Topic: JoJo's BURzarre Adventure

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9886 is pending approval.

remove alias phantom_blood (0) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove alias battle_tendency (0) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove alias stardust_crusaders (0) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove alias diamond_is_unbreakable (0) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove alias vento_aureo (0) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove alias stone_ocean (0) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove alias steel_ball_run (0) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove alias jojolion (0) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication bruno_bucciarati (34) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication caesar_zeppeli (20) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication diavolo_(jjba) (26) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication diego_brando (55) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication esidisi_(jjba) (12) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)


imply phantom_blood -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
imply battle_tendency -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
alias sento_choryu -> battle_tendency
imply stardust_crusaders -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
imply diamond_is_unbreakable -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
alias diamond_is_not_crash -> diamond_is_unbreakable
alias daiyamondo_wa_kudakenai -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply golden_wind -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
alias vento_aureo -> golden_wind
alias ogon_no_kaze -> golden_wind
imply stone_ocean -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
imply steel_ball_run -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
imply jojolion -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
imply the_jojolands -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
alias jojolands -> the_jojolands

The individual parts of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure were aliased away without discussion in 2019. However, I believe they should qualify for their own tags here. Each part has a (mostly) different cast of characters as well as a completely different setting and vibe. There are only 11 characters out of hundreds that appear in more than one part, and even then they have substantially different designs depending on the part they're in. I know it would be helpful for me to be able to search by part, and some people may want to blacklist the parts that haven't been animated yet to avoid spoilers.


The bulk update request #9887 is pending approval.

remove implication giorno_giovanna (87) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication guido_mista (41) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication gyro_zeppeli (15) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication iggy_(jjba) (355) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication johnny_joestar (34) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication jolyne_cujoh (75) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication jonathan_joestar (26) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication josuke_higashikata (68) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication josuke_higashikata_(jojolion) (15) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication kars_(jjba) (26) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication killer_queen (127) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication leone_abbacchio (21) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication narancia_ghirga (32) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication noriaki_kakyoin (38) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication pannacotta_fugo (18) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication pet_shop_(jjba) (39) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication pillar_men (17) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication risotto_nero (13) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication santana_(jjba) (2) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication trish_una (19) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication vinegar_doppio (11) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication wamuu_(jjba) (15) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)
remove implication yoshikage_kira (63) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure (2527)

Clearing the way to imply characters to parts

Long Followups:

Multi-Part Characters

imply straizo_(jjba) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
alias robert_speedwagon -> robert_e._o._speedwagon
alias robert_e_o_speedwagon -> robert_e._o._speedwagon
alias speedwagon_(jjba) -> robert_e._o._speedwagon
imply robert_e._o._speedwagon -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
alias erina_joestar -> erina_pendleton
imply erina_pendleton -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
imply suzi_q_(jjba) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
imply hermit_purple -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
alias jean-pierre_polnareff -> jean_pierre_polnareff
imply jean_pierre_polnareff -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
imply the_world_(jjba) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
imply koichi_hirose -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
imply echoes_(jjba) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
alias reverb_(jjba) -> echoes_(jjba)
alias kishibe_rohan -> rohan_kishibe
imply rohan_kishibe -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
alias heavens_door_(jjba) -> heaven's_door_(jjba)
imply heaven's_door_(jjba) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
mass update killer_queen -> killer_queen_(jjba)
alias deadly_queen_(jjba) -> killer_queen_(jjba)
imply killer_queen_(jjba) -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure
alias pillar_men -> pillar_man

Phantom Blood

imply jonathan_joestar -> phantom_blood
alias will_a_zeppeli -> will_zeppeli
imply will_zeppeli -> phantom_blood
imply dire_(jjba) -> phantom_blood
alias blueford_(jjba) -> bruford_(jjba)
imply bruford_(jjba) -> phantom_blood
alias tarukus_(jjba) -> tarkus_(jjba)
imply tarkus_(jjba) -> phantom_blood
imply danny_(jjba) -> phantom_blood
imply poco_(jjba) -> phantom_blood

Battle Tendency

imply caesar_zeppeli -> battle_tendency
alias elizabeth_joestar -> lisa_lisa_(jjba)
imply lisa_lisa_(jjba) -> battle_tendency
imply rudol_von_stroheim -> battle_tendency
imply kars_(jjba) -> battle_tendency
imply esidisi_(jjba) -> battle_tendency
imply wamuu_(jjba) -> battle_tendency
imply santana_(jjba) -> battle_tendency
imply smokey_brown -> battle_tendency
alias loggs_(jjba) -> loggins_(jjba)
imply loggins_(jjba) -> battle_tendency
alias meshina_(jjba) -> messina_(jjba)
imply messina_(jjba) -> battle_tendency

