Topic: How the voting system is supposed to work VS how it works.

Posted under General

Without getting incredibly selfish I'd like to explain something really quick.

I found this one some other posts not just my own so I'm not making this because it's just happening to me I'm making it because I feel like it can decrease and artist's self esteem to see this happen.

A while back I saw a picture involving the following.
mlp (my little pony)

The picture had 37 downvotes and 20 something favorites. The art in the picture was great the artist was great but the content was obviously the reason for the downvotes.

So allow me to explain something.

The upvote and downvote system is NOT intended to express your personal opinion of the content in the picture. I really really don't like diaper/scat fetish's so I blacklisted them but I'm in no way going to downvote the pictures because I don't like the content. The down/up vote is not intended to represent the content of the picture. It is meant to rate how the picture displays it.

If it's really really good art but involves a scat fetish or something there is no reason to downvote it. So it's not your cup of tea congrats it's not mine either but I would sooner upvote the good art then downvote the fetish I don't like.

I'm sure you all understand what I'm saying but to make it clear.

The up vote and down vote system is to rate the art. Not the content of the picture. Blacklist it if you don't like the content but do not downvote it just because it's not your thing. The voting system is (I would think) Intended to give the artist a good idea if he/she is doing a good job.

The more you downvote a picture with a fetish you don't like the less that artist feels like drawing it. I know most people would say "I don't care" But no one wants bad feedback. You'll still draw it but you'll hesitate to post it. I'd love to post more grimdark and bloodplay art but after my first one got a bad reaction. (However minor it was) I feel like it's not a good idea.

The least you can do is not even vote. If you really don't want to use the blacklist option so be it but downvote art because of the way it displays the content. Not the content the art displays.

Updated by abadbird

Pyke said:
I'll vote however I want. I live in a free country.

So much this.

Updated by anonymous

Pyke said:
I'll vote however I want. I live in a free country.

Tunguska said:
Basically this.

Fluttershy said:
So much this.

Yes thank you for exercising your free will by being a decent person -_-

Updated by anonymous

Pyke said:
I'll vote however I want. I live in a free country.

Basically. The voting is solely a popularity contest. That's usually how voting works

Updated by anonymous

Vote is for if you like or dislike it. Not some construct of a system that you decided it should express.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Vote is for if you like or dislike it. Not some construct of a system that you decided it should express.

I just don't think it's fair to downvote a picture simply because you don't like the content of the picture. If the art is worthy of an upvote but the content is iffy then just ignore it don't be a dick and downvote because of your interests/dislikes.

Updated by anonymous

Cronolgical said:
I just don't think it's fair to downvote a picture simply because you don't like the content of the picture. If the art is worthy of an upvote but the content is iffy then just ignore it don't be a dick and downvote because of your interests/dislikes.

Or you can just ignore the vote count

Updated by anonymous

Cronolgical said:
I just don't think it's fair to downvote a picture simply because you don't like the content of the picture. If the art is worthy of an upvote but the content is iffy then just ignore it don't be a dick and downvote because of your interests/dislikes.

"Oh no, I don't like other people's opinions, so I'm going to tell them how they're 'supposed' to express them so it doesn't offend me?"

Tell me when that works out for you.

Updated by anonymous

Tunguska said:
"Oh no, I don't like other people's opinions, so I'm going to tell them how they're 'supposed' to express them so it doesn't offend me?"

Tell me when that works out for you.

I'm simply suggesting we can at least be decent.

Updated by anonymous

I actually agree with you, Cronolgical. I too judge art based on its quality rather than its content. If I have a problem with some theme in the picture or even just the artist's style, I just blacklist it and move on.

But people will vote how they feel because it's a free internet. There's no changing that.

Updated by anonymous

Cronolgical said:
I just don't think it's fair to downvote a picture simply because you don't like the content of the picture. If the art is worthy of an upvote but the content is iffy then just ignore it don't be a dick and downvote because of your interests/dislikes.

