The bulk update request #9853 is active.
create alias suliformes (0) -> suliform (138)
create implication suliform (138) -> bird (144168)
remove implication sulid (95) -> bird (144168)
create implication sulid (95) -> suliform (138)
create implication frigatebird (23) -> suliform (138)
create alias fregatidae (0) -> frigatebird (23)
create alias fregatid (0) -> frigatebird (23)
create implication cormorant (26) -> suliform (138)
create alias shag_(bird) (0) -> cormorant (26)
create alias phalacrocoracidae (0) -> cormorant (26)
create alias phalacrocoracid (1) -> cormorant (26)
create implication darter_(bird) (3) -> suliform (138)
create implication anhinga (3) -> darter_(bird) (3)
create alias american_darter (0) -> anhinga (3)
Implying groups to their Order.
Cormorants are called cormorants or shags pretty interchangeably.
The American darter (the only species of darter we currently have on the site) is more commonly known as the anhinga
EDIT: The bulk update request #9853 (forum #432462) has been approved by @spe.
Updated by auto moderator