Topic: Tags for fatties

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

So apparently, there's been a bunch of people complaining about chubby implicating fat, and no-one really supporting it. So, uh, I guess this implication should be removed, and implicate all the obese tags to fat... and alias the voluptuous tag to chubby, as well.

Well, either that, or we could alias fat -> obese, and implicate morbidly_obese -> obese. Chubby would not be implicated to by anything. Course, the problem with this is all the posts currently tagged with chubby would also be tagged with obese, and this would annoy a lot of people... but I guess they would be more inclined to remove the obese tag. That would get it cleaned up a lot quicker.

There is forum #8598, which features previous discussion around this idea. But, in any case, the chubby -> fat implication should be removed.

Updated by SnowWolf

It sounds a pretty picky, but I guess if it makes them happy- I'll support.

It makes sense to me, too. Chubby doesn't always mean "fat". Usually I see it as a step down from it, referring to someone who has a 'healthy' amount of fat on them. Round, or Voluptuous, or Full-Figured, or Curvy, would all describe it better.

Updated by anonymous

Chubby means they have extra fat. So yeah, the implication is right and they're just being anuspained.

Updated by anonymous

FurZ said:
Chubby means they have extra fat. So yeah, the implication is right and they're just being anuspained.

Extra fat does not necessarily mean obese though. Polar bears and other hibernating animals build up a layer of extra fat before their winter, but they're certainly not obese.

Updated by anonymous

Someone with a few extra pounds around the waist but who is otherwise healthy is not 'fat'. They're chubby. There's a huge difference between fat and chubby. Fat and morbidly obese are obviously fat people, but chubby doesn't belong with them at all.

Updated by anonymous

FurZ said:
Chubby means they have extra fat. So yeah, the implication is right and they're just being anuspained.

Having slightly more body weight than a healthy level for your height doesn't make you fat.

Also, removed the chubby -> fat implication. Now, which of the options I gave earlier do people support? Basically, the difference is keeping or getting rid of the fat tag.

Updated by anonymous


The biggest problem is we *should* have a tag over everything else and.. well, let me look at the old thread, and see how much I disagree with my past-self. *reads* ( ._. )

well, that was a HUGE WALL OF TEXT, and I think we had some poitns, but at the same time, I think we were vaguely aimed in the wrong direction... hmm..

Right now:

morbidly_obese implies fat
obese implies fat
chubby implies fat

Riversyde said:
So apparently, there's been a bunch of people complaining about chubby implicating fat, and no-one really supporting it. So, uh, I guess this implication should be removed, and implicate all the obese tags to fat... and alias the voluptuous tag to chubby, as well.

we need a 'meta tag' of some sort for easy blacklisting... 'fat' seems to have been it, but apparently people don't like that, so.. what about finding a "better" meta tag...

How about "Obesity"? That shouldn't be "accidentally tagged" without one of the others (whatever those are) being tagged, yet is still straight forward. Or overweight.

Well, either that, or we could alias fat -> obese, and implicate morbidly_obese -> obese. Chubby would not be implicated to by anything.

am not sure aout the aliases and implications there, but chubby SHOULD be covered under the metatag... but I suppose maybe that's what this is all about. Hrm. I think I like overweight... you can't deny that chubby is overweight, after all...

Course, the problem with this is all the posts currently tagged with chubby would also be tagged with obese, and this would annoy a lot of people...

well, we could possibly do something to -obese all of the chubby pictures... though then that'd miss any chubby-with-obese-person images.


I think I like:

fat is aliased to overweight (or obesity I guess)
morbidly_obese implies overweight
obese implies overweight
chubby implies overweight

It's late.... I'm sleepy.. I've bene typing this for hours (off and on).... but.. I think this has all the ends tied up neatly?

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
we need a 'meta tag' of some sort for easy blacklisting... 'fat' seems to have been it, but apparently people don't like that, so.. what about finding a "better" meta tag...

The problem wasn't the name of the tag, it was that chubby was being included under it. People would disagree with any tag that had the same meaning as fat, if it was affixed to chubby.

