Topic: Tag Implication: dragon -> scalie

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

no, not all scalies are dragons. a scalie is any type of reptile, be it lizard, dragon, dinosaur, snake, etc. therefore, if you want to look at dragons, but you don't want to look at dinosaurs for example, you would want to be able to search for "dragon" not "scalie".

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Just because it's a dragon doesn't necessarily mean that it has scales. There may not be that many, but there are furry dragons out there (Twile's character, for instance).

I guess it can be argued though that if you're looking for scalies, you probably would be ok also seeing furry dragons.

Updated by anonymous

Still, not all dragons are scalies. Or furries. there are some with leathery hides, and... well, I guess those fall under the same idea that if your'e looking for scalies... hmm.

It'd be really nice if there was a way that we could tag something as an anti-tag. To be used sparringly, of course (a picture of a cat shouldn't be tagged as not-dog, not-fox, not-bird, etc)... something that would 'over write' implications and such..

for example.. if the tag dragon exists, also tag it as scalie. But, let someone come in on this fluffy dragon image, and anti-tag it to suggest that it does not have scales, and thus should not receive the 'scalie' tag, no matter what the implication says.

the 'biggest' problem I think would be tag abuse, of course... and the fact that I imagine it'd be a LOT more work for the servers...

it'd only come up here and there but I know there'd be other situations it'd come up too... I remember seeing several posts a bit back... I think they had the tag 'king' and people were asking "why does this have the 'royalty' tag in it"...

it's probably far too much work and impractical, but I figure the only thing I have to lose by sharing an idea is the time spent typing it. :P

Updated by anonymous

You people argue too much. Can someone remove the automatic forum post for tag implications/aliases please?

Updated by anonymous

Would you prefer anyone be able to alias/implicate things automatically?

I can just see someone auto aliasing 'gay' to autism :P

or 'cuntboy' to 'herm' or 'gay' to 'what has science done' or 'guro' to 'cute' or.... similar.

and I don't think that that's an 'easy' thing to revert either.

Besides, this is a community. The idea is to make changes as a group. If you want to go through all of the outdoors pictures and tag them as beach, jungle, Savannah, forest, etc, that's your prerogative. If you want to go through and get rid of the starwars tag, by retagging all of the appropriate images to star_wars, then that's awesome. But one man doesn't go in and decide to rename chubby, and morbidly obese, to 'fat'... because there are other people who might prefer the distinction.

Anyway.. TL;DR - It's not arguing, it's discussing... isn't that what forums are for? I'd rather provide an arguement for or against, rather then leave the 'choice' in one or two people's hands.

Updated by anonymous

Sorry DragonRanger, but I gotta disagree with ya on this one. Chinese Dragons tend to be furred rather than scaled. Some artists(albeit not many) have also adopted this trait for some English-style dragons.

So, unfortunately, Dragon =/= +scalie.

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
whoa your a mod now O.O
congratz =D

Did I forget to mention that? My apologies, and thanks.

Burninghart said:
Sorry DragonRanger, but I gotta disagree with ya on this one. Chinese Dragons tend to be furred rather than scaled. Some artists(albeit not many) have also adopted this trait for some English-style dragons.

So, unfortunately, Dragon =/= +scalie.

Still, when one thinks "dragon" they typically think of Western dragons. Eastern dragons, though furred, do also appear scaled.

Updated by anonymous

DragonRanger said:
Still, when one thinks "dragon" they typically think of Western dragons. Eastern dragons, though furred, do also appear scaled.

The thing is, 'most of the time' isn't good enough for an implication. It kind of has to be all of the time, or else the implication breaks things in a way that can't be fixed while it still exists.

Unfortunately 'dragon' is interpreted into such a wide range of things that there are no reasonable implications from it.

Updated by anonymous

acct0283476 said:
The thing is, 'most of the time' isn't good enough for an implication. It kind of has to be all of the time, or else the implication breaks things in a way that can't be fixed while it still exists.

Unfortunately 'dragon' is interpreted into such a wide range of things that there are no reasonable implications from it.

YUp, this. Othewise we'd have some silly implications like penis -> male, and we all know how true THAT would be ;)

anyway, my thought would be: If someone wants /scales/ they'll look up scalie, at which point, they dont' want fuzzy dragsons. if someone wants dragons, regardless of what SORT od dragon, they'll look up dragon, and if they want long sinuous potentially furry dragons, they'll look up eastern dragons.

best to let it exist, as it is right now. :)

Updated by anonymous

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