Topic: "Gay Character" tag--Gay and Lesbian Character Names Wanted

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Finally, a solution to all of the drama with tagging Solo pictures as Gay. Thank Jjiinx, s/he's the brilliant mind who thought it up.

Naturally, I figure this means that "Lesbian Character" should also be made into a tag, and thus, I seek assistance.

I will happily individually tag images with "Gay Character" and/or "Lesbian Character" tags, but to do so, first I must know a list of characters who are gay or lesbian.

This is where you guys and gals come in. I don't know any, myself, so I need you all to list any Gay and Lesbian characters you know of, by name, preferably in list form.

Updated by SnowWolf

well from what i know of tagging, this wouldnt work(of course i dont know much about tagging ;p) because pics are tagged on what you see, so unless you can tell they are lesbian the tag doesnt help the solo thing ;p

but the drama is over people thinking/not wanting to see just male or just female. however, (and this is SIMPLY a personal idea so please people don't spam against me) its very simple, gay is male on male, lesbian is fem on fem, so solo cant be marked gay, unless its disembodied penis or vagina or what have you. dildos with guys isn't gay, it has to be a flesh an blood penis. i honestly dont see why the point is so contested though, it seems a simple point. perhaps make 'solo' an automatic tag(they have those right?) and make a new tag, "male/female solo" so that if its taged with (gender)_solo, it automatically gets solo tag aswell, then people can search solo and get both genders(or herms even, so i suppose herm_solo is necessary) or just one gender/blacklist a gender solo.

Updated by anonymous

Pfft, people tagging strictly on what they see is a ruse, from what I've learned being on this site. :/

For instance, the most common time this occurs is in the presence of (a) Herm character(s) that aren't showing their penis. You don't see a penis or testicles, yet the picture gets marked as Herm anyway, which would take knowledge outside of the picture itself to confirm.

As much as I love the fact that somebody else here finally seems to understand that solo =/= Gay or Straight, though, people are going to push against it anyway, just to warn you.

I do like the idea of the (gender)_Solo, though. It would cut back a bit on the number of search terms that would have to be entered(Instead of searching "Male Solo", you could search "Male_solo" and still have three more tags to search by), and it'd solve a fair bit of drama, as well. It wouldn't hurt to also have an "Ambiguous_Solo", at that.

A better method still, however, would be a system of "Anti-Tags", to keep people from putting "Gay" or Straight", etc, on a Solo picture in the first place. Then nobody would be able to RAAAAAAAAEEEG when they have Gay or Straight blacklisted and lose Solo pictures from it. Unfortunately, no such system exists.

(EDIT: *ahem* No such system exists... That I Know Of.)

Updated by anonymous

or cunboys. at first glance they look like flat chested chicks, but if you say so brace for shitstorm

Updated by anonymous

If there's only one character, it gets a gender tag (male, female, herm, cuntboy, ambiguous) and solo.

If there's two characters, each gets its gender tag, and if there's sexual activity, add straight for male+female, gay for male+male, lesbian for female+female, or nothing if it involves a herm/intersex.

If there's more, just add appropriate tags, such as if a guy is with a female and another guy, add straight+gay).

There are a few rare exceptions to this guideline, such as adding gay to an image where a solo male is very obviously gay, like if he's in a gay pride parade waving a rainbow flag and wearing tight assless leather chaps. But the number of images this applies to is so small it's not worth adding a new tag just for it, in my opinion.

Updated by anonymous

"gay" and "lesbian" are nouns as well as adjectives. If you don't understand what that implies, frankly you shouldn't be tagging anything.

the only reason that people won't add these tags to solo images is because, for some reason people got it into their head that we can only tag based on information judged from the image itself. Of course this is only held true in the particular case of debate over a solo character's sexual orientation.

you can post a solo piece of the gayest character in the whole fandom, who has never been seen anywhere near a female in any clean or dirty image, and has had images of themselves plastered all over the internet. But if you dare tag it as gay, someone is going to obstinately bitch about how it shouldn't be as such, guaranteed.

I find it silly, but then I never use the tag to find anything i like anyway, so who cares.

Updated by anonymous

JustFrame said:
for some reason people got it into their head that we can only tag based on information judged from the image itself

This is official site policy. From the "This is not Furry it doesn't Belong Here" and other dilemmas sticky:

"However, remember the cardinal rule here too - post what you SEE in the image, not things that have to be described from an external source"

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
This is official site policy. From the "This is not Furry it doesn't Belong Here" and other dilemmas sticky:

"However, remember the cardinal rule here too - post what you SEE in the image, not things that have to be described from an external source"

so it is.

does that make the clause less silly in this instance?

of course, the clause is often ignored and exceptions are made all over the place with nothing being done about them. I wonder why that might be.

Updated by anonymous

JustFrame said:
does that make the clause less silly in this instance?


And besides that, well, we're just human. With hundreds of pictures going through the site each week, it's only natural that some won't be tagged as well as they should be. If you notice problems all over the place, why don't you fix them up yourself, or at least show us some examples?

Updated by anonymous

But.. it's not silly. If I want to see males, I'll search "male solo" A pin up meant for a woman, or a pinup meant for a gay man will both be appealing. I really don't care if the solo male I'm looking at eats people, is a marine biologist, or is gay. All that matters is that I'm looking at attractive body parts.

honestly, ideally, I think some pictures should have multiple gender tags.

post #8565 for example. Female (because really, I look at it and see girls) cuntboy (because one might be a little more boyish, AND because the source says they're both cuntboys). I'd also slap ambiguous_gender on it because it IS. and to be honest, looking at it, I can't tell if those are a pair of balls or pussy lips on the white one.

I'd, personally, do this because if someone is browsing for a specific tag--cuntboy, say--they'll see what they want to see--a cuntboy, or two, cuddling. likewise, someone interestined in females would like the image, I think, because they're not blatantly male, or cuntboys (unlike post #102663 or #102663 )

Plus it'd help "settle" the great "is that a lizard-with-no-boobs or a cuntboy" debate on some images.

But, no one would ever go for this idea :P

Anyway, if you REALLY need to add a gay_character tag.. only add 'gay_character" or "homosexual_character" and let people search "homosexual_character female" or something.

Updated by anonymous

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