Topic: Color tags complaint

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Alright, so I do a search for simply "black female", and while I expect to see a bunch of characters that ARE BLACK... and I mean solid-black except for maybe the under-fur of the character(not sure what exactly that's called, inb4niko_bellic)

The three most prominent of the tag deviations that I've seen thus far, JUST on black--I've seen similar, and possibly even worse, on other color searches. I mean, what the hell, why don't we just name EVERY color in the feckin' picture? Or why can't we instead have tags that are instead like "Black_stripes" or "Black_spots" instead, so that people don't put black on a picture where the only black is in the lineart and the spots/stripes?


I was wondering, shouldn't these pictures that're tagged by color ONLY be tagged by the main colors presented? Or maybe have a "Solid_(color)" tag for when people wanna search for solid-black, solid-blue, or solid-white characters without hassle? What do you guys and gals think?

Updated by Kald


Former Staff

See my rant "too much tagging kills tagging".
We don't need one million tags, we need tags used appropriately.

Updated by anonymous

I would have just tagged those "stripes", using black isn't appropriate for those since they aren't fully or even half black.

I'm sorry but what!? there are only three tags using black_anus and in each of them the anus is hardly visible...
oh what the hell people. XD
deleted them for continuities sake.

Updated by anonymous

i'm honored you mentioned me in your opening post. as for help, i can not offer any, try surfing and fapping to something that's not black?

Updated by anonymous

I just came across a "clothed" tag. I thought being clothed was a given, and we only really needed to tag for "nude"?

Updated by anonymous

Then how would you search for fully-clothed characters? "-nude -skimpy -topless -bottomless" eats up all four available tags...

Updated by anonymous

acct0283476 said:
Then how would you search for fully-clothed characters? "-nude -skimpy -topless -bottomless" eats up all four available tags...

Until we're in a society that'd anything but clothed on a regular basis, "clothed" should be a given, no need to tag. It's like tagging all characters with eyeballs as "has_eyes". It's a given

Updated by anonymous

... But an image with two characters, one clothed and one nude, is then identical from a search perspective to one with two nude characters.

Also, the chances of an image having a character with no eyes is less than one percent. The chances of said image having a nude character is roughly 30% on this site. And that's not even counting in the considerable number of feral or toony things where people don't bother tagging 'nude'.

Anyways, you still didn't explain how you'd search for clothed characters.

Updated by anonymous

temporal_crux said:
Until we're in a society that'd anything but clothed on a regular basis, "clothed" should be a given, no need to tag. It's like tagging all characters with eyeballs as "has_eyes". It's a given

Furry characters aren't necessary clothed though, but they generally aren't tagged with "nude" unless explicit body parts are visible.

Updated by anonymous

It's not my issue to fix. If the system is broken to the point that it can't be, I'm not even going to bother suggestions. No one cares to listen to logic around here when it comes to tagging anyway.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

acct0283476 said:
Then how would you search for fully-clothed characters?

"fully" clothed is, to begin with, if not subjective, at least very vague...
Can bare midriff or bare feet be considered "fully" clothed ? What about characters undressing ?
Don't try to answer because it is useless. Difference people will perceive things differently.

As for the question, i'd suggest just "rating:s". Yes, they'd miss out a big load of pictures, and yes it's still not accurate (still contains feral, cartoon-ish characters...). But why the hell someone would search "fully" clothed character if it wasn't to check for safe pictures.

There is one important thing people seem to be mistaken on : <b>tags are not meant to describe a picture, tags are meant to find common themes between different pictures</b>.
On a more practical point of view, tags are relevant of people's interest, and the search results should give them pictures relevant of their interest.
See my rant about overtagging :

acct0283476 said:
... But an image with two characters, one clothed and one nude, is then identical from a search perspective to one with two nude characters.

As much a picture containing a female skunk and a male fox will appear under a search such as "female fox". There is no way around it, unless you add "solo", but then you miss out on several pics containing a female fox.
Tags work fine when there is only one subject. As soon as you add one, the system gets imperfect and there is no way around it.

Valence said:
they generally aren't tagged with "nude" unless explicit body parts are visible.

Not necesarily ; a character hiding their bits or being drawn from backside is still nude.
Again, it will depend what people perceive : i do myself associate nudity with pin-ups (of all kind) or with situations where it is an important factor (a character caught nude, or in public).
You could argue that it's a subjective way of tagging, that i'm not tagging "nude" on 2 characters having sex while being nude, but hey, i tag it how i see it, and no matter how much you will argue, i will not change it.
Nor would i try to change other people's way of tagging, providing they're doing it with a full understanding of the purpose of tags.

Updated by anonymous

Here's how I handle the nude tag: first of all, I don't use the tag if it's irrelevant; such as a feral or a bigass firebreathing dragon. They wouldn't wear clothes to begin with, so the lack of clothes isn't tag-worthy.

Second, I tag nude if all of the naughty bits are showing, even if they're wearing socks, or a hat, or an unbuttoned shirt that only covers their sides. If they're wearing pants/skirt/panties/etc., I tag topless, ditto if they're only wearing a shirt.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

tony311 said:
Here's how I handle the nude tag: first of all, I don't use the tag if it's irrelevant; such as a feral or a bigass firebreathing dragon. They wouldn't wear clothes to begin with, so the lack of clothes isn't tag-worthy.

Second, I tag nude if all of the naughty bits are showing, even if they're wearing socks, or a hat, or an unbuttoned shirt that only covers their sides. If they're wearing pants/skirt/panties/etc., I tag topless, ditto if they're only wearing a shirt.

Well, that is <i>an</i> answer regarding <i>one</i> subject.

OP complained about colors, and i would like to generalize the complaining about tags in general, and to make people think about what they're doing and the finality of it all.

Updated by anonymous

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