Everyone has different opinions, they're free to express them through the votes. Just because you don't like/accept others opinions that doesn't mean that you can tell others how they're supposed to act/use the vote system.

Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
Everyone has different opinions, they're free to express them through the votes. Just because you don't like/accept others opinions that doesn't mean that you can tell others how they're supposed to act/use the vote system.

Again. Just trying to encourage decency.

Updated by anonymous

Pyke said:
I'll vote however I want. I live in a free country.

Is part this and part people who don't know how to use the blacklist and go in a downvote-all-posts-that-I-don't-like-crusade YAY!

Updated by anonymous

The problem with voting being just a popularity contest is that it's basically useless for finding the best images within any unpopular fetish. Want to find the best torture images? Too bad. The best castration images? Tough luck.

Updated by anonymous

I agree with you but I know that's not going to be how most people do it. This is why I 100% ignore the votes any image has. Ever. I have never cared about the votes, I never will, for this reason. I suggest you do the same.

Updated by anonymous

Cronolgical said:
...The upvote and downvote system is NOT intended to express your personal opinion of the content in the picture. ...

Yes it is.
The rules for the voting system are that you can vote however you want, for any reason you want, as long as it's not used for harassment.

If I really wanted, I could just downvote every image on the site, and it technically wouldn't violate any rules.

Updated by anonymous

Decency. Right. Same bullshit I hear on Reddit: Vote it up if you like it, but vote it down only if it doesn't contribute, because the world is built on double standards.

You know what I'm waiting for? You to explain why it's indecent to vote based on opinion.

Riddle me this: Let's say you actually have a universe in which voting up is exclusively if the content "belongs" or is on-topic, and in which voting down is exclusively if the content does not "belong" or is off-topic. What in the fuck does that actually *get* you? How do you measure "ontopicness"? Do you not see how that is nothing more than a glorified spam filter? How do you suggest a system ranks on-topic posts against each other? Do you suggest it just doesn't?

Votes are a measure of how much people like a thing, how much people think a thing should be there. It's not a spam filter. You know what is a spam filter? A button that says "report spam" or "flag for deletion".

Your magical realm of lollipops and gumdrops where voting is not based on simple opinion, is a realm of total ineffectiveness.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
Decency. Right. Same bullshit I hear on Reddit: Vote it up if you like it, but vote it down only if it doesn't contribute, because the world is built on double standards.

You know what I'm waiting for? You to explain why it's indecent to vote based on opinion.

Riddle me this: Let's say you actually have a universe in which voting up is exclusively if the content "belongs" or is on-topic, and in which voting down is exclusively if the content does not "belong" or is off-topic. What in the fuck does that actually *get* you? How do you measure "ontopicness"? Do you not see how that is nothing more than a glorified spam filter? How do you suggest a system ranks on-topic posts against each other? Do you suggest it just doesn't?

Votes are a measure of how much people like a thing, how much people think a thing should be there. It's not a spam filter. You know what is a spam filter? A button that says "report spam" or "flag for deletion".

Your magical realm of lollipops and gumdrops where voting is not based on simple opinion, is a realm of total ineffectiveness.

There are 2 ways you can show someone the community doesn't like something.

1) dislike it to hell making them feel bad.
2) going to the comments and saying something like. "Not really my cup of tea but good drawing/art"

One makes the person feel bad, the other makes the person understand perhaps they are on the wrong site to post this content.

I personally hate diaper fetish's. I can't understand how in the world that's sexy. What in gods name makes it a sexual thing, or why anyone would like that in any way shape or form. But I'm not going to go downvoting pictures involving it because I don't like it. There is no sense in flooding someone with downvotes to get the point across that you don't like their stuff you can be DECENT about it.

Artist don't normally think their stuff is good. They try to go off the feedback of others because they can't judge their own work and when the feedback is constantly downvote after downvote and people in the comments complaining about how disgusting their fetish is how is that in any way a sensible act?

