Topic: Tag implication: erotic_asphyxiation -> asphyxiation

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

spe said:
What's the difference between this and breath_play?

Actually yeah erotic_asphyxiation or breath_play should probably be aliased together and then have whichever tag we keep implicate asphyxiation. Breath_play already has an implication to asphyxiation as well.

thegreatwolfgang said:
See topic #42586 and the related BUR #6606.

That helps.

I guess there is some sense in separating them, though the current tag might not work for that purpose. erotic_asphyxiation solo has over 500 results, so taggers have clearly not been making the distinction between that and autoerotic_asphyxiation. Either a large tagging project would be needed to clean that up (and I don't find it likely that it would remain clean), or we'd need a different tag for breath play with multiple partners and alias erotic_asphyxiation to breath_play.

As a side note, I feel like a lot of posts I've seen under breath_play aren't exactly asphyxiation. Sometimes it's something like light choking during sex that probably isn't enough to induce asphyxia, sometimes it's just restricted breathing via something like a rebreather_bag. It might be better for us to move the asphyxiation implication to erotic_asphyxiation and use that as the general tag for both solo and group posts, then have them both imply breath_play as a broader tag for all breath-related sexual activity regardless of whether or not asphyxia is depicted.

spe said:
I guess there is some sense in separating them, though the current tag might not work for that purpose. erotic_asphyxiation solo has over 500 results, so taggers have clearly not been making the distinction between that and autoerotic_asphyxiation. Either a large tagging project would be needed to clean that up (and I don't find it likely that it would remain clean), or we'd need a different tag for breath play with multiple partners and alias erotic_asphyxiation to breath_play.

Yeah, that is one of the noted issues with people not differentiating between erotic_asphyxiation and autoerotic_asphyxiation. Don't know if other auto* tags suffer from the same problem.

In addition, I’m actually not entirely sure of how to define either tags. Do we tag the "erotic" part as the choker being aroused or the choked being aroused?

As a side note, I feel like a lot of posts I've seen under breath_play aren't exactly asphyxiation. Sometimes it's something like light choking during sex that probably isn't enough to induce asphyxia, sometimes it's just restricted breathing via something like a rebreather_bag. It might be better for us to move the asphyxiation implication to erotic_asphyxiation and use that as the general tag for both solo and group posts, then have them both imply breath_play as a broader tag for all breath-related sexual activity regardless of whether or not asphyxia is depicted.

That could work better, though it still leaves the question of how to search for autoerotic_asphyxiation posts. Doing erotic_asphyxiation solo may not return clean results.

thegreatwolfgang said:
Yeah, that is one of the noted issues with people not differentiating between erotic_asphyxiation and autoerotic_asphyxiation. Don't know if other auto* tags suffer from the same problem.

In addition, I’m actually not entirely sure of how to define either tags. Do we tag the "erotic" part as the choker being aroused or the choked being aroused?

According to Wikipedia, the one being choked should probably be aroused.

That could work better, though it still leaves the question of how to search for autoerotic_asphyxiation posts. Doing erotic_asphyxiation solo may not return clean results.

Autoerotic seems to be pretty well tagged for solo posts already. I would just have that tag imply erotic_asphyxiation, then search erotic_asphyxiation -autoerotic_asphyxiation if you want duo or group scenarios.

spe said:
According to Wikipedia, the one being choked should probably be aroused.

Do you think that distinction is necessary for tagging?

I guess it wouldn't matter anyways on who is getting aroused since asphyxiation is getting implied, such as in cases where the partner does not feel pleasure from being forcefully choked.

Autoerotic seems to be pretty well tagged for solo posts already. I would just have that tag imply erotic_asphyxiation, then search erotic_asphyxiation -autoerotic_asphyxiation if you want duo or group scenarios.

That could work, but it would require aliasing breath_play away to erotic_asphyxiation.

I personally would still prefer keeping them separated but implied to breath_play, since it seems like standard practice to keep the auto* tags separated (e.g., autofellatio, autorimming).
On the other hand, it is not consistency applied across all auto* tags (e.g., autopenetration, auto_foot_lick).