Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

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I know there's a big issue with people tagging random things with humanoid that aren't even close to being so. Taking a quick glance through the purged items, it only took me 10 results down to find one that was sniped for nothing; for example: post #4893055 sources this which is literally a feral dragon standing on all fours. Considering the amount of stuff that gets tagged randomly with humanoid (such as Beerus from DBZ, many Helluva Boss characters like the Goetia and Loona and all those other anthros, Niko from Oneshot, FNAF animatronics, and so the inverse also seems to be true, as one of the random purge bits I saw was tagged with "shippou_(inuyasha)" listed with ~200 results still, and adding "-status:safe" to that search came back with a page of (blacklisted for me, as I have "humanoid" in mine) results.


rocketsphynx said:
Who is pushing the most censorship right now?
Left-Wing activists.
From movies to videogames to books.

Attractive women? No.
Masculinity? No.
White people? Definitely not.
Heterosexuality? No.

SJWs pushed hard, rioted throughout the Trump tenure unabated, started censoring everything they deemed "Alt Right", then it bled into the banks freezing accounts or in the case of money processors, removing accounts entirely.

SJWs gave rise to authoritarian power grabs and Covid Lockdowns made it skyrocket.

Conservatives aren't your problem.
Uneducated politicians and activists are.

Why do you think people call it the Slippery Slope?
Or the Pendulum Effect?

Everything SJWs have done from 2013 to now is finally biting all of us in the ass and if fucking SUCKS and all everyone is doing is finger pointing.

I always thought that left-wing activists were the ones that wanted the opposite (freedom) whereas christin fascists or whatever you call it were the ones pushing the censorship.

limedragon27 said:
I don't think this goes nearly as hard as it should. ALL content depicting children should NOT be tolerated!!! No matter if it's human, cub, colt, or whatever the fuck!!!

I do not condone censorship in any way, but all pedophiles deserve to die!

I truly believe noone can loose their humanity through acts of depravity. As such i dont think anyone deserves to die. Also i think pedophiles are sick and they need help. Noone is a pedophile by choice (just how you are not choosing your sexuality) and art depicting young characters will not turn a non-pedophile into a pedophile. That said i can understand the choice of removing this content, still it IS removing a venting point for some people who are now being driven to unsafer environments.

rocketsphynx said:
In all honesty. They cannot institute a porn ban due to the 1A and how it is written and interpreted.
I wholeheartedly oppose censorship and taxation.

Tell that to the new 6-3 SCOTUS, plus Trump's two new appointments he'll get if he's reelected (which would also be chosen by P2025 if he goes along with it)

They already gave him immunity, creating a pseudo-constitutional clause out of whole cloth

loona_loverx said:
I always thought that left-wing activists were the ones that wanted the opposite (freedom) whereas christin fascists or whatever you call it were the ones pushing the censorship.

Not modern leftists.
There are those on the Right who push censorship but are usually hated by thier own community over it.
Gavin Mckinnes (or however you spell that losers last name) recently went after Anime and got blasted from orbit by conservatives.
It was hilarious 😂

Bit leftists don't seem to even acknowledge their side when it comes to censorship.
Hence why GamerGate has kicked back up in full swing and people are protesting against Hollywood and Social Media censorship. All of which, have the Left as antagonists.

Both sides are stupid.
Both sides have thier extremes of stupid.
Bit censorship is never OK, especially in the US when the concept of Freedom of Speech is a foundational block of our country.

anonymousfurry123 said:
Tell that to the new 6-3 SCOTUS, plus Trump's two new appointments he'll get if he's reelected (which would also be chosen by P2025 if he goes along with it)

They already gave him immunity, creating a pseudo-constitutional clause out of whole cloth

Again. P2025 is NOT going to happen.
It can't even function on paper.
Calm down.
Because if it they do try to pass it, it'll have nation wide backlash.

rocketsphynx said:
Again. P2025 is NOT going to happen.
It can't even function on paper.
Calm down.
Because if it they do try to pass it, it'll have nation wide backlash.

