Topic: Tony Tony Chopper Forms

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9235 is pending approval.

create implication tony_tony_chopper_(horn_point_form) (117) -> tony_tony_chopper (1034)
create implication tony_tony_chopper_(walk_point_form) (42) -> tony_tony_chopper (1034)
create implication tony_tony_chopper_(heavy_point_form) (29) -> tony_tony_chopper (1034)
create implication tony_tony_chopper_(monster_point_form) (22) -> tony_tony_chopper (1034)
create implication tony_tony_chopper_(kung_fu_point_form) (5) -> tony_tony_chopper (1034)
create implication tony_tony_chopper_(jump_point_form) (4) -> tony_tony_chopper (1034)
create implication tony_tony_chopper_(arm_point_form) (3) -> tony_tony_chopper (1034)
create implication tony_tony_chopper_(guard_point_form) (2) -> tony_tony_chopper (1034)

Reason: Different forms of the same character.

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