Topic: Backgrounds that reinforce the character (or other foreground stuff)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

(People are doing something to organise the mess of background tags and that's great. Sometimes all that annoyin' attention to detail comes in handy☺)

While we're at it, what do we call those backgrounds that reinforce the idea present in the foreground characters, or what they're doing; or somehow echo what's going on in the foreground in some other way...

post #151932
post #107151

... without being a simple blow-up of the main character? Is this enough of a thing? Not locations normally, sometimes patterns but not always. Might help express high-falutin' abstract concepts or mental states like avarice or appreciating/making music.

(I'd say abstract background but that seems to be a different thing: mostly a load of plain backgrounds if someone wants to have a go at sorting them out...)

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