After which the insurrection act will be invoked to silence it.

Literally it doesn't matter how much backlash it has, part of the plan involves using the military in anticipation of said backlash, and replacing any enforcers who say no with 50,000 yes-men.

theory0fstrings said:
Okay no seriously what political and legal changes are you even talking about?

Several southern States have enacted laws to ban certain pornographic content of this nature and more.
Alabama and Illinois are some that off the top of my head and research.

For the people outside the us, it's getting pretty bad it's

anonymousfurry123 said:
After which the insurrection act will be invoked to silence it.

Literally it doesn't matter how much backlash it has, part of the plan involves using the military in anticipation of said backlash, and replacing any enforcers who say no with 50,000 yes-men.

Protesting is not Insurrection.
If that was the case, from 2016 to 2020 was a four year long Insurrection.


Atleast they purged the entire Lilo_pelekai tag since there was a shit ton of under aged porn of her.

rocketsphynx said:
Not modern leftists.
There are those on the Right who push censorship but are usually hated by thier own community over it.
Gavin Mckinnes (or however you spell that losers last name) recently went after Anime and got blasted from orbit by conservatives.
It was hilarious 😂

Bit leftists don't seem to even acknowledge their side when it comes to censorship.
Hence why GamerGate has kicked back up in full swing and people are protesting against Hollywood and Social Media censorship. All of which, have the Left as antagonists.

Both sides are stupid.
Both sides have thier extremes of stupid.
Bit censorship is never OK, especially in the US when the concept of Freedom of Speech is a foundational block of our country.

i agree. censorship is not okay, no matter how you see it or what side that you are on.

rocketsphynx said:
Protesting is not Insurrection.
If that was the case, from 2016 to 2020 was a four year long Insurrection.

Trump literally acknowledged this when he wrote agenda 47: him not deploying the military for that four year long 'insurrection' was one of his mistakes.

Also there's no checks in the Insurrection Act to stop the President from abusing it.

anonymousfurry123 said:
Trump literally acknowledged this when he wrote agenda 47: him not deploying the military for that four year long 'insurrection' was one of his mistakes.

It was in a since.
Deploying the Nat Guard to wrangke the most damaging riots would have done some good.
But those are RIOTS, not protests.

And P2025 is not A47.
They're both different.

I just want a stronger economy and less government so I can actually live comfortably and do stuff again.

loona_loverx said:
I always thought that left-wing activists were the ones that wanted the opposite (freedom) whereas christin fascists or whatever you call it were the ones pushing the censorship.

If your idea of a “left-wing activist” is milquetoast democrat/liberal then yes they are the ones pushing for censorship. But the vast majority of actual left-wing activists don’t give a shit about culture wars that haven’t been that relevant on the online sphere for like 7-10 years and care about the laws getting put into place by both dems and republicans that are causing harm to sex workers, artists, and online freedom.



rocketsphynx said:
Again. P2025 is NOT going to happen.
It can't even function on paper.
Calm down.
Because if it they do try to pass it, it'll have nation wide backlash.

Project 2025 isn't a law, it's not something to "pass". It's a guidebook for a future conservative administration to "rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left" ("radical Left" being a common codeword meaning liberals who think racial, religious, gender, and sexual minorities are people who deserve a happy life like everyone else). It's not an all-or-nothing thing either, it's something to build over time, and is already starting to roll. The Supreme Court's recent ruling dismantling Chevron deference is already starting to pull power away from the federal agencies that were set up to manage various aspects of the country that need managing, as P2025 outlines doing. To say nothing of the broad absolute immunity the President now has from criminal prosecution, giving him an unprecedented amount of unchecked power to do what he wants.

rocketsphynx said:
It was in a since.
Deploying the Nat Guard to wrangke the most damaging riots would have done some good.
But those are RIOTS, not protests.

And P2025 is not A47.
They're both different.

