Topic: need help with tagging

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

post #31942
this post is tagged as ambiguous and safe. but look at the pubic tuft as they're dancing. am i wrong or is that the evidence that they are female and the image is explict? (yes im serious, the animation is going kinda fast so it is hard for me to tell)


.... it's called belly fur, not a pubic tuft. The lines there are perhaps unfortunately located (but if you look at art with similar sort of fur, the 'tips' end to come together like that. See also, their chest ruffs.)... but I honestly think that you're 1) being a perv 2) worrying over nothing :)

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf: look at luvdaporn's username... and yes. it's safe.

Updated by anonymous

I did, that was actually one of the only reasons I phrased the first possibility the way I did XD ... typed out about a paragraph going on about seeing things that aren't there due to mental preoccupation and such... then looked up, said "no, no, let's just serve it straight. That'll be easier then talking about disney movies..."

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
That'll be easier then talking about disney movies..."

I, for one, think the "sex" in the leaves in Lion King was a stretch. On the other hand, I swear I could hear "take off your clothes" when I cranked the volume in Aladdin as Jasmine's tiger is threatening the boy thief shortly before the Whole New World sequence. Back in the VHS days, videos purchased before the whole hoo-hah about the hidden messages. I'd be shocked if the DVDs were not edited to remove these.

Updated by anonymous

ikdind said:
I, for one, think the "sex" in the leaves in Lion King was a stretch.

The leaves were intended to say "SFX" which was the signature of the animation team. It was edited out in the newer releases, just like the penis-castle cover of The Little Mermaid was replaced, and the frame with a naked woman in The Rescuers was removed.

Updated by anonymous

likewise the priest's knee/erection during the marriage scene in The Little Mermaid. Some people just like to read too much into things, or see things that aren't there. ^^;

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
likewise the priest's knee/erection during the marriage scene in The Little Mermaid. Some people just like to read too much into things, or see things that aren't there. ^^;

Except for the ones that really *are* there, like the aforementioned penis-castle and the topless woman in The Rescuers. Or even the stereotypical black centaur servant in the original Fantasia.

Is it any wonder those of us that were raised on Disney learned to look for hidden frame dirty shit?

Updated by anonymous

Eeh.. the penis castle seems more like an unfortunate coincidence... as for the topless woman.. well, can't deny that one. However, those are 'different' then Aladin's whispering "good teenagers take off your clothes" he aformentioned knee-rection.

as for the black centaur... Fantasia was made in 1940.. It was a different world back then. Still, I think they got that out of the movie a few years later... Still.. I'd not heard of that one before and had some fun googling it up. thanks :D

But no, it's not really any surprise... I'm kinda terrified as to what the next generation is going to be like....

Updated by anonymous

Hellacious said:
the topless woman in The Rescuers.

That's the only real one, as it was done by a disgruntled ex-employee.

The rest are just unfortunate coincidences.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
That's the only real one, as it was done by a disgruntled ex-employee.

The rest are just unfortunate coincidences.

It only takes one.

Updated by anonymous

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