Topic: Ouroboros Completion.

Posted under General

Okay.... Looks like I've gotten everything done for the main system.. Got to go into testing then I'll throw up the release canidate for you guys to try :3

Too many ideas now have dripped by and too many requests have been forgotten. So I'm making a wish list now for the things that people want, admins and users please post everything you want done here. We already are in a Version 3 revision, though it's just feature porting for now.

and since the suggestion box is cluttered to the point I can't read it.

Things so far getting worked on

Things scrapped

-Optional #thumb side responses to images (kinda like what 4chan does) (we have enough distractions from the image, might just make an emphasizer for thumbs)
-Redo login system for easier recovery/stricter registration (voted down by staff)

Things done

-remake mascot changer(for all of site)
-Request system for name changes and comment deletions and pm abuse and reporting users
-setup default blacklist to "Safe only", quick change safe and unsafe modes
-Anonymous blacklisting
-Create updated Post system
-Send reason with mail
-add updated time to pool
-Bug repair color code for takedown
-improve user record system
-Repair Paginator
-replace tag subscriptions with something useful/working (favorite queries) (ended up just repairing the subscriptions)
-Internalize News
-build automated maintanence task (for tags and stuff)
-takedown submission form
-remove staff password recovery
-create email/username lookup for admins
-add edits and alias/implications to mod actions
-New GUI (I need footer, background and Iris images from the mascot artist people) -completed... sans images
-Fix thumbnails showing the big no-no -completed, waiting for packing
-find the broken daemon elements and repair them Only broken daemon is already slated for repair.
-Redo the entire help page to be e621 oriented. -completed, waiting for packing
-timestamps -completed, waiting for packing
-moderation logs -complete, waiting for packing
-Super Secret Project beta for those at furry booru -complete, waiting for packing

Oh, btw.. the codebase being worked on is lovingly dubbed "Ouroboros." Since I'm sure to be biting my own tail with this project XD This officially retires Arcturus's code, to preserve the old teams edits, and to be able to merge code with the official source if needed.

If I get permission from the rest of the staff, I'd love to make this an open source project down the line. Though I'd like the teams permission first.

Note, besides the above, this marks the 1.0 release of Ouroboros. Anything additional will be either a maintanence patch or an extension. The reason for the extensions is to keep the main program "Clean" and "No additional Flavor", while this is the focus of e621 originally, we have grown to need more. I'm sorry Arcturus, but most of the extensions will be integrated into e621 eventually.


* Dtext2
* BorosForums
* Wiki2
* ProfilePlus (For 20pc only)


We have a suggestion box? Anyway, forum timestamps. And change the viewing of a user's deleted posts to the deleted index, not a post search.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
We have a suggestion box? Anyway, forum timestamps. And change the viewing of a user's deleted posts to the deleted index, not a post search.

the deleted index is in the update varka needs to install :3

Updated by anonymous

How about working tags on the post moderation page? Also, a way to skim through your favorites with a 'next' 'previous' and/or 'random' button? The one in there now tracks through regular posts according to the order they were uploaded.

Updated by anonymous

Being able to use search queries in the blacklist, so I can just tell the haters to blacklist user:kitsu~

Updated by anonymous

skeeter said:
How about working tags on the post moderation page? Also, a way to skim through your favorites with a 'next' 'previous' and/or 'random' button? The one in there now tracks through regular posts according to the order they were uploaded.

You mean make the tags on the mod page work as links?


Updated by anonymous

Kitsu~ said:
I can just tell the haters to blacklist user:kitsu~

site already does that ;)

Updated by anonymous

Here's a thought: is it currently possible, by any means, to search by size? The site clearly keeps up with it, as you can see the file dimensions on each page... but there doesn't seem to be a way to search for it.

Why would one? well... it'd make it a lot easier to find wallpapers, for example. It'd make it a lot easier to populate the 4:3 and 16:9 tags. (the whole wallpaper/widescreen/ratio area needs a little cleaning up in general(for example, 16:9_(aspect ratio) is currently aliased to 'wide screen', while 1920x1280 implies 16:9.... when 16:9_(aspect_ratio) should alias to 16:9 which should imply widescreen. ) )

Of course, arguably that's not the focus on this sight and it's a bit offtopic, but it WOULD be nice to search by size... presuming there's not a way to do that already.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Here's a thought: is it currently possible, by any means, to search by size? The site clearly keeps up with it, as you can see the file dimensions on each page... but there doesn't seem to be a way to search for it.


As explained on the cheatsheet:

Updated by anonymous

y'know, one of these days, I'm gonna actually come up with a good idea that's not already implemented. Somehow. :P

Thank you, Tony ♥

*bookmarks cheatsheet*

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
You mean make the tags on the mod page work as links?