I'm not sure about the aliases and implications there, but chubby SHOULD be covered under the metatag... but I suppose maybe that's what this is all about. Hrm. I think I like overweight... you can't deny that chubby is overweight, after all...

Can't deny that they are, but when you think of overweight people, do you think of fatties? Or girls that look a little bit pudgy?

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
So apparently, there's been a bunch of people complaining about chubby implicating fat, and no-one really supporting it. So, uh, I guess this implication should be removed, and implicate all the obese tags to fat... and alias the voluptuous tag to chubby, as well.

Don't alias voluptuous to chubby. They're not really the same in their connotations. A voluptuous girl in my mind has larger breasts, large thighs and ass, sure some belly too. But a chubby girl (while she might be voluptuous also) could easily be one with smaller breasts and extra fat on the belly. Voluptuous is about the shape. post #134007 as opposed to post #119960.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
Don't alias voluptuous to chubby. They're not really the same in their connotations. A voluptuous girl in my mind has larger breasts, large thighs and ass, sure some belly too. But a chubby girl (while she might be voluptuous also) could easily be one with smaller breasts and extra fat on the belly. Voluptuous is about the shape. post #134007 as opposed to post #119960.

This. Voloptuous is most certainly about figure, not weight Plenty of non-overweight chicks have curves.
Now, if a guy was voluptuous, it would matter.

Updated by anonymous

You do realize users started using voluptuous as a tag for describing plump-but-not-fat furries? Which is pretty much the definition of chubby.

Also, tags are not for what you "think" of the content, outside of the amazing tag.

Updated by anonymous

I am very much for this. Like me some chubbies, not fatties :P

For the tag, voluptuous seems fine as an alias. Obese and morbidly_obese will have arguments about which should be applied where, but chubby is usually pretty obvious

Updated by anonymous

I support breaking chubby characters off from obese ones.

Updated by anonymous

I support overweight instead of fat or obese as the meta. It's nonconfrontational a tag, and it's descriptive; Chubby STILL fits under it, technically, as well, since they're still overweight, just not by much- though I'd still support removing chubby from the tag completely too if that's the general decision.

Voluptuous is indeed about the big butt/hips/breasts body shape; if the tag has been misused to indicate chubby, it needs to be gone through and retagged properly, not aliased.

As for obese- I'd personally just alias it to overweight and have morbidly_obese remain separate and imply overweight.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
The problem wasn't the name of the tag, it was that chubby was being included under it. People would disagree with any tag that had the same meaning as fat, if it was affixed to chubby.

Well.. overweght and fat have the same meaning, but overweight is, as 123easy says, nonconfrontational. You can't *deny* that chubby is overweight. You *can* argue that chubby isn't fat. That's why we completely remove 'fat' as a tag. Fat is, technically, subjective.. "You're not fat, your'e just a little tubby" "You're not fat, it's just a little pudge." etc. Overweight is blunt--more then ideally weighted. which IS everything from chubby to morbidly-oh-god-hyper-fat.

So, I think that overweight WOULD sooth some of the "chubby isn't Faaaaaaaaaaaaaat" people.

Can't deny that they are, but when you think of overweight people, do you think of fatties? Or girls that look a little bit pudgy?

when I think overweight, i think of both. 'fat' really only makes me think of, well, fatties.

also, voluptuous shouldn't really be aliased to it either. But maybe we SHOULD alias to to something like curvy_figure or full_figure or something.. I mean.. voluptuous is hard to spell c_c and this way maybe some people might go "oh, is THAT what that means"

On a side note -- beautifully_obese seems like a new tag that one guy is using repeatedly on images he's fond of or something. :P

Updated by anonymous

I'd say subjective and irresponsible tagging there. Chastise him and alias the tag to overweight?

I'd support voluptuous > curvy/full_figure.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
I'd say subjective and irresponsible tagging there. Chastise him and alias the tag to overweight?

probably so, yep. BUt it might actually be a "something" so I wouldnt wanna jump the gun and 'oops', if it's a thing I dunno about

Updated by anonymous

So, this seems to be what people want:
fat aliased to overweight
chubby implicating overweight
obese implicating overweight
morbidly_obese implicating obese
beautifully_obese aliased to overweight
voluptuous aliased to... something...
I miss anything?