Stardust Crusaders

alias mohammed_avdol -> muhammad_avdol
alias muhammad_abdul -> muhammad_avdol
imply muhammad_avdol -> stardust_crusaders
alias magicians_red -> magician's_red
imply magician's_red -> stardust_crusaders
alias kakyoin_noriaki -> noriaki_kakyoin
imply noriaki_kakyoin -> stardust_crusaders
imply hierophant_green -> stardust_crusaders
imply iggy_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
imply the_fool_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
alias imposter_captain_dragon -> imposter_captain_tennille
imply imposter_captain_tennille -> stardust_crusaders
imply dark_blue_moon -> stardust_crusaders
imply forever_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
alias robber_soul_(jjba) -> rubber_soul_(jjba)
imply rubber_soul_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
imply hol_horse -> stardust_crusaders
alias enya_geil -> enya_the_hag
alias enyaba_(jjba) -> enya_the_hag
imply enya_the_hag -> stardust_crusaders
alias dan_of_steel_(jjba) -> steely_dan_(jjba)
imply steely_dan_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
alias manishu_booi_(jjba) -> mannish_boy_(jjba)
imply mannish_boy_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
alias death_13 -> death_thirteen
imply death_thirteen -> stardust_crusaders
alias rose_(jjba) -> midler_(jjba)
imply midler_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
imply high_priestess_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
alias ndoul_(jjba) -> n'doul_(jjba)
imply n'doul_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
imply geb_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
alias zenyatta_(jjba) -> oingo_(jjba)
imply oingo_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
alias mondatta_(jjba) -> boingo_(jjba)
imply boingo_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
imply anubis_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
imply mariah_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
imply alessi_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
alias daniel_j_d'arby -> daniel_j._d'arby
alias daniel_j._darby -> daniel_j._d'arby
alias daniel_j_darby -> daniel_j._d'arby
alias daniel_d'arby -> daniel_j._d'arby
alias daniel_darby -> daniel_j._d'arby
alias d'arby_the_elder -> daniel_j._d'arby
alias darby_the_elder -> daniel_j._d'arby
imply daniel_j._d'arby -> stardust_crusaders
imply pet_shop_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
imply horus_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
alias telence_t_d'arby -> telence_t._d'arby
alias telence_t._darby -> telence_t._d'arby
alias telence_t_darby -> telence_t._d'arby
alias telence_d'arby -> telence_t._d'arby
alias telence_darby -> telence_t._d'arby
alias d'arby_the_younger -> telence_t._d'arby
alias darby_the_younger -> telence_t._d'arby
imply telence_t._d'arby -> stardust_crusaders
alias cool_ice_(jjba) -> vanilla_ice_(jjba)
imply vanilla_ice_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
imply cream_(jjba) -> stardust_crusaders
alias holy_kujo -> holly_kujo
imply holly_kujo -> stardust_crusaders

Diamond is Unbreakable

imply josuke_higashikata -> diamond_is_unbreakable
alias shining_diamond_(jjba) -> crazy_diamond_(jjba)
imply crazy_diamond_(jjba) -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply okuyasu_nijimura -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply the_hand_(jjba) -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply yoshikage_kira -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply keicho_nijimura -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply tamami_kobayashi -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply toshikazu_hazamada -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply yukako_yamagishi -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply akira_otoishi -> diamond_is_unbreakable
alias chili_pepper_(jjba) -> red_hot_chili_pepper_(jjba)
imply red_hot_chili_pepper_(jjba) -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply bug-eaten -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply not_bug-eaten -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply ratt_(jjba) -> diamond_is_unbreakable
alias shigechi_(jjba) -> shigekiyo_yangu
imply shigekiyo_yangu -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply yoshihiro_kira -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply ken_oyanagi -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply yuya_fungami -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply terunosuke_miyamoto -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply tonio_trussardi -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply reimi_sugimoto -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply aya_tsuji_(jjba) -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply mikitaka_hazekura -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply hayato_kawajiri -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply tomoko_higashikata -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply ryohei_higashikata -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply shinobu_kawajiri -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply kosaku_kawajiri -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply akemi_(jjba) -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply yoshie_(jjba) -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply reiko_(jjba) -> diamond_is_unbreakable
imply stray_cat_(jjba) -> diamond_is_unbreakable
alias cheap_trap_(jjba) -> cheap_trick_(jjba)
imply cheap_trick_(jjba) -> diamond_is_unbreakable

