The tag implication #65676 brown_lipstick -> lipstick is pending approval.
Reason: If there is brown lipstick in the image, there is definitely lipstick in the image.
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag implication #65676 brown_lipstick -> lipstick is pending approval.
Reason: If there is brown lipstick in the image, there is definitely lipstick in the image.
I still question how we tell the difference between brown_lipstick and brown_lips in the majority of cases.
faucet said:
I still question how we tell the difference between brown_lipstick and brown_lips in the majority of cases.
Good point. Possibly by context, e.g. if a character is wearing other makeup on their face and has brown lips, it's probably lipstick. Maybe there is a case to be made that the *_lipstick tags are unnecessary, as if someone is wearing red lipstick their lips are red, and thus red_lips applies.