Topic: BUR about hugging!

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9372 is pending approval.

create alias hugging_during_sex (32) -> hug (57985)
create alias lifted_by_hug (17) -> carrying_another (18538)
create alias tight_hug (53) -> bear_hug (256)
create alias belly_hug (158) -> hugging_belly (87)
remove alias hugging_tail (0) -> tail_hug (1514)
create alias tail_hug (1514) -> tail_hug_(disambiguation) (0) # has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through BUR
create alias leg_hug (264) -> leg_hug_(disambiguation) (0)
create alias hugging_legs (215) -> hugging_leg (104)
create alias arm_hug (80) -> hugging_arm (56)
create alias hugging_arms (0) -> hugging_arm (56)
create alias head_hug (9) -> hugging_head (20)
create implication side_hug (152) -> hug (57985)
create implication bear_hug (256) -> hug (57985)
create implication hugging_with_wings (1) -> hug (57985)
create implication self_hug (201) -> hug (57985)
create implication hugging_belly (87) -> hug (57985)
create implication hugging_breasts (18) -> hug (57985)
create implication hugging_leg (104) -> hug (57985)
create implication hugging_arm (56) -> hug (57985)
create implication hugging_head (20) -> hug (57985)
create implication side_hug (152) -> hugging_another (8372)
mass update wing_hug -> hugging_with_wings
change category tail_hug_(disambiguation) (0) -> invalid
change category leg_hug_(disambiguation) (0) -> invalid

Reason: aliases include clean up on unnecessary tags about hugging to a better tag, and merging tag equivalents into a consistent library of tags, which are the hugging_bodypart tags. although tail_hug will have to be aliased in a separate request.

implications for the action tags are describing. didn't add too many implications to err on the side of caution.

wing_hug is being used for posts where a character is hugging something with their wings, updating it to hugging_with_wings to be more clear and separate it from the other similar sounding bodypart_hug tags which serve a different purpose. an alias for wing_hug -> hugging_with_wings will have to be created later as it won't let me.

missed topic #45898 while creating this whole BUR, that is breast_hug -> hugging_breasts.

would anyone know why it wouldn't let me alias wing_hug -> hugging_with_wings? it said something about transitive relationships i think.

dinbyy said:
would anyone know why it wouldn't let me alias wing_hug -> hugging_with_wings? it said something about transitive relationships i think.

Go to metasearch and spot anything that says active or pending
Everything should say deleted before you can alias with a BUR

spuriouszabaione said:
create alias leg_hug (248) -> hugging_leg (91) is a bit difficult. There are posts depicting a subject hugging a leg (own or others) and some depicting a subject hugging another by their legs (see below)

post #5013506 post #4879423 post #4866208

tail_hug has sort of the same thing going on too. even if we cleaned it up and aliased it i guess people might still improperly tag it, though idk if that's what happens when a tag like those get aliased.

dinbyy said:
tail_hug has sort of the same thing going on too. even if we cleaned it up and aliased it i guess people might still improperly tag it, though idk if that's what happens when a tag like those get aliased.

so it seems disambiguation and a cleanup would be the best way to go about it these tags then, disambiguating can also at least help out a bit in cleaning up future posts with the tag. so for tail_hug the better tags are hugging_tail and tail_coil it seems. the tags for leg_hug would be hugging_leg and leg_wrap. there's also leglock and legs_around_partner, which are pretty much the same thing to leg_wrap just both being for sex, so i guess we can alias those to leg_wrap.


dinbyy said:
so it seems disambiguation and a cleanup would be the best way to go about it these tags then, disambiguating can also at least help out a bit in cleaning up future posts with the tag. so for tail_hug the better tags are hugging_tail and tail_coil it seems. the tags for leg_hug would be hugging_leg and leg_wrap. there's also leglock and legs_around_partner, which are pretty much the same thing to leg_wrap just both being for sex, so i guess we can alias those to leg_wrap.

Good work on this!