Topic: Negative Base Upload Limit

Posted under General

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Okay so I noticed my base upload number is a negative number. Can someone explain this or fix it?

The equation used to be 10 + (Approved Uploads / 10) - (Deleted Posts / 4) - Pending Posts = Available Posts.

Now its: -2 + (Approved Uploads / 10) - (Deleted Posts / 4) - Pending Posts = Available Posts

This has happened to me before and its getting a bit irritating.

Updated by Aurali

Yes, but Unapproved Posts will not reduce the first number from 10 to -2.

Look at your first number...its a 10. Mine is -2. That means I lost 12 posts. That first number is the base number of posts you are allowed to make. Its 10 by default, the entire point of the equation is to add more images to users who contribute images that do not get deleted.

It should be 10, but its -2. This has happened to me before, but before it went from 10 to 5. This is even worse. I simply don't understand why this is happening.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Mods can manually change upload limits vixxine

I have been through this with Char. I am not this other user, that is the reason why I was unbanned. Proxy IP addresses are the only way i can connect since this site is on my network's blacklist (they say for promotion of pedophilia and bestiality).

Why is an admin messing with my number of uploads? All I want to do is share images.

Updated by anonymous

Cute. Now 40+ of my uploads from as much as month or more ago have been deleted and the reason being given is they are "substandard" quality.

Why would they be approved and left on the site for over a month if they are substandard. This is ridiculous, such unprofessional conduct from people who claim to be moderators.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Mai_Lil_Pwny said:
I have been through this with Char. I am not this other user, that is the reason why I was unbanned.

I made it very clear in my last e-mail to you that the site's position was that you are Vixxxine69. You were unbanned on the condition that you managed to "demonstrate that you are either A) not the same person as Vixxxine69, or B) that your behavior has significantly changed if you are Vixxxine69."

I don't have any time left tonight to investigate why exactly your upload limit was changed or why you weren't contacted about it when it was changed, as you should have been. I know you sent me an e-mail about it too, but I'll just have to get to it tomorrow since I'm already up too late as it is. Perhaps another admin more familiar with the situation can explain what happened here quicker than I'll be able to.

Updated by anonymous

Steps were taken to abate the influx of low quality, barely on-topic generic bestiality hentai that you have been so insistent on posting. You can still post, just not as much. Consider it a trade-off for us letting you ban-evade.

Updated by anonymous

Im not accusative, but if you say its happened before, wouldnt that imply you have another account?

Updated by anonymous

Mai_Lil_Pwny said:
Cute. Now 40+ of my uploads from as much as month or more ago have been deleted and the reason being given is they are "substandard" quality.

Why would they be approved and left on the site for over a month if they are substandard. This is ridiculous, such unprofessional conduct from people who claim to be moderators.

Those images should never have been approved in the first place. It was an oversight. MOST of your uploads should never have been approved in the first place. I deleted the 40 most egregious examples of low-quality image files. Jaggy lines, jpeg artifacts, overinflated images, overly sketchy images, and so forth. This was explained in the deletion reason for each image removed.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
I made it very clear in my last e-mail to you that the site's position was that you are Vixxxine69. You were unbanned on the condition that you managed to "demonstrate that you are either A) not the same person as Vixxxine69, or B) that your behavior has significantly changed if you are Vixxxine69."

I don't have any time left tonight to investigate why exactly your upload limit was changed or why you weren't contacted about it when it was changed, as you should have been. I know you sent me an e-mail about it too, but I'll just have to get to it tomorrow since I'm already up too late as it is. Perhaps another admin more familiar with the situation can explain what happened here quicker than I'll be able to.

I have not done anything to warrant this persecution. I know you still think I am ban evading, but the fact of the matter is I am simply trying to enjoy the site. I have not caused any drama up until this point when this "persecution" began.

ippiki_ookami said:
Steps were taken to abate the influx of low quality, barely on-topic generic bestiality hentai that you have been so insistent on posting. You can still post, just not as much. Consider it a trade-off for us letting you ban-evade.

I call bullshit twice on this:

1. The images are not low quality, they exceed the criteria laid out in the posting rules. Many of the posts were approved, had received positive ratings and had been favorited by users. Its an obvious vendetta against me as I seem to be the only user who has had 40+ images deleted. Out of the hundreds of images posted here no other user is meeting your judgemental standard of low quality?
2. I have already said I am not this other user. If you have the concrete proof I am this Vixxine69 I would have been outright banned without any choice. Char has made a consideration for my situation and allowed me to try and prove I am not this person, but the mods here still harbor some ill agenda to prevent me from doing that. I am being harassed it seems with hopes that I will "lash out" so that I can then be singled out for causing drama and then banned for it.

Im not accusative, but if you say its happened before, wouldnt that imply you have another account?

Yes I do. I actually have a number of accounts here, there is no rule against that. What I do not have is the account Vixxine69 that seems to be this plague that I have been labeled with. And as for this happening to me before, it happened TO THIS ACCOUNT. It was corrected after a few days, but I was given NO NOTICE as to why it happened to begin with.

Those images should never have been approved in the first place. It was an oversight. MOST of your uploads should never have been approved in the first place. I deleted the 40 most egregious examples of low-quality image files. Jaggy lines, jpeg artifacts, overinflated images, overly sketchy images, and so forth. This was explained in the deletion reason for each image removed.

Bullshit again.
There are hundreds of images uploaded here. The images you deleted were all from me, I don't see you ripping through the hundreds of other posts of content that is sub par and even "irrelevant".

Like post #262490 It's a chart.
Or post #262283 Doesn't quite meet any standard I would uphold to.
Or post #262221 looks like a screenshot with a horrible doodle over it?

