Topic: Battle Cat Yuumi BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

spe said:
Why mass update instead of an alias?

The user-visible BUR help that I think is easiest to access comes from the "Help" link that's right under the "Script" box on the new-BUR form .

That link currently offers this:

unalias aaa -> bbb
unimply aaa -> bbb
alias aaa -> bbb
imply aaa -> bbb
update aaa -> bbb
category tag_name -> category_name

I would humbly suggest that for a lot of people wanting to do the same thing as OP, "update" probably sounds more likely to do what they want than "alias" does.

There is some more detailed information about BURs at the bottom of the tag relationships help page , which is linked from the site-wide Help menu.

There's also a BUR wiki page , which I think does a better job explaining BURs, but it's not clear to me how discoverable that wiki page is. The new-BUR form doesn't link to it. It's also not linked from the site-wide "help" menu, as far as I can tell.

I think some users probably just read through the existing posts in this forum and copy-paste a previous BUR script that looks like what they want to do.

kora_viridian said:
The user-visible BUR help that I think is easiest to access comes from the "Help" link that's right under the "Script" box on the new-BUR form .

That link currently offers this:

unalias aaa -> bbb
unimply aaa -> bbb
alias aaa -> bbb
imply aaa -> bbb
update aaa -> bbb
category tag_name -> category_name

I would humbly suggest that for a lot of people wanting to do the same thing as OP, "update" probably sounds more likely to do what they want than "alias" does.

There is some more detailed information about BURs at the bottom of the tag relationships help page , which is linked from the site-wide Help menu.

There's also a BUR wiki page , which I think does a better job explaining BURs, but it's not clear to me how discoverable that wiki page is. The new-BUR form doesn't link to it. It's also not linked from the site-wide "help" menu, as far as I can tell.

I think some users probably just read through the existing posts in this forum and copy-paste a previous BUR script that looks like what they want to do.

Fluffermutt seems to know what they're doing, have made several aliases in a BUR before
Of course for others this might be the reason

snpthecat said:
Fluffermutt seems to know what they're doing, have made several aliases in a BUR before
Of course for others this might be the reason

I'll be honest, I believe I just confused the two. My previous contributions do not make me immune to clerical errors.

kora_viridian said:
"update" probably sounds more likely to do what they want than "alias" does.

Right, my guess is that I was really exhausted one day and my brain did a hiccup.

kora_viridian said:
There's also a BUR wiki page , which I think does a better job explaining BURs, but it's not clear to me how discoverable that wiki page is. The new-BUR form doesn't link to it. It's also not linked from the site-wide "help" menu, as far as I can tell.

I genuinely didn't know that was a thing. Even clicking on the the link, it brings me to an e6 search and not the actual wiki page which brings us to a blank page.

Regardless, I'll update the topic :)

fluffermutt said:
I'll be honest, I believe I just confused the two. My previous contributions do not make me immune to clerical errors.

Right, my guess is that I was really exhausted one day and my brain did a hiccup.

I genuinely didn't know that was a thing. Even clicking on the the link, it brings me to an e6 search and not the actual wiki page which brings us to a blank page.

Regardless, I'll update the topic :)

Wait, can I not change it to alias?

fluffermutt said:
I genuinely didn't know that was a thing.

Like I said, it's not very discoverable, in my opinion. :)

Even clicking on the the link, it brings me to an e6 search and not the actual wiki page which brings us to a blank page.

I screwed up the link. Try this instead.

(I probably copied the bad link from the very first line of that wiki page.)

kora_viridian said:

I screwed up the link. Try this instead.

(I probably copied the bad link from the very first line of that wiki page.)

It's a wiki page. It's not a bad link, the title always leads to the search using its title as a tag (because wikis assume the wiki is for a tag)

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