsel in 2019, check page 5). Changes in the "political environment" are 100% irrelevant as peoples' personal opinions don't effect the law.

Completely agree with you. Does anyone know any good alternatives to e621?

watsit said:
The point of the purge was for the site to stop providing the content to users. The mods allowing users to download the purged content, even temporarily, would be doing what the site needed to stop, jeopardizing the site as a whole.

See my response here.

ri0lu said:
Following that logic, if liking fictional underage characters makes you a pedo then your favorites would make you a potential zoophile and a danger to real animals because you feel attracted to that idea even though it's not real.

I think the idea of doing half the things you see in fiction wouldn't even cross the minds of most people, I don't think you'll automatically join the army after playing a shooter game, for example

It is ironic. The "realest" occurrence of these hypothetical real life scenarios are inside the minds of the people that are pro-censorship. The general public is boxing shadows and it's quite disturbing.



t24ttffrg said:
By bowing down so quickly and easily, the site owner showed that they either not willing or not capable(as in there is maybe going on more than we know) to fight against potential risks.

Not "potential risks", real and immediate consequences. As was said, they had a very short time window to comply or the whole site goes down. What else could they have done given such a short time frame with such severe consequences?

t24ttffrg said:
Which now, of course, raises the question: What happens when Furry altogether is being targeted?

We'll have much bigger problems to contend with. Contrary to how it may seem with the new rule, e621 still hosts some of the most extreme (fictional, legal) content than most other sites, including cub, bestiality, incest, guro, and rape, all completely uncensored. If furry porn itself gets targeted, e6 won't be the only site affected.

When people weaponized the companies that control the infrastructure of the internet to try take down kiwifarms, people laughed and jeered.

Maybe now that it comes for things they like, they'll realize how much of a stupid fucking idea it was to give these companies the precedent to take things down for "moral" and "ethical" reasons.

Censorship is a double edged sword that knows no loyalty.

So, is it now safe to assume that the content removed won’t be reinstated? At the very least anytime soon?

So much for calling e6 an “archive”…


anyways i don't agree with the sudden ban on this content, even if i don't like loli/shota for... yeah, obvious reasons. should have at least given a notice that this content was going to be purged. give people a chance to archive it instead of deleting hundreds of thousands of pictures very suddenly.