Yes. So that the tags are properly colored and they bring up the correct page for the specified tag.



Did you do anything here? I noticed that it's still the same.

Just for the sake of clarification, let me reiterate my self.

There are already the 'Next', 'Previous', and 'Random' buttons under where it says Related Posts. Those buttons work fine when used to move from post to post in chronological order according to order of upload to the site. What I was asking was, is there a way that those three buttons could instead navigate through your own favorites from your own favorites page, or would separate buttons be needed? I was also asking if that could be implemented.

Updated by anonymous

skeeter said:
Yes. So that the tags are properly colored and they bring up the correct page for the specified tag.

Also,Did you do anything here? I noticed that it's still the same.

Just for the sake of clarification, let me reiterate my self.

There are already the 'Next', 'Previous', and 'Random' buttons under where it says Related Posts. Those buttons work fine when used to move from post to post in chronological order according to order of upload to the site. What I was asking was, is there a way that those three buttons could instead navigate through your own favorites from your own favorites page, or would separate buttons be needed? I was also asking if that could be implemented.

tricky. but I might be able to pull it without too much resource impact.

Updated by anonymous

Bring the comment flagging system back pls :3

Also, before 2.2, the was a count of how many comments and forum posts a user had made on their profile... can we bring that back? I have to click the "View" to know if they even have any comments/forum posts.

And perhaps a way of searching posts by tag count?

Updated by anonymous

BranislavDJ said :: 5 hours ago:
We definitly need indicator about whats the score of comment.I know that there is option in setting to set to hide comments under certain number,but I can not see when comment is Voted up.We need something like numbers at the side of comments,so we can clearly see score of comment.

Found here: post #130996

I thought this would be nice too.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

/r/-ing random page button in post list, à la paheal.

Updated by anonymous

Thumbnails for flash if possible? Also good luck.

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
Thumbnails for flash if possible? Also good luck.

Not sure if that would be entirely useful, since most flashes start out with nondescript images like load screens.

I suppose you could add a field to upload a separate thumbnail for the flash, but I can see that being easily abused.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
I suppose you could add a field to upload a separate thumbnail for the flash, but I can see that being easily abused.


Oh yeah, that aside...

My personal request is for a Blacklist system that pushes blacklisted images to the back of the queue(Spelling error?) so that you don't have to go through pages with blank images. <_>
I know that somebody said a technical term for it, but I don't remember what it was...

Updated by anonymous

Percy101 said:

Oh yeah, that aside...

My personal request is for a Blacklist system that pushes blacklisted images to the back of the queue(Spelling error?) so that you don't have to go through pages with blank images. <_>
I know that somebody said a technical term for it, but I don't remember what it was...

Since the image system is run in ruby and the blacklist is run on javascript. this ain't gonna happen. :(

and with the flash thumbnail, Maybe in the future, when we get more mods and stuff.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Since the image system is run in ruby and the blacklist is run on javascript. this ain't gonna happen. :(

and with the flash thumbnail, Maybe in the future, when we get more mods and stuff.

Aww. Ah well. Can't have everything. Still love the site. XD

Updated by anonymous

make it match the blacklist image and I'll add it in.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
make it match the blacklist image and I'll add it in.

What image would that be?

Updated by anonymous

BranislavDJ said:
Ow ye... it matches!
But for 3.0 version we need something more modern!

but 1 more question...why it was changed to "download" anyway?

because that's the one included in danbooru's default packaging.. as far as I know. the blacklist and download image follow a suit, add the flash one to match those two and I'll add it in :3

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
because that's the one included in danbooru's default packaging.. as far as I know. the blacklist and download image follow a suit, add the flash one to match those two and I'll add it in :3

So let me get this straight. You would also like an image that says something like "Blacklisted" ?

Edit: Like this: ?

Updated by anonymous

skeeter said:
So let me get this straight. You would also like an image that says something like "Blacklisted" ?

Like this: ?

Better than empty space.

But if you manage to fill empty space (which originaly should be filled with pictures that are blacklisted) with non blacklist pictures,than there is no purpose for it.

Updated by anonymous

I have no idea how feasible this is, but would it be possible to distinguish between the flash files that are "games" or other animations you have to interact with (ex: post #131983) from the ones that are just animations that go through their loop on their own (ex: post #133057)?

Then the Flash icon could be kept for the "games," whereas for the loops, it could be in the thumbnail.

I <i>would</i> like to see the loop in the thumbnail, if possible. I always avoid anything that says "Download," since I never want to play any of the little games, but of course I then sometimes inadvertently pass over ones that are just animated.