I just want a stronger economy and less government so I can actually live comfortably and do stuff again.

Agenda 47 was implemented into P2025 after it was written, the Heritage foundation liked the idea and adopted it.

There are no checks in the Insurrection Act to stop a President from abusing it, except for an act of Congress shutting down the deployment.

rocketsphynx said:
Not modern leftists.
There are those on the Right who push censorship but are usually hated by thier own community over it.
Gavin Mckinnes (or however you spell that losers last name) recently went after Anime and got blasted from orbit by conservatives.
It was hilarious 😂

But leftists don't seem to even acknowledge their side when it comes to censorship.
Hence why GamerGate has kicked back up in full swing and people are protesting against Hollywood and Social Media censorship. All of which, have the Left as antagonists.

Both sides are stupid.
Both sides have thier extremes of stupid.
But censorship is never OK, especially in the US when the concept of Freedom of Speech is a foundational block of our country.

While the political climate definitely had an influence, this has nothing to do with nebulous conspiracies or """The Left""". The real mistake was allowing large-scale economic interest into subculture spaces. Sure there's been a hard push for conservatism in the past decade, but in the end it's just the economy going where that wind blows.
This is happening because E621's owners would rather cut their own foot off than lose sponsorships. That's all it boils down to.

44caliberloveletter said:
If your idea of a “left-wing activist” is milquetoast democrat/liberal then yes they are the ones pushing for censorship. But the vast majority of actual left-wing activists don’t give a shit about culture wars that haven’t been that relevant on the online sphere for like 7-10 years and care about the laws getting put into place by both dems and republicans that are causing harm to sex workers, artists, and online freedom.

that really is a shame. thought policing, kink shaming, demoralizing, etc. people for what they like is not the america that i know and love. it's really bad that i don't even like living here and i am ashamed to fly the american flag. it's painful enough when people ask my nationality. i cringe when i say american. there are terrible people everywhere here it seems that want to strip you of your rights.

Welp, RIP e621, it was a good run but admins decided to do Tumblr and commit suicide by unilaterally purging anything and everything smol.
First, it'll be cubs because "muh pedos", then the gore/vore will follow because "death is unsettling", after that will come scat because "it's degrading", after that ferals because "it promotes zoophilia" and before you know it this site will be even more vanilla and devoid of content than port-purge PornHub. But at that point, the engagement with the site will be so low because the other sites will offer far more and better content without the risk of it being nuked out of nowhere that they will have to shut down the servers.

And then falls E621, like Sofurry banning even writing cub 2/3 years ago. I've check and there's about 150K upload with the "young" tag gone. At this point, can't just some furry with money make and host a website in Japan, since mostly everything underage fictional is legal there? This world is really doomed.

Time to boycott e621 and stop using it. Won't be so useful to appeal to advertisers and lick their boots if no one will view those ads as a result. If this can get taken down, so will ANYTHING else deemed "problematic". Feral is next. Then problematic fetishes like incest, gore, etc. until this is a clean, God-honoring furry porn site.
Boycott e6 and move to inkbunny/baraag! Use ad blockers!

anonymousfurry123 said:
Agenda 47 was implemented into P2025 after it was written, the Heritage foundation liked the idea and adopted it.

There are no checks in the Insurrection Act to stop a President from abusing it, except for an act of Congress shutting down the deployment.

My guy.
I'm telling you, in all honesty and sincerity.
It's not gonna happen.

watsit said:
Project 2025 isn't a law, it's not something to "pass". It's a guidebook for a future conservative administration to "rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left" ("radical Left" being a common codeword meaning liberals who think racial, religious, gender, and sexual minorities are people who deserve a happy life like everyone else). It's not an all-or-nothing thing either, it's something to build over time, and is already starting to roll. The Supreme Court's recent ruling dismantling Chevron deference is already starting to pull power away from the federal agencies that were set up to manage various aspects of the country that need managing, as P2025 outlines doing. To say nothing of the broad absolute immunity the President now has from criminal prosecution, giving him an unprecedented amount of unchecked power to do what he wants.

