Topic: What sort of art would you all like to see (from me)?

Posted under Art Talk

Hello ladies and gents! I'm somewhat new here, but I've been trying to post some of my work here for your viewing pleasure. Or displeasure, depending. :> I wanted to say, first, that I appreciate you taking a look at my stuff, as well as those of you who happened to leave comments on the submissions or saw fit to add them to your favorites.

Now, on to the matter at hand. You lot seem like a fairly discerning bunch, and thus I was curious as to what sort of artwork you're interested in seeing me produce in the future. I ask this question partially to see what particular style people respond better to, as well as to get some feedback regarding what it is I may be doing correctly or incorrectly both with regards to my art as a whole and the subject matter in particular. With that in mind, feel free to chime in, or even ask questions, if that will serve you better.

Updated by Moon Moon

People will want ponies.

I say draw what you like.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
People will want ponies.

I say draw what you like.

I'd rather avoid that, if possible. Can't really say they're my thing. :P I've actually been having a blast with the Iron Artist cosplay content, if nothing else just to be able to play a weird game of dressup with normally recognizable figures and appearances. And while I do plan on continuing to do art that I personally enjoy, I'd also like to make art a paying job for myself. If not something completely livable, then at the very least a source of somewhat consistent income. Hence part of the reason I'm asking here, in e621. You all seem to be more prone to responding and providing feedback on what you do and don't like, which is a godsend for me.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Some old Greek monstrosities would suit your style.
Maybe Hydra, Chimera, Scylla, Cerberus or something else.
Or maybe something from Norse mythology like Jörmungandr or Fenrir.

Something with a more mythological bend might be fun! I spent a good chunk of my childhood and teenage years looking into various mythologies, so it'd certainly be fun to see what can come out of exploring those a bit.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
You should draw a husky with a hat

I am not averse to the inclusion of hats or hat-related coverings in future works! However, I can't guarantee a husky will be involved. :>

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Draw a penis.

Well, that's rather broad. I could just end up drawing an incredibly phallic looking tube of Colgate...
that could easily be a thing. <_<

Updated by anonymous

Misappropriated said:
I'd rather avoid that, if possible.

That's awesome. If I had a fursona I'd say go hard drawing it, but you'll get enough of those I think.

Also, are your uploads your art?

Updated by anonymous

Misappropriated said:
I am not averse to the inclusion of hats or hat-related coverings in future works! However, I can't guarantee a husky will be involved. :>

Woo hoo

Updated by anonymous

Misappropriated said:
Well, that's rather broad. I could just end up drawing an incredibly phallic looking tube of Colgate...
that could easily be a thing. <_<

Omg, draw a person seductively putting toothpaste on their dick.

Updated by anonymous

You should draw pokemans.

Also, I checked out your art. It looks awesome! Do you just do safe stuff, or do you also draw NSFW?

Moon_Moon said:
Omg, draw a person seductively putting toothpaste on their dick.

dear lord make it happen

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
That's awesome. If I had a fursona I'd say go hard drawing it, but you'll get enough of those I think.

Also, are your uploads your art?

Indeed they are! :> I took the name Misappropriated mainly because I thought it'd be cheeky, and a relatively easy name for me to keep track of.

In hindsight, naming myself that and then vehemently claiming my posted art indeed belongs to me may not have been the wisest of choices. :P

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
Do you just do safe stuff, or do you also draw NSFW?

A good question! Honestly, for the time being I'm keeping my commissions SFW, though I am not entirely opposed to the idea of producing NSFW work outside of those. These toothpaste suggestions are turning out to be incredibly insteresting xD I may very well have to do something with that.

Updated by anonymous

Misappropriated said:
Well, that's rather broad. I could just end up drawing an incredibly phallic looking tube of Colgate...
that could easily be a thing. <_<

I like to keep my requests broad, makes them easier to fulfill, and more likely to succeed.

Updated by anonymous

Misappropriated said:
Indeed they are!

I loved the Jet Set Radio sharkgirl. Surprised me, that one.

If this is a 'free commissions' thread, pictures of vikings and/or sharkgirls will win you (long)shiploads of love. Not asking per se, but you just seem so eager. I like that.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
I loved the Jet Set Radio sharkgirl. Surprised me, that one...Not asking per se, but you just seem so eager. I like that.

Glad to see one of them turned out to be an unexpected combination. :3 As far as 'free commissions' go, this is less of a thread for specific requests from specific people and more of a way for me to see what it is you all do and don't like about what I submit here. I won't lie, I love a well-drawn shark girl! I like the community here, and want to contribute something entertaining if I can. If it results on you all being willing to support me further on down the line, be it with commissions or added foot traffic I'm fine with that, too. :>

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Draw a siamese cat eating a dead horse.

That is one I will have to pass on, I'm afraid. I can't condone gluttonous feline behavior of that magnitude.

Updated by anonymous

Misappropriated said:
I won't lie, I love a well-drawn shark girl!

I think we may get along.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Draw a siamese cat eating a dead horse.

[joke] ladys and gentalman, the dead horse post of the thread brought to you by Patchi: being an asshole to us all since 2012 [/joke]

Updated by anonymous

I'm going to have to call it a night for now, folks. I appreciate you all being so forthcoming, and here's hoping I can produce work you all can enjoy. I'll be sure to take another look through the thread to make sure I've provided as much information as I can sometime tomorrow morning. 'Till next time, though, take care!

Updated by anonymous

Now that e621 came back online...

All of this is said IMO. I may or may not make an ass out of myself :).

At the expense of seeming shallow, drawing porn is probably the most reliable way for furry artists to earn money. "Sex sells." I don't like such basic, unnuanced ideas, but I can't really disagree since I almost exclusively browse e621 for porn.

Having said that, I think you'd need to focus your coloring a bit more on preserving the finer details, at least where the juicy bits would be concerned. I certainly do appreciate your style, but I don't think your current works would lend themselves well to NSFW versions (prove me wrong? :P), speaking for myself, mostly. Scale and neurodyne provide counter-examples. I can imagine tasteful nudes and comics working. I should mention that your sketchwork would seemingly translate well to NSFW with more gradual and finished shading.

I think drawing fur is your greatest strength, followed by your shading and a certain vibrancy your colors pull off. The fur in this piece comes out pretty well and would work in NSFW art. I did notice that your art leans more towards darker, muted hues. I really don't know what to say for proper critique and suggestions for improvement. If anything, the thumbnails for your work look really promising, but the full images don't fully live up to that potential. Like I said before, I want to see more details at full screen, particularly with cleaner lines/more distinct shapes.

As for specific subjects, you've done some Guild Wars pieces, and I'm partial to Asura and Charr, so there's that. How about some epic pokemon art? So much potential there, but pokemon isn't a necessity. Anything on a grand scale like battles, armies, panoramas, etc. I think you can do it.

Updated by anonymous

Tunguska said:
Anthropomorphic wasps.

A Siamese cat and a wasp having a fight to the death on a dead horse.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
A Siamese cat and a wasp having a fight to the death on a dead horse.

I always presumed we'd try and play Buzkashi first.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
A Siamese cat and a wasp having a fight to the death on a dead horse.

All of which are made of toothpaste, and are shaped like penises.

Updated by anonymous

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