I've noticed a large amount of the people in the community this website has are very negative and cruel about the way they act, speak, or just generally communicate. I hate how most of you people act it's just un-necessarily cruel. But I stay here because D.A is full of 12 year olds tracing pictures. Pony sites are often obnoxious and chaotic so your content is never seen. And this is the best place to have content seen and shared easily. But I have such a hard time dealing with the community here I cannot fathom what makes you so incredibly rude.

Updated by anonymous

Cronolgical said:
I just don't think it's fair to downvote a picture simply because you don't like the content of the picture. If the art is worthy of an upvote but the content is iffy then just ignore it don't be a dick and downvote because of your interests/dislikes.

That is EXACTLY how you should use it. Not if you dislike the artist or the character(s) or the uploader, but if you dislike the IMAGE ITSELF, downvote it. If you like it, vote it up.

Updated by anonymous

Cronolgical said:
I've noticed a large amount of the people in the community this website has are very negative and cruel about the way they act, speak, or just generally communicate. I hate how most of you people act it's just un-necessarily cruel. But I stay here because D.A is full of 12 year olds tracing pictures. Pony sites are often obnoxious and chaotic so your content is never seen. And this is the best place to have content seen and shared easily. But I have such a hard time dealing with the community here I cannot fathom what makes you so incredibly rude.

I don't think you should judge an entire community by the actions of a few users. I agree with you that some may be a bit rude but remember, not everyone is nice even though I wish everyone was

Updated by anonymous

Cronolgical said:
There are 2 ways you can show someone the community doesn't like something.

1) dislike it to hell making them feel bad.
2) going to the comments and saying something like. "Not really my cup of tea but good drawing/art"

One makes the person feel bad, the other makes the person understand perhaps they are on the wrong site to post this content.

I personally hate diaper fetish's. I can't understand how in the world that's sexy. What in gods name makes it a sexual thing, or why anyone would like that in any way shape or form. But I'm not going to go downvoting pictures involving it because I don't like it. There is no sense in flooding someone with downvotes to get the point across that you don't like their stuff you can be DECENT about it.

Artist don't normally think their stuff is good. They try to go off the feedback of others because they can't judge their own work and when the feedback is constantly downvote after downvote and people in the comments complaining about how disgusting their fetish is how is that in any way a sensible act?

You're right, of course. And if you see instances of people commenting on a picture with the likes of "err mah gerrd THIS IS THE GROSSEST THING YOU SHOULD ALL DIE FOR LIEKING IT" you can report that to the mods, as that's a case of someone not using the blacklist and bitching about it, which is not allowed.

My advice remains: "ignore the votes." You cannot know why a person downvoted it. Did they do it because they think it's poorly done, or because they don't like the subject? Or maybe they're just not in the mood for that sort of porn today and can't help but let their opinion be known with the vote. Perhaps they even do think it's decent but doesn't deserve 10 net ups and so give it a down to bring it to a "score" they think fits. Maybe the people who downvote are more active voters than people who upvote. There are too many unknown factors for you to be able to glean any worthwhile information out of the score of an image.

If you dislike the subj

It is an unfortunate fact that usually when you get to an image that is "not your cup of tea," on here, it's something that actively revolts you, in which case no one is going to take the time to pick out the quality elements of the image. Best case, they close the tab and find something new to blacklist. Common case, OH GOD DOWNVOTE. Worst case "you're a terrible human and you should feel terrible."

I'd lose no sleep if the voting system were removed entirely. I think it's totally pointless. But I know that's not going to happen. I suggest you ignore them and keep drawing.

Cronolgical said:
I've noticed a large amount of the people in the community this website has are very negative and cruel about the way they act, speak, or just generally communicate. I hate how most of you people act it's just un-necessarily cruel. But I stay here because D.A is full of 12 year olds tracing pictures. Pony sites are often obnoxious and chaotic so your content is never seen. And this is the best place to have content seen and shared easily. But I have such a hard time dealing with the community here I cannot fathom what makes you so incredibly rude.

