The tag implication #65677 majin_android_21 -> android_21 is pending approval.
Reason: Current implication is majin_android_21 -> andoid_21, which is a mistyped tag.
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
The tag implication #65677 majin_android_21 -> android_21 is pending approval.
Reason: Current implication is majin_android_21 -> andoid_21, which is a mistyped tag.
The bulk update request #9795 is pending approval.
remove implication majin_android_21 (591) -> andoid_21 (591)
mass update andoid_21 -> android_21
Reason: android_21 -majin_android_21 has meaningful visual differences that are worth facilitating searches for. We don't need this implication.
lafcadio said:
The bulk update request #9795 is pending approval.remove implication majin_android_21 (591) -> andoid_21 (591)
mass update andoid_21 -> android_21
how embarrassing.
while we're on the topic of character alt forms and stuff: pinkamena_(mlp)?
lafcadio said:
remove implication majin_android_21 (576) -> andoid_21 (576)
mass update andoid_21 -> android_21
I think these will need to be done separately, since they aren't guaranteed to happen in order. The mass update could try to rename some while the implication is still active, adding the typo'd tag back on.
watsit said:
I think these will need to be done separately, since they aren't guaranteed to happen in order. The mass update could try to rename some while the implication is still active, adding the typo'd tag back on.
posts are going to need fixing either way, i don't mind going through the posts to remove the base-form tag from majin 21 posts but i literally can't fix them so long as the implication remains.
I'm not sure I mind having the "transformed" form imply the main tag here, we have cell_(dragon_ball) implied from all of his transformations.
not to mention the fact that, through fission, there are kinda 3 characters who share the name and likeness (and also a 4th who only shares the likeness) there's original Android 21, who fissed into Good 21 and Evil 21 (and Vomi, who was the human template 21 was based on).