Aliasing sherri -> sherri_mayim.
Reason: Same character.
Updated by Darlthris
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Aliasing sherri -> sherri_mayim.
Reason: Same character.
Updated by Darlthris
other people can have characters called Sherri...
Updated by anonymous
Eh, true, but all pictures in the sherri tagpool are of the character sherri_mayim.... And i don't wanna go and de-tag them x-x;
Updated by anonymous
I removed "sherri" from any picture sharing the tag "sherri_mayim". Can you confirm that all of the remaining Sherri pics are Sherri Mayim?
Updated by anonymous
a specific name is better and easier to find and having less hassle to understand which character were specifically looking for. you just need to know the name and you are fine. i dont see a reason why this should change
Updated by anonymous