Hold up here. What makes US so incredibly rude? You are not innocent in this. "Anyone who thinks blood is bright red should not be drawing it." My my, that's not exactly constructive criticism. Not to mention your One Twue Way rant on what pony OC's should and should not be.

I'm not sure I'm going to bother taking your complaints seriously any longer. I was before, I really was.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
You're right, of course. And if you see instances of people commenting on a picture with the likes of "err mah gerrd THIS IS THE GROSSEST THING YOU SHOULD ALL DIE FOR LIEKING IT" you can report that to the mods, as that's a case of someone not using the blacklist and bitching about it, which is not allowed.

My advice remains: "ignore the votes." You cannot know why a person downvoted it. Did they do it because they think it's poorly done, or because they don't like the subject? Or maybe they're just not in the mood for that sort of porn today and can't help but let their opinion be known with the vote. Perhaps they even do think it's decent but doesn't deserve 10 net ups and so give it a down to bring it to a "score" they think fits. Maybe the people who downvote are more active voters than people who upvote. There are too many unknown factors for you to be able to glean any worthwhile information out of the score of an image.

If you dislike the subj

It is an unfortunate fact that usually when you get to an image that is "not your cup of tea," on here, it's something that actively revolts you, in which case no one is going to take the time to pick out the quality elements of the image. Best case, they close the tab and find something new to blacklist. Common case, OH GOD DOWNVOTE. Worst case "you're a terrible human and you should feel terrible."

I'd lose no sleep if the voting system were removed entirely. I think it's totally pointless. But I know that's not going to happen. I suggest you ignore them and keep drawing.

Hold up here. What makes US so incredibly rude? You are not innocent in this. "Anyone who thinks blood is bright red should not be drawing it." My my, that's not exactly constructive criticism. Not to mention your One Twue Way rant on what pony OC's should and should not be.

I'm not sure I'm going to bother taking your complaints seriously any longer. I was before, I really was.

I'm going to step in here for a second and remind everyone to be nice and civil.

This is why Facebook never implemented a dislike option, all it does is lead to butthurt. On paper, it's all about content control, but it almost always evolves into a popularity contest.

The best thing you can do is set the example. YOU be the good person and vote in a way you think is beneficial to the community. This is just another form of 'treat others how you would want to be treated'.

Updated by anonymous

Our policy on votes is that you get your one vote per post and you are free to do as you wish with it. While in a perfect world nobody would downvote just because they're not fond of the style or it's a fetish they don't partake in, this is clearly not a perfect world. The only thing you are not allowed to do with your vote is target specific users and downvote everything they upload regardless of content.

We aren't getting rid of votes and we aren't going to force people to only downvote if the art is objectively bad (have fun defining and enforcing that).

Here's a protip for finding popular/good content: Don't use order:score, because as some people pointed out, this doesn't really work well for more extreme fetishes or unpopular artists or whatever. Instead, use order:favcount. Now your posts are ordered by the number of people who added that post to their favorites, with none of the negative fetish or style biases.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
I'm going to step in here for a second and remind everyone to be nice and civil.

This is why Facebook never implemented a dislike option, all it does is lead to butthurt. On paper, it's all about content control, but it almost always evolves into a popularity contest.

The best thing you can do is set the example. YOU be the good person and vote in a way you think is beneficial to the community. This is just another form of 'treat others how you would want to be treated'.

Google did it one better, by having dislikes on the G+-powered YT comments that do nothing whatsoever other than make the person pressing the button feel better about themselves. It has no impact at all on anything anymore, only upvotes do.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
I'm going to step in here for a second and remind everyone to be nice and civil.

Sorry. I am in general agreement with the OP and understand their plight, but after seeing that their comment history was not all sweetness and light, I got my panties in a wad at the hypocrisy of complaining that this community is not all sweetness and light. -unwads panties- carry on.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
Sorry. I am in general agreement with the OP and understand their plight, but after seeing that their comment history was not all sweetness and light, I got my panties in a wad at the hypocrisy of complaining that this community is not all sweetness and light. -unwads panties- carry on.