It's not gonna happen.
It literally CAN'T happen.

I don't see this backfiring at all. I mean, people who complain about this type of content frequent sites where it's easy to find - which is to say, not here now - which is why they're always so offended over it. They move on when they're out of this stuff to jerk it to, or "offensive" content to complain about, and you're left with an empty husk of an image board because you've thrown artistic freedom out of the window in pursuit of people you're never gonna' make happy.

It really sucks for all the people who's art was mainly that. Shocking that it was sudden would prefer an explanation but it doesn't really affect me. Hopefully they don't do this to other tag/art.

People on here are literally grasping at straws to blame Trump for the censorship....
And most recent Censorship has come from the Radical sides(ie both extremes).

You guys need to calm down about the P2025 crap, and I don't care if the Heritage Foundation fuckers adopted A47, Trump has publicly disavowed the Heritage Foundation over P2025.

Presidential Immunity does not stop impeachment or Criminal Processes during his/her tenure.

Guys, calm down.

loona_loverx said:
that really is a shame. thought policing, kink shaming, demoralizing, etc. people for what they like is not the america that i know and love. it's really bad that i don't even like living here and i am ashamed to fly the american flag. it's painful enough when people ask my nationality. i cringe when i say american. there are terrible people everywhere here it seems that want to strip you of your rights.

Unfortunately Canada, Europe, and really just the West in general are all not faring much better on that front. At this point voting dem/lib feels like it’s just delaying the inevitable stripping away of the rights of sex workers, queer people, and artists.

Pack it up boys it's over. Whether you like the content or not they bent the knee for this they will bend the knee for everything else over time. Just like Patreon banning anything remotely resembling non-con to appease payment processors. Donation funded only sites or ones hosted in countries that don't give a shit are going to be the only options for any form of kinks in the near future if any exist at all.

44caliberloveletter said:
Unfortunately Canada, Europe, and really just the West in general are all not faring much better on that front. At this point voting dem/lib feels like it’s just delaying the inevitable stripping away of the rights of sex workers, queer people, and artists.

Dem/Lib are the ones pushing the censorship right now.
It's weird and makes my skin crawl when I have to say the Right are now fighting against Censorship.
And I'm not talking about the politicians. Right Wing politicians more often than not tend to be turncoats. Ie RINOs.

rocketsphynx said:
Dem/Lib are the ones pushing the censorship right now.

man, if only the state we were hosted in had evidence of the opposite being true happen just a few months ago. hmmm...

rocketsphynx said:
Dem/Lib are the ones pushing the censorship right now.
It's weird and makes my skin crawl when I have to say the Right are now fighting against Censorship.
And I'm not talking about the politicians. Right Wing politicians more often than not tend to be turncoats. Ie RINOs.

Both are doing it the repubs are just stretching it outside of merely porn. Also here in Canada our likely to win conservative candidate wants harsher regulations on porn industry so it’s not universal even for the entirety of the west. This is a downward spiral for all the western countries.

Also my dude your entire viewpoint of leftists/left-wing activists seems to be informed by nothing but twitter puriteens, who I can guarantee you aren’t the ones out there organizing for sex worker rights and such. Calling those puriteen types even activists is a stretch.

44caliberloveletter said:
Both are doing it the repubs are just stretching it outside of merely porn. Also here in Canada our likely to win conservative candidate wants harsher regulations on porn industry so it’s not universal even for the entirety of the west. This is a downward spiral for all the western countries.

Also my dude your entire viewpoint of leftists/left-wing activists seems to be informed by nothing but twitter puriteens, who I can guarantee you aren’t the ones out there organizing for sex worker rights and such. Calling those puriteen types even activists is a stretch.

Twitter is trash.
These are my viewpoints alone.
I'm just paying attention to what is going on.
So far, the Left has become completely unhinged since 2016. I'm Libertarian and was lumped into Right Wing by force because I opposed the Riots and violence.

