Is there a tag or term for furry legs? Like the bent shape type?
It would help a lot with my searches
Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions
Is there a tag or term for furry legs? Like the bent shape type?
It would help a lot with my searches
lastminuteman said:
Is there a tag or term for furry legs? Like the bent shape type?
It would help a lot with my searches
Digitgrade is furry based legs
Plantigrade is human based legs
Hope that helps!
manitka said:
Digitgrade is furry based legs
Plantigrade is human based legsHope that helps!
Thank you kindly, very helpful!
To help you remember which is which:
And "grade" comes from "gradus", Latin for "steps". Not relevant for helping you remember, but while I'm spouting off etymologies, might as well finish.
There's also unguligrade, for horse-like legs