The bulk update request #9130 is pending approval.
create implication jax_(i_think_i_like_you) (4) -> i_think_i_like_you (105)
create implication zeb_(i_think_i_like_you) (14) -> i_think_i_like_you (105)
create implication red_(i_think_i_like_you) (33) -> i_think_i_like_you (105)
create implication dev_(i_think_i_like_you) (36) -> i_think_i_like_you (105)
create implication theodore_(i_think_i_like_you) (4) -> i_think_i_like_you (105)
create implication ray_(i_think_i_like_you) (17) -> i_think_i_like_you (105)
create implication sky_(i_think_i_like_you) (43) -> i_think_i_like_you (105)
create implication leon_(i_think_i_like_you) (48) -> i_think_i_like_you (105)
Reason: As these tags suggest, all of these characters are from the webcomic I Think I Like You (see i_think_i_like_you)