Topic: [Feature] Automatically upvote favorites

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Automatically upvote posts when users favorite them, much like Derpibooru. To be clear, Favoriting a post will upvoted it, but upvoting a post will NOT favorite it, which would still be done manually.

I can't count the amount of posts that have been downvoted solely because of the content on an otherwise high quality post. The feature would make it so that the post score better represents the post quality rather than the content involved. If something *is* actually bad, the score would properly reflect that because it would get downvoted and not many people would favorite it. This prevents upvotes and faves for being the same thing.

  • If you only want to favorite something, it's only one click to unvote it. Ideally it would be a opt-out* feature to give users a choice in the matter on if they wanted that behavior or not for those users wanting to personally separate their favs and upvotes. Even so, separating posts is exactly what sets is designed to do so that point is moot.
  • If one wanted to favorite something but also wanted to downvoted it, there would be no more clicks than it already takes to do that.
  • If one wanted to favorite something but didn't want to upvote it, it would only take one extra click. If they do that a lot, that's where the opt-out feature to disable it comes in. The auto upvote feature will NOT force the upvote to lock on if something is faved.

*Opt-out because it was opt-in no one would use it, completely negating the feature.

Additional proposal:
Have a dropdown in the the vote button area for Sets. As if the current "Fit" dropdown instead contained "Favorites" "Beans" Yeens" "Yeen beans" etc. for a more convenient way to store images separately. rather than having Sets be hidden in the sea of links on the sidebar. It would also help mobile users from having to currently scroll way down, find Sets, click it, and then select the dropdown.

Naw on the upvotes bit. If you think faves are a better indicator of quality, sort by or filter by those. The only way to get downvotes to not be linked to content is to get people to actually consistently blacklist. The average user is allergic to this so good luck with that.

I do like the idea for putting sets up next to the vote/fave buttons.

regsmutt said:
Naw on the upvotes bit. If you think faves are a better indicator of quality, sort by or filter by those. The only way to get downvotes to not be linked to content is to get people to actually consistently blacklist. The average user is allergic to this so good luck with that.

I do like the idea for putting sets up next to the vote/fave buttons.

That's the problem though, my eyes are drawn to the big green number as I'm sure many others are. I don't even look at fav count at all. The feature would allow those upvotes to be more represented of the quality of a work since (I have no data but I'm sure I'm not wrong) most people only really look at the score.

bdanimare said:
That's the problem though, my eyes are drawn to the big green number as I'm sure many others are. I don't even look at fav count at all. The feature would allow those upvotes to be more represented of the quality of a work since (I have no data but I'm sure I'm not wrong) most people only really look at the score.

Skill issue? The fave number is in the middle and higher contrast. Besides that, searching order:favcount or favcount:>number isn't going to have that issue.

regsmutt said:
Skill issue? The fave number is in the middle and higher contrast. Besides that, searching order:favcount or favcount:>number isn't going to have that issue.

The fav number is blue on a blue background. The up/down count is both bold and green/red. It's the prominent number.