Golden Wind

imply giorno_giovanna -> golden_wind
alias golden_wind_(stand) -> gold_experience_(jjba)
imply gold_experience_(jjba) -> golden_wind
alias golden_wind_requiem -> gold_experience_requiem
imply gold_experience_requiem -> golden_wind
imply bruno_bucciarati -> golden_wind
alias zipper_man_(jjba) -> sticky_fingers_(jjba)
imply sticky_fingers_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply leone_abbacchio -> golden_wind
alias moody_jazz_(jjba) -> moody_blues_(jjba)
imply moody_blues_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply guido_mista -> golden_wind
alias six_bullets_(jjba) -> sex_pistols_(jjba)
imply sex_pistols_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply narancia_ghirga -> golden_wind
alias li'l_bomber_(jjba) -> aerosmith_(jjba)
alias lil_bomber_(jjba) -> aerosmith_(jjba)
imply aerosmith_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply pannacotta_fugo -> golden_wind
alias purple_smoke_(jjba) -> purple_haze_(jjba)
imply purple_haze_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply trish_una -> golden_wind
alias spicy_lady_(jjba) -> spice_girl_(jjba)
imply spice_girl_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply coco_jumbo -> golden_wind
imply diavolo_(jjba) -> golden_wind
alias emperor_crimson_(jjba) -> king_crimson_(jjba)
imply king_crimson_(jjba) -> golden_wind
alias aceto_doppio -> vinegar_doppio
alias doppio_(jjba) -> vinegar_doppio
imply vinegar_doppio -> golden_wind
imply polpo_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply mario_zucchero -> golden_wind
imply risotto_nero -> golden_wind
alias metallic_(jjba) -> metallica_(jjba)
imply metallica_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply formaggio_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply illuso_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply prosciutto_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply pesci_(jjba) -> golden_wind
alias fisher_man_(jjba) -> beach_boy_(jjba)
imply beach_boy_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply melone_(jjba) -> golden_wind
alias babyhead_(jjba) -> baby_face_(jjba)
alias babyface_(jjba) -> baby_face_(jjba)
imply baby_face_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply ghiaccio_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply squalo_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply tizzano_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply carne_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply cioccolata_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply secco_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply sorbet_(jjba) -> golden_wind
imply gelato_(jjba) -> golden_wind

Stone Ocean

imply jolyne_cujoh -> stone_ocean
alias stone_ocean_(stand) -> stone_free_(jjba)
imply stone_free_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
imply ermes_costello -> stone_ocean
imply emporio_alnino -> stone_ocean
alias f.f._(jjba) -> foo_fighters_(jjba)
alias ff_(jjba) -> foo_fighters_(jjba)
imply foo_fighters_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
alias wes_bluemarine -> weather_report_(jjba)
alias weather_forecast_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
imply weather_report_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
imply narciso_anasui -> stone_ocean
imply enrico_pucci -> stone_ocean
alias pale_snake_(jjba) -> whitesnake_(jjba)
imply whitesnake_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
alias maiden_heaven_(jjba) -> made_in_heaven_(jjba)
imply made_in_heaven_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
imply gwess_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
alias johngalli_a -> johngalli_a.
imply johngalli_a. -> stone_ocean
imply thunder_mcqueen -> stone_ocean
alias highway_to_death_(jjba) -> highway_to_hell_(jjba)
alias freeway_thru_hell_(jjba) -> highway_to_hell_(jjba)
imply highway_to_hell_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
imply miraschon_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
imply lang_rangler -> stone_ocean
imply sports_maxx -> stone_ocean
alias guard_westwood -> viviano_westwood
imply viviano_westwood -> stone_ocean
imply kenzou_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
alias drake's_dream_(jjba) -> dragon's_dream_(jjba)
alias drakes_dream_(jjba) -> dragon's_dream_(jjba)
alias dragons_dream_(jjba) -> dragon's_dream_(jjba)
imply dragon's_dream_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
imply d_an_g_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
imply miuccia_miuller -> stone_ocean
imply ungalo_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
imply rikiel_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
imply donatello_versus -> stone_ocean
imply loccobarocco -> stone_ocean
imply charlotte_(jjba) -> stone_ocean
imply jolyne_cujoh's_mother -> stone_ocean

Steel Ball Run

imply johnny_joestar -> steel_ball_run
imply tusk_(jjba) -> steel_ball_run
imply gyro_zeppeli -> steel_ball_run
imply ball_breaker_(jjba) -> steel_ball_run
imply diego_brando -> steel_ball_run
mass update scary_monsters -> scary_monsters_(jjba)
alias frightening_monsters_(jjba) -> scary_monsters_(jjba)
imply scary_monsters_(jjba) -> steel_ball_run
imply hot_pants_(jjba) -> steel_ball_run
imply funny_valentine -> steel_ball_run
alias d4c_(jjba) -> dirty_deeds_done_dirt_cheap_(jjba)
alias filthy_acts_at_a_reasonable_price -> dirty_deeds_done_dirt_cheap_(jjba)
imply dirty_deeds_done_dirt_cheap_(jjba) -> steel_ball_run
imply wekapipo_(jjba) -> steel_ball_run