I know I've seen on sites in the past where they have just like a half second loop of the animation in the thumbnail, but I know nothing of coding, so I don't know how that works.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
I have no idea how feasible this is, but would it be possible to distinguish between the flash files that are "games" or other animations you have to interact with (ex: post #131983) from the ones that are just animations that go through their loop on their own (ex: post #133057)?

Then the Flash icon could be kept for the "games," whereas for the loops, it could be in the thumbnail.

I <i>would</i> like to see the loop in the thumbnail, if possible. I always avoid anything that says "Download," since I never want to play any of the little games, but of course I then sometimes inadvertently pass over ones that are just animated.

I know I've seen on sites in the past where they have just like a half second loop of the animation in the thumbnail, but I know nothing of coding, so I don't know how that works.

I'm not sure bro.Games are just interactive flash animations.I don't think there is a way to seperate games from flash ,without doing it manualy.Not sure if its posible do separate .swf videos from games/animations without tagging it 1 by 1.0

Updated by anonymous

BranislavDJ said:
I'm not sure bro.Games are just interactive flash animations.I don't think there is a way to seperate games from flash ,without doing it manualy.Not sure if its posible do separate .swf videos from games/animations without tagging it 1 by 1.0

Nah, I get that much. I guess I wasn't clear, because the word "interactive" eluded me -facepalm- What I should have said is differentiate the interactive Flash animations from the non-interactive Flash animations. There are many you don't interact with at all, but come up with "Download" in the thumbnail, since they're still Flash.

Updated by anonymous

I still like the idea of a blacklist friendly search- browse full pages w/out blanks-skip blacklisted images and go on to the next one.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
Nah, I get that much. I guess I wasn't clear, because the word "interactive" eluded me -facepalm- What I should have said is differentiate the interactive Flash animations from the non-interactive Flash animations. There are many you don't interact with at all, but come up with "Download" in the thumbnail, since they're still Flash.

flash "games" cannot be differentiated from flash "animations." through coding means.

cookiekangaroo said:
I still like the idea of a blacklist friendly search- browse full pages w/out blanks-skip blacklisted images and go on to the next one.

>( I will not put that much strain on the server. NEVER EVER.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
flash "games" cannot be differentiated from flash "animations." through coding means.

Fair enough. I suspected that'd be the case, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
Fair enough. I suspected that'd be the case, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway.

If it were possible I'd be all for it. :3

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
If it were possible I'd be all for it. :3

I guess the only way I could think of that might be possible is like a tick-box when you upload.

"Check this box if this is an interactive animation" or something that directs whether it gets the "Flasth" thumbnail or not. But that's probably more hassle than it's worth for everyone, and of course there's no guarantee it'd get ticked. It'd have to be something people could edit on the posts, too.

Bah, forget it. Too much trouble lol.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
I guess the only way I could think of that might be possible is like a tick-box when you upload.

"Check this box if this is an interactive animation" or something that directs whether it gets the "Flasth" thumbnail or not. But that's probably more hassle than it's worth for everyone, and of course there's no guarantee it'd get ticked. It'd have to be something people could edit on the posts, too.

Bah, forget it. Too much trouble lol.

Tags can do the job.
Flash_game = "Game" icon
animated = "Animation" icon
video = "Video" icon

Updated by anonymous

BranislavDJ said:
Tags can do the job.
Flash_game = "Game" icon
animated = "Animation" icon
video = "Video" icon

Tags are in no way reliable for making a thumbnail for a post. What if it has none of those tags? What if it has two or three?

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Tags are in no way reliable for making a thumbnail for a post. What if it has none of those tags? What if it has two or three?

Good point...than

I guess the only way I could think of that might be possible is like a tick-box when you upload.

"Check this box if this is an interactive animation" or something that directs whether it gets the "Flash" thumbnail or not.

...seems like only solution.

Updated by anonymous

I just came here and HOLY SHIT THIS LOOKS SEXY
I can fap to this gui it's so good

Updated by anonymous

I just came here and HOLY SHIT MY EYES ARE BURNING
I can't fap to this gui it's so bad

Updated by anonymous

I like the upgrade, but my eyes need to adjust e __e

Updated by anonymous

I really like the darker colors and rounded edges, but I think the pages might need a little buffer from the top. theres too little space between the browser and the links.

Also, a slight modification on the comments, I think it might look a little better if the comments were set in the same way the java IRC page works. with the text sitting on top of a light blue field. Just some suggestions, they might look horrible, or might make the page look better.

Updated by anonymous

How about a random image generator using tags from favorites or something like it.
I don't think ill ever see half of all the art related to stuff I like on this site.

