Okay, so there is this thing that it's apparently called subhorizontal back posture that refers to bipedal creatures, which doesn't have erected posture, but instead, they lean forward with front legs/arms not touching ground. Like e.g. velociraptors. It's referenced in these two links: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Virtual-skeleton-of-GPIT1-in-bipedal-posture-in-1-subhorizontal-back-lateral-view-2_fig8_237006075 and https://palaeo-electronica.org/2010_2/198/index.html. I really like characters with such posture and always hated that I can't just search them. I'm asking about this, because I don't want to make the decision like that myself, but also would love to spread the knowledge about it and maybe people would approve it and tag will be created. After all we have tags for everything, even colors of body elements, so tag for a specific posture would be beneficial too.