Just check the recent deletions page. My username fills almost an entire page, don't you think thats just a bit odd for "quality" control. many of the images that were deleted were deleted in spite. Just admit it and move on, iots obvious it won't be undone but there is no reason to lie.

Moderators should be held to a higher code of conduct than an average user. All of this started because I made an objection about a negative mark that was given to me for posting a DNP artist (who had 5 other images on the site already, I already detailed in my e-mail to Char why I disputed this negative mark). At the time it seemed a bit unfair to give me a negative mark for it, especially since there were 5 other images by the artist on the site. It was pointed out I had been given a neutral mark already for this DNP violation, but I have seen user records where 3-4 neutral marks are given for DNP material, so I guess it all depends on how harsh the moderator wants to be.

This harassment makes it obvious to me that many of you are not capable of that, thats just my opinion and I am stating it because I believe it to be true and I think any other user on this site can see from the evidence that is plainly available. Its plain to see here its simply a vendetta against me because you all seem to believe I am "ban evading". Deny it all you like, but the mountain of evidence is pretty obvious. Why can't you just leave me alone and let me post in peace? I am not causing any trouble for anyone, this is the most I have ever posted here and its only because you seem to have singled me out. All I ask is that you restore my numbers to the way they were and stop with the harassment and move on.

This is a site about sharing images in a friendly community, but now its turned into a crazy gestapo thats trying to drive me away because of this crazy misconception. There is no way for me to prove to you that I am not this Vixxine person, you made that obvious by your harassment. The only way I was given to prove myself was to keep "under the radar", which is all I ever wanted to do anyway, but it seems even that has been taken from me.

Updated by anonymous

I just want to say that Mario583 has 160 deleted posts and has a negative upload limit of -7. Yours is still positive.

Updated by anonymous

Mai_Lil_Pwny said:
There are hundreds of images uploaded here. The images you deleted were all from me, I don't see you ripping through the hundreds of other posts of content that is sub par and even "irrelevant".

Measurements of quality and relevancy in regard to deletions and approvals are made by the site staff, not the user base. Our right to make these decisions, including the right to delete images at any time, is outlined in the terms of service that you agreed to when you created your account. You can view our decisions here. Your posts were deleted as a block after we noticed that many of them were of substandard quality and contained grainy image artifacts and other such technical imperfections. None of the images in that mass deletion were deleted for relevancy issues.

Mai_Lil_Pwny said:
Just check the recent deletions page. My username fills almost an entire page, don't you think thats just a bit odd for "quality" control. many of the images that were deleted were deleted in spite. Just admit it and move on, iots obvious it won't be undone but there is no reason to lie.

If the intent was to delete your uploads out of spite, wouldn't all of your uploads be deleted? Yours is a fallacious argument.

Mai_Lil_Pwny said:
All of this started because I made an objection about a negative mark that was given to me for posting a DNP artist

All of this started because you are Vixxxine69. Your record is public. You upload the same types of content as Vixxxine69. You favorite the same types of content as Vixxxine69. You even favorite your own posts like Vixxxine69. You act like her. You cause drama in public like her. You type like her. You share IP addresses with her. You are Vixxxine69 and we know it; no matter how much you claim otherwise, we know better.

You have been allowed a second chance at the behest of the site administration team and so far you are not impressing us in the least.

Updated by anonymous

We know you're vixxxine. You're not going to convince us you're not. And quite frankly I'm blown away that you would even try to play that card at this point. You weren't unbanned so you could prove you're not her, you were unbanned to see if you would go back to your old ways (when you went nuts and started wrecking shit).

After all the stunts you pulled: Trolling, user and admin harassment, tag vandalizing, hostility and contentiousness, over a dozen counts of ban evasion (this one's my favorite, spamming nearly 50 trouble tickets (like this one) within the span of a few hours...

...after all that, you're still here with full site access. And yet you're complaining because we've restricted your posting abilities. Talk about audacity.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
after all that, you're still here with full site access.

Most people would've been permabanned at this point. I guess you guys are just having too much fun watching her spin herself into a hole?

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
Most people would've been permabanned at this point. I guess you guys are just having too much fun watching her spin herself into a hole?

No. A second chance is a second chance.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Mods can manually change upload limits vixxine busted!...funny thing is i had a nasty suspicion, but never acted on it... mainly the type of uploads, most where from vix, then it suddenly moved over to this one.... huh, guess i should've acted on my suspicion. but now after reading null's post
"a second chance" guess its good i didn't say anything.

Updated by anonymous

You even favorite your own posts

This reminds of mister Bean, sending himself christmas cards.

On topic, our toaster is pretty much right in every point I can check for myself, you type like Vixxine, you structure your sentences like vixxine and you think that any and all things happening to you are done to hunt you personally down.

Maybe Vixxine is your long lost evil twin or your mister hyde?

Mai_Lil_Pwny said:
Why would they be approved and left on the site for over a month if they are substandard. This is ridiculous, such unprofessional conduct from people who claim to be moderators.

And this is the point everything went downhill for you. Calling out people or the entire moderationbase is never a smart move.
Without the last sentence you would've not only gotten a more helpful answer from a mod but also shown that you're not Vixxine or someone else who isn't really wanted.

Remember cussing inside hour head or at your monitor is not only acceptable but also healthy, cussing at people in power or in hearing range of those is never a smart move.

Updated by anonymous

I'm gonna lock this thread. The purpose of which is data gathering from the admins.. (We have an open administration. you can see everything we do). The point is though, you can call yourself not vixxxine all you want to but you are. You will not be able to convince us otherwise. However, we are giving you a second chance because you used to be a good user. Keep screwing with us and you will be banned again.

Your question was answered, anything more is flame bait. Topic locked for civility.

Updated by anonymous

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