Topic: Reposting from another art gallery site

Posted under Art Talk

Hey guys,

Im looking at another art site called myfurrybooru. I've found an artwork that I'd like to upload. I've done a search already and haven't been able to find it already posted. My only main concern is sourcing the image. While I don't have an account on FA, I can only assume I have found the artist whos name is kaia, problem is that I can't find the art in their gallery.

Im wondering what course of action would be best.. Should I just link back to the image on MFB, or back to the kaia on FA who for all I know, might not be the true artist.


If it's NSFW, you won't be able to see it on FA without an account. If you're sure they're the artist, linking to just their userpage is fine. Otherwise, linking to the other booru site is better than nothing. Why not post the link here and let us take a crack at finding the source?

Updated by anonymous

Upload it, and let other users source it (dial M for Munkelzahn). Most of us (afaik) have a FA account, so that'll be taken care of.

Updated by anonymous

Okay guys I guess this is resolved now. I tried uploading it and as it turns out the image was already uploaded, kaia had a last name as well as it turns out.

Thanks guys. :)

Updated by anonymous

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