I want people to do what they want.
I want people to make money with less, or even better, no taxation.
I want the government to go pound sand.

Trust me when I say this, I'm on your side and I want the authoritarian crap to end!

Usually a good thing to give your users warning than just nuke thousands of images and videos that vaguely fit the criteria

dba_afish said:
man, if only the state we were hosted in had evidence of the opposite being true happen just a few months ago. hmmm...

States that ban porn need to get petitions signed and have that shit overturned.
It's unconstitutional.
Left or Right.
This shit has to stop.



rocketsphynx said:
I want people to do what they want.
I want people to make money with less, or even better, no taxation.
I want the government to go pound sand.

These are opposing desires. For people to be able to do what they want, the government must be there to enforce fairness. Something to ensure you can't be fired from your dream job because you're a guy that happens to like dick, or can't be kicked out of the military because you identify as a different gender. Or can't be denied adoption just because you don't believe in the same (or any) god. I would like to be able to drink clean water, rather than be forced to be around polluted water sources that some companies think is the best place to dump their waste. The government needs to be able to make rules for this, and importantly be able to enforce the rules. And the government can't operate without taxation; sure, you could complain the amount of taxation is too high (our military spending being way out of whack), but the government can't work for free.

rocketsphynx said:
Twitter is trash.
These are my viewpoints alone.
I'm just paying attention to what is going on.
So far, the Left has become completely unhinged since 2016. I'm Libertarian and was lumped into Right Wing by force because I opposed the Riots and violence.

I want people to do what they want.
I want people to make money with less, or even better, no taxation.
I want the government to go pound sand.

Trust me when I say this, I'm on your side and I want the authoritarian crap to end!

You do realize that the main reason for riots occurring is by police violently intervening in peaceful protests right? Ideally I want there to be no capitalism or state, but that’s all a different topic besides the main one of this entire thread.

Point is it’s ridiculous to be painting this as a “muh left” thing when the current dems/libs are not close to being actual leftists and when the right-wing opposition is in agreement to try and pass laws to enforce the puritan morals, on top of them applying said puritan morals to the existence of queer people. There’s barely any winning against this shit no matter what side.

Well thats horribly stupid.

I personally would prefer my website burning to the ground before censoring myself.

Also a warning before it all got deleted would have been nice if it wasnt done.

44caliberloveletter said:
You do realize that the main reason for riots occurring is by police violently intervening in peaceful protests right? Ideally I want there to be no capitalism or state, but that’s all a different topic besides the main one of this entire thread.

Point is it’s ridiculous to be painting this as a “muh left” thing when the current dems/libs are not close to being actual leftists and when the right-wing opposition is in agreement to try and pass laws to enforce the puritan morals, on top of them applying said puritan morals to the existence of queer people. There’s barely any winning against this shit no matter what side.

Hence why I'm Libertarian.

More shit the staff hasn't been saying related to this, since they don't feel like being transparent and I think this is relevant: For the past couple of weeks, e621 has been blocked in Switzerland because their laws equate cartoons to child porn. This could be the "legal change" that NMNY hasn't specified.

watsit said:
These are opposing desires. For people to be able to do what they want, the government must be there to enforce fairness. Something to ensure you can't be fired from your dream job because you're a guy that happens to like dick, or can't be kicked out of the military because you identify as a different gender. Or can't be denied adoption just because you don't believe in the same (or any) god. I would like to be able to drink clean water, rather than be forced to be around polluted water sources that some companies think is the best place to dump their waste. The government needs to be able to make rules for this, and importantly be able to enforce the rules. And the government can't operate without taxation; sure, you could complain the amount of taxation is too high (our military spending being way out of whack), but the government can't work for free.

The government is currently the source of everyone's problems.

mklxiv said:
More shit the staff hasn't been saying related to this, since they don't feel like being transparent and I think this is relevant: For the past couple of weeks, e621 has been blocked in Switzerland because their laws equate cartoons to child porn. This could be the "legal change" that NMNY hasn't specified.