I don't normally intend to be like that. A lot of times I get frustrated with things and without really giving it too much thought I'll comment sarcastically and offensively. I haven't thought to got through my comment history and delete them but I think I'll have to start doing that in order to control the things I say. I do have a bit of an anger problem so things often spill out of my mouth without proper intent.

I do realize the hippocratic behavior in those actions and I am trying to correct such behavior but as a generally misanthropic narcissist with a slight anger control problem it can be difficult.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
Sorry. I am in general agreement with the OP and understand their plight, but after seeing that their comment history was not all sweetness and light, I got my panties in a wad at the hypocrisy of complaining that this community is not all sweetness and light. -unwads panties- carry on.

Hey now, make sure you steam iron them, or they'll get wrinkled.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Hey now, make sure you steam iron them, or they'll get wrinkled.

Ironed panties are happy panties

Updated by anonymous

I hate your opinion.
As long as I can I will vote how I want to.
And I will downvote every disgusting scat-gore-pony garbage that slips through my blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

Der_Traubenfuchs said:
I hate your opinion.
As long as I can I will vote how I want to.
And I will downvote every disgusting scat-gore-pony garbage that slips through my blacklist.

That's a pretty crappy way to express it though. I'm starting to agree with waffles here that because people just downvote because it slipped their blacklist, it might be ruining it for everyone win that kink that wants to sort it. I'd be in favor of having the option, disabled by default

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
I'd be in favor of having the option, disabled by default

Activated by whom or when?
How about a few minutes grace period after upload before you can start voting so you pony lovers have a chance to properly tag your shit?

And you should promote the blacklist feature more, like a little x button next to every tag and when you click it it asks you "do you really want to blacklist this tag?".

God I am so creative today.

Updated by anonymous

Der_Traubenfuchs said:
How about a few minutes grace period after upload before you can start voting?

Have a little x button next to every tag and when you click it it asks you "do you really want to blacklist this tag?".

I like these ideas.

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
I like these ideas.

I agree with the blacklist one especially.

Updated by anonymous

I have one more:
The first downvote every day / every week summons an info popup that says: "If you don't like what you are seeing you can blacklist tags by pressing the x button next to them!"

Updated by anonymous

Der_Traubenfuchs said:
I have one more:
The first downvote every day / every week summons an info popup that says: "If you don't like what you are seeing you can blacklist tags by pressing the x button next to them!"

That seems a bit obnoxious...

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Not really, they don't do it because it slipped past their blacklist, they do it because they never blacklisted it in the first place. As expected, everything castration related I upload gets downvoted to E6-hell, but since I don't care about post scores, it doesn't really matter to me.

You may not care, but I know many artists that do. They like getting that feedback.

And it is a sad truth; sites like FA are nothing but a bullshit hugfests that you can never get any true feedback on. Here, you get the truth handed to you whether you want it or not.

My own art, I would consider a vote score of 20 much higher than FA having 400 favorites on any image.

Updated by anonymous

So, you say that people downvote pics because they fail to blacklist? Does this mean that there are crappy_art, shitty_comic_storyline tags, or stupid_concept tags? Because these are one of the reasons I downvote things.

Voting is also a way for me to mark pictures I've seen already - I add -voted:Gilda_The_Gryphon to future searches. I don't want to have to upvote bad pictures in order to mark them somehow.

I don't want to get downvote tool removed - facebook is shit, and so will be this site if we're going to look up at them. How about adding features instead of removing them? Like, for example, option to order pictures by upvotes, or upvoted+favs instead of overall score?

Also I don't really see much difference between not liking art because of topic and not liking art for other reasons. Whether someone likes art or not is subjective, and I don't see why others must share OP view on what subjective opinion is better than others.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
I don't want to get downvote tool removed - facebook is shit, and so will be this site if we're going to look up at them. How about adding features instead of removing them? Like, for example, option to order pictures by upvotes, or upvoted+favs instead of overall score?

