Topic: looking for pics

Posted under Art Talk

I am looking for pics of a snow leopard ( female ) and a arctic wolf ( male ) either holding each other close or laying together

if anybody can help me with finding pics like this or even draw some i would greatly appreciate it

Updated by Lance Armstrong

Since it looks like you're new, I'll let you in on a little something. The site was created so that you can find posts relative to what you are looking for by using keywords, known as tags, to narrow down your search. In this case, you could search for specific tags to narrow your search, such as snow_leopard, arctic_wolf (the tag wolf is more common), male, female, couple, cuddling, laying_down, and so on. The tag search will find images related to the keywords by displaying images with the respective tags searched for. Unfortunately, only privledged and up users can search for 6 or more tags. Thus, by using the first four tags listed, a search is generated with these results. Also, if you are looking for a clean image (or a naughty one) you can search by rating by using rating:s (or rating:e).

Updated by anonymous

Furry_Fanatic said:
Unfortunately, only privledged and up users can search for 6 or more tags.

Members can search for up to 6 tags.

Updated by anonymous

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