Topic: Alone tag

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I just noticed that we have a tag called "alone" with 19 posts attached to it. Should I edit these to change from "alone" to "solo"? (Solo has more than 60k tagged posts.) I don't want to do so without some heads-up, at least!

Updated by ippiki ookami

Just change them to solo. I swear, people cannot tag these days, nor do they search through the tag list, or pay attention to current tags on an image. Like 2-3 weeks ago, I uploaded an image with Felicia under the correct tag Felicia_(darkstalkers), and some retard added the tag Felicia like a day later, and didn't bother to check that Felicia from Darkstalkers wasn't tagged under Felicia at all.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Aliasing alone to solo.

Guess Alone will not be Forever Alone.

Updated by anonymous

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