Topic: Needed tags for serpentine/fish body anatomy quirks

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

There are couple strange anatomy things quite many artists seem to be doing, and there does not seem to be tags for this despite of them being rather noteworthy details (also they just irritate me for autistic reasons, and I want to blacklist them lol).
And to clarify, I am talking especially about characters with lower half of body is either serpentine or fish tail (like nagas, merfolk etc.)

One being anus and/or genitalia on rear side of the tail, rather than on the front side where it "should" be.
post #3180307

Another one is tail having appearance as if it had human legs encased within (most notably thighs and knees being added to the fish tail).
post #5144626 post #4303014

Third one is characters having distinctly human-like butt (overlaps with first one)
post #4791831 post #4182698

Is any of this something worth of making new tags for? (Or have I somehow missed tags that exist for these)

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