You mean this? order:score and order:score order:favcount ?? or what exactly do you mean

Updated by anonymous

Fluttershy said:
This? order:score and order:score order:favcount ?? or what exactly do you mean

Suppose that picture have 5 upvotes, 4 downvotes, and 6 favs.
When ordering by score its value is 1.
When ordering by upvotes its value is 5.
When ordering by upvotes+favs its value is 11.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
Suppose that picture have 5 upvotes, 4 downvotes, and 6 favs.
When ordering by score its value is 1.
When ordering by upvotes its value is 5.
When ordering by upvotes+favs its value is 11.

This is my precise idea when proposing the auto-up vote when favoring.

That image now shows 1 and six, even though bewtween 7 and 11 people liked it enough to click a button.

The new system would show 7 and 6.

Updated by anonymous

Der_Traubenfuchs said:
Activated by whom or when?
And you should promote the blacklist feature more, like a little x button next to every tag and when you click it it asks you "do you really want to blacklist this tag?".

I think the blacklist is promoted pretty fucking heavily. However, that's a really good idea. For those times when you come across a sounding picture and say "I did not even know that was a thing" and can just BOOP blacklisted.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
I think the blacklist is promoted pretty fucking heavily. However, that's a really good idea. For those times when you come across a sounding picture and say "I did not even know that was a thing" and can just BOOP blacklisted.

I've suggested that before, not sure why it was rejected other than just being too much stuff next to tags.

Der_Traubenfuchs said:
Activated by whom or when?
How about a few minutes grace period after upload before you can start voting so you pony lovers have a chance to properly tag your shit?

And you should promote the blacklist feature more, like a little x button next to every tag and when you click it it asks you "do you really want to blacklist this tag?".

God I am so creative today.

Please lose the attitude. It's not helping and not constructive. Like 99% of mlp stuff uploaded is either tagged mlp or the tag is added in minutes.
As for your ideas, we try to promote the blacklist and most people who don't blacklist know they can but choose not to for whatever reason, one of which they just don't want to mess with things they don't know 100% how to do and think it'll be a long and tedious process, which it sometimes is. Other reasons I have heard are that people feel they shouldn't have to blacklist anything, which is complete and utter nonsense as we will never have a site that has content that pleases everyone

Overall I just see little need for posts to be upvoted every time you favorite them. I vote up or down based on how good the art is, and I favorite stuff that I don't bother voting on because the art is so-so but I want that picture anyway, and I certainly am not going to favorite scat art but I'll still upvote it if the art is good. If we did implicate your system, voting would go up but it'd never reach the numbers you are wanting to making favoriting and voting equal

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
I think the blacklist is promoted pretty fucking heavily. However, that's a really good idea. For those times when you come across a sounding picture and say "I did not even know that was a thing" and can just BOOP blacklisted.

Yesplease. For that example, after being catheterized, my reaction is Nonononononononononononononononnononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononnononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononnononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononnononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononnononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononnononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononnonononononononononononononononononononononononono!

Rainbow_Dash said:
Overall I just see little need for posts to be upvoted every time you favorite them. I vote up or down based on how good the art is, and I favorite stuff that I don't bother voting on because the art is so-so but I want that picture anyway, and I certainly am not going to favorite scat art but I'll still upvote it if the art is good. If we did implicate your system, voting would go up but it'd never reach the numbers you are wanting to making favoriting and voting equal

It's not so much making them exactly equal, but giving them a little more balance. As an option, if you want tot reat it like that, you can, while those who want to upvote it because they faved it can- and they can still upvote it without faving. Best of all worlds.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:

It's not so much making them exactly equal, but giving them a little more balance. As an option, if you want tot reat it like that, you can, while those who want to upvote it because they faved it can- and they can still upvote it without faving. Best of all worlds.