Why do they even care about that

rocketsphynx said:
The government is currently the source of everyone's problems.

And I might stop posting because my little brother might have brain damage and I need to go check on him.
He was trying to break up a fight the other day and..... he's having problems.

rocketsphynx said:
And I might stop posting because my little brother might have brain damage and I need to go check on him.
He was trying to break up a fight the other day and..... he's having problems.

I think I'll join you on that, but it's because of my own brain damage from seeing people unironically defend this rule change.



mklxiv said:
More shit the staff hasn't been saying related to this, since they don't feel like being transparent and I think this is relevant: For the past couple of weeks, e621 has been blocked in Switzerland because their laws equate cartoons to child porn. This could be the "legal change" that NMNY hasn't specified.

This has been known for a while, mentioned in the bug reporting thread, saying they couldn't do anything about it at the moment. It was suggested earlier in this thread that this change could be related to that, at least in part.

mklxiv said:
I think I'll join you on that, but it's because of my own brain damage from seeing people unironically defend this rule change.

Ironically the people supporting this change are too brainrotted to either realize or care that the mods aren’t doing this because they want to and that if there were no background problems going on then “yOuNg HuMaNoId” would still be on this site.

song said:
NotMeNotYou mentioned that there was a steep and sudden deadline here:

Other NMNY posts that contain more information than the original posts:

Yes, he also mentioned being up on it for couple of days which meant there was an opportunity for better communication. And this is my only complaint. I understand there are things beyond mine or your control. But giving people a heads up was not one of those things.

It's been a good run, e621. I wish the site well, but I don't like censorship and organizations that bow to pressure like this. So I'll just be spending my time elsewhere. Best of luck, and thanks for all the time I've killed browsing your images, enjoying your animations, and getting hooked on a wide array of comics. Won't say I'll never be back, but I won't be using e621 as a timesink anymore.

After watching this thread the last 24 hours I've noticed a couple of important things.

First is the suddenness of this move - its not only angered those active here on e621 but has made many weary of what other sudden changes may occur. I've seen people comment things like "what's to stop them from banning "X" content next?". To this I say...your concerns are VERY valid. I have seen this happen before...on FA when they did the cub ban..which included a very vague term that caused the removal of small characters like those from the sonic franchise just because they "looked child-like" while canonicaly being adults.

Second is the lack of any hard reason given other than a vague statement about partners/laws (I may have missed more details because this thread be long). It's lead to alot of anger and fear as well. I can only hope the staff clarifies the issue. If they do I hope people will offer constructive advice on how we can move forward, maybe even bring back the content.

Personally I won't lie..there was some I liked, and quite a few artists I followed here because this was the only place they could upload the content they created because of certain rules on other sites. My only hope is maybe this rule will be reversed.

rocketsphynx said:
The law is still active.
It was never nullified.

But again.

You talking to me achieves absolutely nothing.

The law exists but you'd been misinforming about what it does. Thats all.

The biggest change is this.

Human-like" means all humanoid fantasy races, especially ones that have more skin than fur, and either no or only very minor animal features, like tails, ears, claws, etc

(Furry stuff, scalie, pokemon, digimon, palmon, feral and actual animals seems not to be a target here but many videos use human male models even if they are not the focus)

It's the Human-like and only very minor animal features, like tails, ears, claws, etc (So no more skin, This is the skin ban. It couldn't be like well the species has skin but it isn't human then again they are pointing out elves and saying fantasy races which could be anything) I'm just wondering if this site is done for?

Human like features boobs, physical human body structure (almost everything on here ticks those two boxes)

artcwolf22 said:
Several southern States have enacted laws to ban certain pornographic content of this nature and more.
Alabama and Illinois are some that off the top of my head and research.

