Topic: [REJECTED] Ghosts & Japes BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9766 has been rejected.

change category ghosts_and_japes (15) -> copyright
create implication japes_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category japes_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication cammy_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category cammy_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication kaishi_(g&j) (2) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category kaishi_(g&j) (2) -> character
create implication tsughos_(g&j) (2) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category tsughos_(g&j) (2) -> character
create implication bunnygeist_(g&j) (1) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication hunnybunny_(g&j) (0) -> bunnygeist_(g&j) (1)
change category bunnygeist_(g&j) (1) -> character
change category hunnybunny_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication angello_(g&j) (3) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category angello_(g&j) (3) -> character
create implication plain_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category plain_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication visor_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category visor_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication spookobold_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category spookobold_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication lorenzo_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category lorenzo_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication friend_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category friend_(g&j) (0) -> character

Reason: is it improper to set up tags and aliases pre-use? (genuine question)

EDIT: The bulk update request #9766 (forum #425316) has been rejected by @hypabeast_ad.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #9767 has been rejected.

create implication honeygast_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category honeygast_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication ikali_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category ikali_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication kamnspi_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category kamnspi_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication lamply_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category lamply_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication lullaby_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category lullaby_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication magi_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category magi_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication maw_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category maw_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication mirrim_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category mirrim_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication mitsuro_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category mitsuro_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication modesty_(g&j) (1) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category modesty_(g&j) (1) -> character
create implication naru_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category naru_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication nova_(g&j) (1) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category nova_(g&j) (1) -> character

Reason: (continuation of above)

EDIT: The bulk update request #9767 (forum #425317) has been rejected by @hypabeast_ad.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #9768 is active.

create implication sandsnare_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category sandsnare_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication seraph_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category seraph_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication spiriserpent_(g&j) (1) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category spiriserpent_(g&j) (1) -> character
create implication waboomi_(g&j) (1) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category waboomi_(g&j) (1) -> character
create implication xenosheet_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category xenosheet_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication yuko_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category yuko_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication zahra_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category zahra_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication bloboomi_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication bloboomi_(g&j) (0) -> boomi_(g&j) (0)
change category bloboomi_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication fang_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category fang_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication fewmi_(g&j) (1) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category fewmi_(g&j) (1) -> character
create implication jellotin_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category jellotin_(g&j) (0) -> character
create implication dinostuffed_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
change category dinostuffed_(g&j) (0) -> character

Reason: (another continuation of above)

EDIT: The bulk update request #9768 (forum #425320) has been approved by @spe.

Updated by auto moderator

hypabeast_ad said:
Reason: is it improper to set up tags and aliases pre-use? (genuine question)

There's no rule, written or unwritten, prohibiting it as far as I know. After all, we do futureproof tags on occasion.

You can (and should) manually change the category of these tags rather than doing it via BUR. Tags with fewer than 100 (IIRC) posts can be manually changed, and changing it via BUR has a tendency to fail if the tag is empty.

spe said:
You can (and should) manually change the category of these tags rather than doing it via BUR. Tags with fewer than 100 (IIRC) posts can be manually changed, and changing it via BUR has a tendency to fail if the tag is empty.

that's a lot of tags, though.. man

The bulk update request #9863 is active.

create implication japes_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication cammy_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication kaishi_(g&j) (2) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication tsughos_(g&j) (2) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication bunnygeist_(g&j) (1) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication hunnybunny_(g&j) (0) -> bunnygeist_(g&j) (1)
create implication angello_(g&j) (3) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication plain_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication visor_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication spookobold_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication lorenzo_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication friend_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication honeygast_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication ikali_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication kamnspi_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication lamply_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication lullaby_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication magi_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication maw_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication mirrim_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication mitsuro_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication modesty_(g&j) (1) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication naru_(g&j) (0) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)
create implication nova_(g&j) (1) -> ghosts_and_japes (15)

Reason: The implications previously rejected

EDIT: The bulk update request #9863 (forum #432764) has been approved by @spe.

Updated by auto moderator

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