Best of both worlds is how it is, where you can vote on what you want to vote on and fav what you want to fav separately, without the site making assumptions for you :o

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:

Overall I just see little need for posts to be upvoted every time you favorite them. I vote up or down based on how good the art is, and I favorite stuff that I don't bother voting on because the art is so-so but I want that picture anyway, and I certainly am not going to favorite scat art but I'll still upvote it if the art is good. If we did implicate your system, voting would go up but it'd never reach the numbers you are wanting to making favoriting and voting equal

Well... I am not sure if I explained it well enough, I thought I did, but I never plan for an up-vote to add into your favorites. Only that a favorite would increase the up-vote by one.

As you stated: you favorite images that you like, and thus would earn an up-vote (with the occasional chance you favorite an image you dont like due to comments or such, then you can still reverse the vote like any other vote and keep it as a favorite). You can still up-vote images you would never favorite, it is just a one side click, NOT a system that would make favorites and up-votes one of the same.

I never wanted favorites and voting equal, just to support each other in understanding what people want/like for artists to understand their creations more within the community and to help a slight bit for those wanting to search using these constraints.

Updated by anonymous

As I have proven with my previous study, in general high favorite rates are only achieved with sexual content, whereas a high rate of upvotes is often achieved without the image having sexual content.
If you want to get off, ordering by favcount is the way to go.

Updated by anonymous

Der_Traubenfuchs said:
As I have proven with my previous study, in general high favorite rates are only achieved with sexual content, whereas a high rate of upvotes is often achieved without the image having sexual content.
If you want to get off, ordering by favcount is the way to go.

This is a bit of a sad truth...

Vote-count as well as favorites go WAY WAY WAY up with both a recognized artist, recognized character, and sexual content.

I can show this with my own work. My best piece by all means has only a 1/4 of another piece that is no where near as good, but is sexual.

I can find much higher favorite counts of lower quality art with Krystal and Renamon than I can of higher quality (of the same subject matter) pieces of characters uncommonly commissioned.

votes and favorites are purely based on what people want and like. This is why I think auto up-voting a favorite (still able to be retracted if wanted) will allow much more appropriate numbers and concepts to be shown.

It would also stop the drastic negative vote numbers from unwanted images filtering through peoples blacklists (because people are lazy/want to complain/something) and vote said image down. Right now, the system gives down-votes a heavier weight for most people that favorite do not vote the image up (the same image they liked enough to favorite), and thus someone to use the same effort puts the vote down changes the number. Same work, different varied numbers.

I can guarantee that I am starting to sound like a really fucking annoying broken record, but NO ONE has yet to show me contrary evidence of my proposal not affecting the site in a good way and helping Cronological at the same time by helping curb the instant negatives of good art of subjects that someone is unwilling to blacklist!

Updated by anonymous

CamKitty said:
Best of both worlds is how it is, where you can vote on what you want to vote on and fav what you want to fav separately, without the site making assumptions for you :o

Best of all worlds is not that, since it's missing where you have the choice to have votes connected to your favs or not.

Updated by anonymous

This, sadly, is why I'm much more active in the xbooru "community" than here. I got love for y'all, but us furries are the most stuck-up judgmental people (myself included) since southerners learned about gay porn ("lesbeens er hawt, but git that gay shiet off my internet!!"). I agree wholeheartedly with the OP; people into a certain fetish shouldn't have to put their score threshold to -9001 to get any results, and thus deal with the crap results at the same time. How would you feel if you could only get your porn side-by-side with the MS paint-made crap? Food for thought.

TL;DR- blacklist and move on. I'll be lurking, see you around! <3 X

Updated by anonymous

Who gives a flying fuck about downvotes?

If you don't like the picture, downvote it. I'm a huge gore fan, and I fully encourage downvoting pictures of kittens being impaled. The only times I get pissed is when some dumbass flags it, or comments about how I'm a "sick, twisted fuck" who should keep gore out of his animal porn.

anon_X said:
put their score threshold to -9001 to get any results

Posts are not automatically hidden because of scores. Only comments are. For a score to be blacklisted, you must actively put it in your blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

This too. Frequenting other sites where anons regularly troll gay pics, I know that frustration. Well, knowing e6's votes don't matter much, I'm more take-it-or-leave-it indifferent than before. But still, if some artist is (for whatever strange reason) only uploading here, I still find the feedback point valid.