Actually, aliasing beautifully_obese to obese seems like a better idea imo. It's not a thing. Voluptuous just seems like a tag that should go the way of sexy, and get aliased to invalid_tag. Couldn't we implicate big_breasts and wide_hips to it and remove it wherever it appears?

Updated by anonymous

morbidly_obese should implicate overweight, not obese, IMO. that was the fatties can be separated from the FATMONSTERS.

I can't believe I'm using fatty unironically and insultingly :(


Voluptuous should be curvey_figure or something. we have a lot of people trying to use curves and curvey and such as a tag... and that would make it easier to seek out.

on the other hand.. I dunno. maybe. big breast and wide hps SHOULD cover it... but... ... I dunno?

Voluptuous just seems like a tag that should go the way of sexy, and get aliased to invalid_tag. Couldn't we implicate big_breasts and wide_hips to it and remove it wherever it appears?

I thought that wouldn't work? O.o

oh, also, agree about beautifully obese aliased to obese <3

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Voluptuous should be curvey_figure or something.

I oppose aliasing voluptuous to anything on the grounds that voluptuous is a great word.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
I oppose aliasing voluptuous to anything on the grounds that voluptuous is a great word.

but so hard to spell!

on the other hand.. it's a GREAT word..

I suppose we could solve by say, perhaps, ... aliasing voluptuous to voluptuous_figure? and aliasing all curvy words to it.

Updated by anonymous

Personally, I think all tags should implicate fat as the catch all "blacklisting" tag.. as fat is fat - fat has no means of quantifying how "fat" somebody is.

How you want to describe the amount or "sexyness" of said fat is done as below.

chubby -> fat
obese -> fat
morbidly_obese -> fat
beautifully_obese -> fat
voluptuous -> fat

Updated by anonymous

Murmillos said:
Personally, I think all tags should implicate fat as the catch all "blacklisting" tag.. as fat is fat - fat has no means of quantifying how "fat" somebody is.

How you want to describe the amount or "sexyness" of said fat is done as below.

dude. did you read at all? c_c

cubby fans don't like fat. Fat is subjective. voluptuous isn't fat.

That is not fat. that is ANTIFAT.

Updated by anonymous

Troll post?

Anyways... Honestly I like the word Voluptuous. It sounds nice on the tongue. >_> having all the wide hips and such implicate voluptuous would be better, IMO.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Troll post?

Anyways... Honestly I like the word Voluptuous. It sounds nice on the tongue. >_> having all the wide hips and such implicate voluptuous would be better, IMO.

I dunno, you could have huge hips, tiny breasts. Or big breasts, tiny hips. Neither of those would qualify for voluptuous.

Updated by anonymous

Good point! hrm. Then reverse the implication? No, can't implicate multiple things. HRM. Wish ya could really.

Updated by anonymous

I've taken to adding more_to_love to chubby posts...

Updated by anonymous

Sods said:
I've taken to adding more_to_love to chubby posts...

That's silly.

Updated by anonymous

Sods said:
I've taken to adding more_to_love to chubby posts...

Personally, I'd consider that to be subjective. Not everyone thinks being overweight is a good thing. If anything, I'd reserve it for pictures with obvious displays of affection that include an overweight person.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
The problem wasn't the name of the tag, it was that chubby was being included under it. People would disagree with any tag that had the same meaning as fat, if it was affixed to chubby.
I told you this would happen. I told you this would happen.
I told you this would happen. I told you this would happen.
I told you this would happen. I told you this would happen.

I am removing the chubby -> overweight implication and I will not be putting it back. Ever. Someone else can if they want, I don't care.

Updated by anonymous

a few people bitching doesn't matter.... and for most of those images, they shouldn't even HAVE chubby o.o

but, I guess, let's see how this pans out D:

Updated by anonymous

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