The tag implication #65584 fake_wings -> wings has been rejected.
Reason: Fake wings are wings... kind of?
EDIT: The tag implication fake_wings -> wings (forum #423900) has been rejected by @spe.
Updated by auto moderator
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag implication #65584 fake_wings -> wings has been rejected.
Reason: Fake wings are wings... kind of?
EDIT: The tag implication fake_wings -> wings (forum #423900) has been rejected by @spe.
Updated by auto moderator
I'd think wings should only be for real wings. Like how fake_rabbit_ears doesn't imply rabbit_ears.
Yeah I guess it can be kept that way. In practice there are a few pages of fake_wings wings that will need to be cleaned up, and there are probably posts with fake wings that have only been tagged with wings.
The tag implication fake_wings -> wings (forum #423900) has been rejected by @spe.