Updated by anonymous

I think it would be nice to be able to order posts by the number of upvotes (or downvotes) as an alternative to ordering by total score.

Updated by anonymous

That's still just ordering by score, except with all the pictures with score < 1 excluded. Score is equal to upvotes minus downvotes right? I'm saying there should be a way to order pictures by the number of upvotes, completely ignoring the number of downvotes.

Updated by anonymous

Wyvrn said:
That's still just ordering by score, except with all the pictures with score < 1 excluded. Score is equal to upvotes minus downvotes right? I'm saying there should be a way to order pictures by the number of upvotes, completely ignoring the number of downvotes.

Decent idea, but essentially removing the down-votes (searchably) renders them worthless.

Updated by anonymous

Welcome to e6, where voting rules are made up, and the upvotes don't matter.

Updated by anonymous

Cronolgical said:
The up vote and down vote system is to rate the art. Not the content of the picture.

As you saw from the replies, people don't care about trivial stuff like objective criticism; it's all about what they like, or don't like

And that is why we'll never have the nice things

Updated by anonymous

titaniachkt said:
As you saw from the replies, people don't care about trivial stuff like objective criticism; it's all about what they like, or don't like

And that is why we'll never have the nice things

Well we are not a hugbox, if that is what you mean

Updated by anonymous

Like I've said before

Score is for things people like to see, favcount is for what people are fapping to that they want for later

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
Like I've said before

Score is for things people like to see, favcount is for what people are fapping to that they want for later

Except not everyone agrees with that, even with the people who don't agree with the usage being requested, lol.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Except not everyone agrees with that, even with the people who don't agree with the usage being requested, lol.

This is simply the trend we have noticed

I sure don't agree with it

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
This is simply the trend we have noticed

I sure don't agree with it

If you dont agree with it, why not allow ideas of changes to be brought forward instead of letting them die/be ignored?

In the very least, allow the choice of users to slowly try and change it by giving them the tools to make it easier on them to change the habit?

Updated by anonymous

_Waffles_ said:
If you dont agree with it, why not allow ideas of changes to be brought forward instead of letting them die/be ignored?

In the very least, allow the choice of users to slowly try and change it by giving them the tools to make it easier on them to change the habit?

I am in favor of having the choice, but again, I was stating the trend of which the two go, not my opinion on the matter in that post. I really don't care one way or the other as they are two different features with different objectives and different priorities, and either way it won't really change much. Votes are kinda just a cool little "hey look a lot of people said they think this post is just gravy" and faves make no statement as they are just people collecting art to use later

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
I am in favor of having the choice, but again, I was stating the trend of which the two go, not my opinion on the matter in that post. I really don't care one way or the other as they are two different features with different objectives and different priorities, and either way it won't really change much. Votes are kinda just a cool little "hey look a lot of people said they think this post is just gravy" and faves make no statement as they are just people collecting art to use later

But that data can be very useful for an artist that is trying out different techniques, concepts, and ideologies behind their work. I know this is just an archival site, but I know so many artists that use this site for research and reference due to our impeccable tagging system. Why not allow the system to be better and allow said artists to embrace this site instead of having them reduce the ability to archive pieces if they do not like the site?

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Welcome to e6, where voting rules are made up, and the upvotes don't matter.


Moon_Moon said:
Welcome to e6, where voting rules are made up, and the upvotes don't matter.



Moon_Moon said:
Welcome to e6, where voting rules are made up, and the upvotes don't matter.

Quote for truth.

Updated by anonymous

Was about to post something constructive, then October's sexy avatar distracted me...


*20 minutes later* right. Uh. Pity how people just take things as immovable facts of furry life.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:


Quote for truth.

We would need to have rules on voting in order to have made them up. Vote however you want on your account

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
Vote however you want on your account

Fully agreed.

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
Vote however you want on your account

Couldn't agree more.

Updated by anonymous

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