JoJolion and The JoJolands

alias gappy_higashikata -> josuke_higashikata_(jojolion)
imply josuke_higashikata_(jojolion) -> jojolion
alias soft_and_wet_(jjba) -> soft_&_wet_(jjba)
imply soft_&_wet_(jjba) -> jojolion
imply yasuho_hirose -> jojolion
imply paisley_park_(jjba) -> jojolion
imply norisuke_higashikata -> jojolion
imply king_nothing_(jjba) -> jojolion
imply nut_king_call -> jojolion
imply paper_moon_king -> jojolion
imply california_king_bed_(jjba) -> jojolion
imply jobin_higashikata -> jojolion
alias tooru_(jjba) -> toru_(jjba)
imply toru_(jjba) -> jojolion
imply wonder_of_u -> jojolion
imply yoshikage_kira_(jojolion) -> jojolion
imply josefumi_kujo -> jojolion
imply jodio_joestar -> the_jojolands


I feel like "BURzarre Adventure" would work better than "Bizarre AdvenBUR"


man, I'm still not the biggest fan of flipping name order for characters. but that's just what localizers do, I guess... (except for when they don't, like how they called Rohan's OVA series "Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan" everywhere)

also, I'm not too sure about keeping having any of these stand names without the *_(jjba) disambiguator, with the exception of a section of the ones from Stardust Crusaders, they're almost all just straight up the name of a band/artist/album/song.

dba_afish said:
I feel like "BURzarre Adventure" would work better than "Bizarre AdvenBUR"

You're totally right

also, I'm not too sure about keeping having any of these stand names without the *_(jjba) disambiguator, with the exception of a section of the ones from Stardust Crusaders, they're almost all just straight up the name of a band/artist/album/song.

I've updated all the ones that are straight up song/artist etc. names, but I think some of them are different enough that they're fine (Wonder of U rather than The Wonder of You, Nut King Call vs Nat King Cole, etc.).

also, I don't think it's been discussed before, so I feel like we should at least bring up the fact that we're choosing to eschew general site policy by opting to alias away character names used in the official localizations to instead favour more direct translations/transliterations of the names used in the original japanese.

I think this choice is totally reasonable; literally no one uses those names. I mean, (with maybe one exception) I don't think I've ever seen/heard a single person (outside of the official releases themselves and related promotional material) use the localized names to refer to one of the characters. choosing to use the localized names for the tagnames would likely be considerably more confusing to users than not.

juansanchez said:
we're choosing to eschew general site policy

Isn't the general policy to favour names that are actually used, rather than the obscure names no one knows about?

Yeah I mean the only reason those "localizations" exist is copyright law, the names being "localized" are really already English.

snpthecat said:
Isn't the general policy to favour names that are actually used, rather than the obscure names no one knows about?

I wouldn't say no one knows about them. anyone who's watched the anime dubbed on Toonami has heard the names many times, and anyone who's watched the the anime with subtitles Netflix/Crunchyroll or played any of the games has read the names many times. since the anime is the primary way that people have experienced the stories in the west I'd say most people in and around the fandom are certainly aware of these names.

it's not as much no one knows about the names, but rather everyone actively chooses to ignore them. the localized names were all born as minimum effort attempts to avoid trademark disputes meaning they're all _really_ dumb, with stuff like "Spice Girl" becoming "Spicy Lady", "Sex Pistols" becoming "Six Bullets" and "Limp Bizkit" becoming "Flacid Pancake" or "Limp Viscuit".

dba_afish said:
it's not as much no one knows about the names, but rather everyone actively chooses to ignore them. the localized names were all born as minimum effort attempts to avoid trademark disputes meaning they're all _really_ dumb, with stuff like "Spice Girl" becoming "Spicy Lady", "Sex Pistols" becoming "Six Bullets" and "Limp Bizkit" becoming "Flacid Pancake" or "Limp Viscuit".

Don't forget "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" -> "Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price" lol

I think going with the names uses is a good standard.


pleaseletmein said:
Don't forget "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" -> "Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price" lol

I wonder if they're going to keep this for the anime. not committing to Flaccid Pancake was such a crime especially when they replaced it with fucking Limp Viscuit, but leaving "Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price" as-is would be an absolute atrocity and they could redeem themselves by fixing it.