Updated by anonymous

after several days of looking at the sight, I have to say I like the changes, over all. they took some getting used to, but it's generally very pleasing. it looks much better then before :)

the only crit I have is that the color difference between a visited link and an unvisted link isn't nearly enough. This really only matters on the forums and in a few other places... but It took me quite a bit of staring to try and figure out WHY some of the links seemed like they were a slightly different color then the rest.

a different color--a few shades darker--or perhaps a darker gray blue?--might be a better option.

my 2 cents :)

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
after several days of looking at the sight, I have to say I like the changes, over all. they took some getting used to, but it's generally very pleasing. it looks much better then before :)

the only crit I have is that the color difference between a visited link and an unvisted link isn't nearly enough. This really only matters on the forums and in a few other places... but It took me quite a bit of staring to try and figure out WHY some of the links seemed like they were a slightly different color then the rest.

a different color--a few shades darker--or perhaps a darker gray blue?--might be a better option.

my 2 cents :)

Actually in the latest update (not applied yet) I made them the same color, 'cause it was just annoying having half of the text a different color and I didn't think anyone made use of it.

Updated by anonymous

What about having a link to the forum on the front page, along with the "Posts", "Comments" etc?

Edit: I see that it's there if you click the "more," arrow, but I think it'd be useful to be on the home page itself.

Updated by anonymous

Please provide an API function to retrieve a single post. When calling the post/index.xml, I want to pass something like "?ID=123456" to get the metadata of a specific post. Until now I had to do ugly HTML parsing to get the infos out of the actual post page, which is a pain in the buttocks, and takes up too much bandwidth and performance.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Actually in the latest update (not applied yet) I made them the same color, 'cause it was just annoying having half of the text a different color and I didn't think anyone made use of it.

Oh! nonono, that's a wonderful option too. I really, really don't care if I've clicked on someone's name recently, if I've viewed the first page of a thread in the last couple of weeks, or if I've checked out a tag, or similar recently. I just figured that having everything the same just wasn't possible. :)

RedOctober said:
What about having a link to the forum on the front page, along with the "Posts", "Comments" etc?

I fix this problem by bookmarking the forum, myself. it's sort of a sideways fix, but there you go. it WOULD be nice to see more options on the front page.

Updated by anonymous

I added a Forum link to the front page. Was going to add more, but it seemed like it covered the major bases of the site now (Posts, Comments, Tags, Wiki, Forum (and the >> more thing)).

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
I added a Forum link to the front page. Was going to add more, but it seemed like it covered the major bases of the site now (Posts, Comments, Tags, Wiki, Forum (and the >> more thing)).


What about....login? lol.

Updated by anonymous

I like it. The gently striped backgrouns is far more subtle then the current bright white lines... though I might increase the contrast between the 'light' and 'dark' rows slightly more, but that may be a side effect of my monitor getting older. It'd also be pretty cool if that effect could also be brought into the forum itself..

I think, anyway. I could be totally wrong too.

anyway, if nothing else, looks very awesome and refined. :D

Updated by anonymous

auugh the change scares me

turn the whole site back to black and white with no stylesheets

Updated by anonymous

Best part is that we aren't feature locked yet <3

Updated by anonymous

I don't know if this has been suggested already, but user comment blacklisting? You know, if somebody bothers you in the comments and you don't want to see it? :O

Updated by anonymous

:33 said:
I don't know if this has been suggested already, but user comment blacklisting? You know, if somebody bothers you in the comments and you don't want to see it? :O

Just vote the comment down :P

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Just vote the comment down :P

Oh wow
I am an idiot

Updated by anonymous

HOORAY! Alias/implication searches work.

It's very pretty. Well done.

Updated by anonymous

Remind me to tell tony that his "deleted tags system" has been built again and I just need to build a cron for it.

Updated by anonymous

Uhhh.. How about display the # of times the post was viewed , and number of favorites? Oh and if someone favorites a post , it adds +1 score automatically to it perhaps ,like before?

By the way , how come we can't view comments on deleted posts anymore :\

Edit: Oh and, is it possible to implement preview for flashes?

Updated by anonymous

Kaik said:
Uhhh.. How about display the # of times the post was viewed , and number of favorites? Oh and if someone favorites a post , it adds +1 score automatically to it perhaps ,like before?

By the way , how come we can't view comments on deleted posts anymore :\

Edit: Oh and, is it possible to implement preview for flashes?

#1 is too heavy on the database, if we implement it correctly
#2 Is something I can change :3
#3 Is too easy to manipulate
#4 Because you don't need to
#5 No. NEver ever ever.

Updated by anonymous