Topic: Tag Implication: foursome -> group_sex

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Genjar said:
Foursome should probably also be unimplicated from group. Since that's redundant with the foursomegroup_sexgroup implication chain.

We have multiple tags implicating other tags? I thought it wasn't possible

I guess I'll leave it because it's not really hurting to have two tags implicate it as the tag will only be added once anyway

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
We have multiple tags implicating other tags? I thought it wasn't possible

Only with the aliases, as far as I know.
...I just tried to submit an alias for kaze_ninkajinchu (the former is a mistranslation), couldn't because it's already aliased.

Anyway, yeah, I suppose there's no harm in leaving those duplicates in. I was just worried that they put extra strain on the servers.

Updated by anonymous

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