For the people outside the us, it's getting pretty bad it's

The laws I've seen about this dont prohibit anything drawn. In fact most recent action I've seen has been against AI art. If you know something to the contrary, I'd appreciate at least the names of the laws you're referring to.

dba_afish said:
man, if only the state we were hosted in had evidence of the opposite being true happen just a few months ago. hmmm...

Maybe both sides are bad?

anicebee said:
Maybe both sides are bad?

to some extent that's always going to be the case. there are always going to be people in power not because they like the idea of being a civil servant but because being in power gets their dick hard or because they want to throw their weight around to fuck with people they don't like.

although in this specific case, personally I can't really say I've seen any kind of porn censorship language, let alone legislation, coming from the dems in the US.

drghybrid said:
NotMeNotYou already explained it (several times) that they weren't really given any time by the business partners. That it's better to purge all now, and then clean up later any that shouldn't had been removed.

And that was disproven, because the other related dragonfruit websites did not have to follow said rules.

romaniaglory said:
So what's getting removed next?
Anything remotely young?
Anything protected by copyright?
Anything without explicit written consent?

I'm sorry their threats forced you to act, but now these threats work. Where will this end?

Don't forget about small breasts shortstack, dwarfism, chibi, size difference, etc. Funny thing how they don't claim gore is murder...

But it is not real. What legal pressure where cite it? Ashcroft versus Free Speech Coalition just makes this decision a little bit weird.

theory0fstrings said:
The laws I've seen about this dont prohibit anything drawn. In fact most recent action I've seen has been against AI art. If you know something to the contrary, I'd appreciate at least the names of the laws you're referring to.

Yeah I mean the Ashcroft versus Free Speech Coalition prevents this that's the Supreme Court case that protects such art. I know it's not wise to trust a Judicial Fiat but these pressures I'm not sure why e621 is bowing to them when they don't have to

konyaku said:
Don't forget about small breasts shortstack, dwarfism, chibi, size difference, etc. Funny thing how they don't claim gore is murder...

Do any of you have any proof that this is happening?

simski said:
Gay ass rules, fuck censorship.

Well well well if it isn't what I've been trying to tell and warn everybody. You're going to have to fight for it what are you going to do about it?

asimplevoice said:
But it is not real. What legal pressure where cite it? Ashcroft versus Free Speech Coalition just makes this decision a little bit weird.

There is no legal pressure. it's either "well trump could be elected president and could pass a law that forbids this content" or one of their advertisers just sent them an email saying they need to delete everything

musicw0lf said:
I know, just joking a little. And e621 has good search system imho.

probably my favorite, it's so complex but simple at the same time and i think its amazing

covargo said:
The biggest change is this.

Human-like" means all humanoid fantasy races, especially ones that have more skin than fur, and either no or only very minor animal features, like tails, ears, claws, etc

(Furry stuff, scalie, pokemon, digimon, palmon, feral and actual animals seems not to be a target here but many videos use human male models even if they are not the focus)

It's the Human-like and only very minor animal features, like tails, ears, claws, etc (So no more skin, This is the skin ban. It couldn't be like well the species has skin but it isn't human then again they are pointing out elves and saying fantasy races which could be anything) I'm just wondering if this site is done for?

Human like features boobs, physical human body structure (almost everything on here ticks those two boxes)

It's humans and near-humans, as in things like elves, orcs, and nekomimi catgirls. Anthropomorphic animal characters are allowed.

wandering_spaniel said:
It's humans and near-humans, as in things like elves, orcs, and nekomimi catgirls. Anthropomorphic animal characters are allowed.

Not so far, was a lot of stuff caught that didn't fit that description that the staff themselves are not going back and fixing but requiring the userbase to go through and find which ones were incorrect. Putting the onus on unpaid customers.

Between the amount of censorship that has been creeping onto this site, the power-tripping staff deliberately targeting artists they don't like for whatever reason, and artists moving to other sites, e621 is continually losing relevancy because of their poor decision making. It's like watching a friend distance themselves from you and become a completely different person than you knew before.