Topic: Tag discussion: human_on_anthro/ anthro_on_human

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Short version:
How does one efficiently find posts that depict anthro x human relations without the human on anthro tag or some equivalent? Especially if the definition of anthro is adhered to (i.e. only used for posts with both a feral character and an anthro character

Long version:
A couple months ago, I noticed the human on anthro tag got nuked (there are still a handful of posts with the tag though)

Assuming this was for the best, I didn't question it, but after cleaning up the the anthro tag starting with anthro solo -feral, it looked like a majority of non-solo posts tagged with anthro included some sort of sexual activity with humans (most of pool #1636, Dr. Comet's works, almost 200 posts of human anthro sex, and other posts that might be mis-tagged)

So, before removing all those anthro tags and making them very difficult to relocate, thought I'd make the proposal to re-introduce the human on anthro/ anthro on human tag, or whatever equivalent was used prior to that

Since posts with anthropomorphic characters aren't tagged as such by default, it's takes much more effort to find posts that show a relationship between an anthro character and a human character. Especially so if the anthro tag is removed for posts with no feral character in it (rendering a search for human anthro skewed towards including a feral character, which additionally doesn't guarantee the post depicting a human x anthro relationship

A possible workaround without the tag could be something like human sex -feral, which assumes each picture is (correctly) tagged with human,sex and feral

Most of the other major art style pairings have a tag that identifies them as such (anthro on feral, bestiality and feral on feral), so what about human x anthro?

Updated by RedOctober

Your best bet is to try interspecies human, though the interspecies tag isn't used a whole lot. So much porn on here goes on between two characters of different species, even if they're both furries, so users sort of forget the tag exists.

I dunno how I missed that tag getting trashed, I vote we bring it back.

Updated by anonymous

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