Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: non-canine_knot -> knot

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions



Since knotted penis is now a thing there's really no need for a tag like this when you can just use knotted_penis -canine_penis, so this should probably be an alias.

Well even if this tag is valid, it should probably imply knotted_penis instead of just knot.

labra said:
Since knotted penis is now a thing there's really no need for a tag like this when you can just use knotted_penis -canine_penis, so this should probably be an alias.

I agree in theory, but in practice people don’t always tag both knotted_penis and canine_penis where applicable, so a search like that isn’t terribly reliable. I don’t really mind having a tag for outlier situations like this, particularly when we can’t enforce reliable tagging through an implication (in this case, canine_penis can’t imply knotted_penis even though it’s applicable in the majority of cases, because either the knot may not be visible, or in rare cases a canine penis can be depicted without a knot… and knotted_penis can’t imply canine_penis because of, well, non-canine_knot.)



spe said:
I agree in theory, but in practice people don’t always tag both knotted_penis and canine_penis where applicable, so a search like that isn’t terribly reliable. I don’t really mind having a tag for outlier situations like this, particularly when we can’t enforce reliable tagging through an implication (in this case, canine_penis can’t imply knotted_penis even though it’s applicable in the majority of cases, because either the knot may not be visible, or in rare cases a canine penis can be depicted without a knot… and knotted_penis can’t imply canine_penis because of, well, non-canine_knot.)

I don't think it's that big of an issue to be honest. Canine penis is tagged fairly consistently from my experience, certainly more consistently that the far more common humanoid penis anyway. Even now that we have knotted penis you're still far more likely to find a canine_penis tagged only as such, instead of in addition to knotted_penis or even only as knotted_penis.
People not tagging common tags that some people might want to search for or blacklist is not gonna change unless the rules are adjusted to include requirements to tag some very commonly searched and/or blacklisted tags like body types, gender/sex tags, genitals and genitals types, etc. in addition to the current "contentious content" rules.
If people want to see any knotted_penis regardless of type, they can search knotted_penis or ~knotted_penis ~canine_penis for a much broader result. If they want to see any knotted_penis aside from canine_penis the results are always gonna be better when using knotted_penis -canine_penis. People occasionally not applying canine_penis is not gonna be fixed by creating a much more obscure tag that's basically "any knotted_penis that's not a canine_penis" when that tag is inevitably not gonna be tagged nearly enough to be anywhere near useful for searching or blacklisting.