Topic: Find the Post ID to match your User ID!

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Silly little exercise born out of curiousity. Here's mine:
post #1756098
Since it's on my blacklist (young -rating_s), I am not particularly pleased about this being the case for me. I do like how the comment section is reciting All Star by Smash Mouth, though.

what the fuck even is this post #752426

Tangentially, this looks like it should be tagged scalie, no? Kinda dinosaur-esque head shape? That would be fitting, if so.

spe said:
Tangentially, this looks like it should be tagged scalie, no? Kinda dinosaur-esque head shape? That would be fitting, if so.

I mean it's, like, a car, so-- no? probably shouldn't even be tagged anthro, actually.

dba_afish said:
I mean it's, like, a car, so-- no? probably shouldn't even be tagged anthro, actually.

Well I’d say it looks a lot more anthro than humanoid. Humanoids should have a human-shaped head in most cases.

spe said:
Well I’d say it looks a lot more anthro than humanoid. Humanoids should have a human-shaped head in most cases.

I believe that the general consensus is that anthro should only be applied to characters whose design was primarily based on an animal. so, with aeromorphs, elementals, ani-inis, and the like it shouldn't be applied (unless they have explicitly animal features). essentially, if the character could be "reverted" into feral form without changing its species then its anthro, if it'd be reverted into a dire_machine or something else than it's humanoid. (or, more simply, not_furry and anthro should be mutually exclusive.)

I'm having a hard time finding any statements from staff on the subject, although I do remember this topic being discussed...

dba_afish said:
I believe that the general consensus is that anthro should only be applied to characters whose design was primarily based on an animal. so, with aeromorphs, elementals, ani-inis, and the like it shouldn't be applied (unless they have explicitly animal features). essentially, if the character could be "reverted" into feral form without changing its species then its anthro, if it'd be reverted into a dire_machine or something else than it's humanoid. (or, more simply, not_furry and anthro should be mutually exclusive.)

I'm having a hard time finding any statements from staff on the subject, although I do remember this topic being discussed...

Well, this character does have explicitly animal features. A snout, with a distinctly (I wanna say dinosaur?) shaped head. Nothing you would find on a car. Basically it seems anthro in every way but the body texture which is apparently metal, with some possibly mechanical parts, but I think that just makes it a mechanical anthro. Compare post #3726200 (also tagged anthro… and in this case I actually disagree) that is basically just a human with a car for a head and no animal traits.

Granted, this is also just my understanding of it and the anthro/humanoid wikis don’t explicitly cover this situation one way or another. The only really relevant info in the wiki is this:
Anthros tend to retain an animal-like facial structure, most prominently a snout. Creatures with fully human-like faces are typically humanoid instead of anthro.
…which I interpret as basically any biped with a snout (excepting animal head humanoids and including flat-faced species) is anthro.

bossmt-2 said:
Three years and two months!! Finally!! I've been waiting for the day someone would call me out on it. Congratulations...!

I don't own an MT-2 but I do own a DS-1W and FZ-1W, among other guitar pedals.

Updated by Donovan DMC

post #1463739

i give 7/10. faces could be better to my taste and the angle needs a little work. but very lucky given how lengthy my blacklist is that something relatively hot popped up!

also, noticing the description is seven minutes in heaven i've actually been in that situation, except we were sucking each other off. not missing enough IQ points to risk A**S upstairs at a party lmao (does the sexually explicit comment rule count for forums? don't think so but if so i'll delete👍)


wwwwwwwww said:
(does the sexually explicit comment rule count for forums? don't think so but if so i'll delete👍)

The code of conduct really should be clarified on this front, tbh.

kemonophonic said:
I don't own an MT-2 but I do own a DS-1W and FZ-1W, among other guitar pedals.

It's nowhere near as awful as most say it is... at least when paired with something (TS9 or similar). But already having a DS-1 you're probably not missing out on much.

I would have preferred if it was something not on my blacklist...
(The tag triggering it being penis_piercing if you're wondering. Piercings, especially in sensitive areas, give me the jibblies, I can't help it...)

post #184661

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