Topic: Ouroboros Completion.

Posted under General

I think a good thing to add to the site is a slideshow botton for your favorites, uploads, search results, etc. This is so you wont have to keep on going back and forth to see a different thing.


Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
does it really get abused that often?

Not THAT often, but it would allow us to er...educate users who like to provide direct image source links. Also, if source edits were documented like tag edits, it might encourage users to add sources more often.

Updated by anonymous

awsomejose said:
I think a good thing to add to the site is a slideshow botton for your favorites, uploads, search results, etc. This is so you wont have to keep on going back and forth to see a different thing.


There are free add ons that do this exact feature :3 Let's share the love.

Updated by anonymous

About the artist tags in posts, for example:
? + – suruga 11

When you click on the ?, it takes you to the artist's wiki page.
It'd be neat if there was some indication whether or not the artist even has a wiki page on e621 at the moment. I.e. if the artist is "active" or not. Might encourage people to create said wiki pages if they don't exist yet.

Updated by anonymous

What about having it automatically generate a pool for each artist tag, and when an image is tagged with an artist it's added to that pool? I'd LOVE to be able to find an artist, then just cycle through their posts with single clicks, rather than having to go back to the search page and viewing the images individually, or opening a billion tabs. Is this feasible? If not, is there something analogous that exists that I totally missed?

Updated by anonymous

I'd like the next/previous buttons to do so within the search parameters you last entered, not just next/previous post ID.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
I'd like the next/previous buttons to do so within the search parameters you last entered, not just next/previous post ID.

Yeah, that's a better way of saying what it is that I actually was going for lol.

Updated by anonymous

Here's something I just thought of when looking at a hi-res comic:

1. Click Resize Image
2. Click << or >> button
3. The new image is automatically resized

Updated by anonymous

Agree with you. I think that'd be cool If we can do that, just as we search by rating (rating:safe; -rating:unsafe, etc)

/EDIT : My bad, didn't see there was a thread between my post and the post I was responded to D:

Updated by anonymous

trfg7xz2oxps said:
Here's something I just thought of when looking at a hi-res comic:

1. Click Resize Image
2. Click << or >> button
3. The new image is automatically resized

Would have to be a cookie setting.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Would have to be a cookie setting.

You could also do something like add "#resize" to the end of participating URLs and have JavaScript read it and either hit "resize_image()" after the page loads or maybe before by dynamically adding the image.

Updated by anonymous

search posts by:




Updated by anonymous

trfg7xz2oxps said:
search posts by:



Updated by anonymous

1) Automatic alphabetising of tags,

2) A 'request' tag type for when something specific about the post is needed or an edited version;

- Artist
- Character
- Source
- Edited Version
-- Crossgender
-- Bigger/Smaller tits

There are some systems like this already but this would be more visible and versatile.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:

My examples would match posts that you personally voted up, down, voted on, or didn't vote on respectively. That one looks useful though, thanks.

Updated by anonymous

therabbidwanker said:
1) Automatic alphabetising of tags,

How do you mean? Tags are always shown in alphabetical order on post pages.

Updated by anonymous

therabbidwanker said:
1) Automatic alphabetising of tags,

2) A 'request' tag type for when something specific about the post is needed or an edited version;

- Artist
- Character
- Source
- Edited Version
-- Crossgender
-- Bigger/Smaller tits

There are some systems like this already but this would be more visible and versatile.

The tag system is getting an overhaul so nothing more will be done to it until that's done.

Updated by anonymous

trfg7xz2oxps said:
Here's something I just thought of when looking at a hi-res comic:

1. Click Resize Image
2. Click << or >> button
3. The new image is automatically resized

This brings horrible images of the very slow java-based Deviantart, in which all you have to do is accidentally press an arrow key to lose your place in a gallery.

If it would actually load a new page, I support this. If it would be java-fied and summon another image without loading a new page, then I do not.

Updated by anonymous

Percy101 said:
This brings horrible images of the very slow java-based Deviantart, in which all you have to do is accidentally press an arrow key to lose your place in a gallery.

If it would actually load a new page, I support this. If it would be java-fied and summon another image without loading a new page, then I do not.

It would actually load a new page. All I proposed is just an extension of what the system already does. Find any wide post and click the resize button. JavaScript changes the values of the width and height attributes of the image to new ones based on your browser window width and the aspect ratio of the image. Note boxes also get resized at the same time. Nothing slow about it, because it is simple work. If you've seen image galleries where the thumbnails were just the full images scaled down by the browser, it's the same story. The browser knows how to resize images.

The problem is passing on automatically resized images to you in a transparent way. If the connection and browser were speedy enough the entire image might be able to load and resize without anyone noticing, but assume the viewer has dial-up so that the entire process is visible. You don't want the image to start out full-sized with horizontal scrolling and then suddenly shrink by resizing it after it has loaded or started to load. You'd probably want to dynamically add the image to the page with the calculated width and height attributes. But if JavaScript is blocked, you want a fallback so that the original too-wide image is seen. Keep in mind that the current resize() function is an instantaneous "dumb" fit. If you click Resize Image and then resize your browser window, you have to click Resize Image twice for it to adapt to the new browser dimensions.

So my plan goes like this:

You go to comic.
It's too big.
You click Resize Image.
resize() happens. Now it has some new code:

window.location.hash = "#resize"; // This allows viewer to link this page with the resize hash and auto resizing to somebody else.
document.getElementById("nextPool").href = whatever + "#resize";
// same for prevPool

You move back or forth, loading a new page. PHP or whatever's being used kicks in, and if #resize is in the URL, the following is added in place of where the image used to be:

<div id="containerWhereImageUsedToBe">
<img> <!-- original full image if javascript is off -->
// Calculate new width and height here
var place = document.getElementById("containerWhereImageUsedToBe");
place.innerHTML = "";
var img = document.createElement("img");
//... set the image src, id, etc.
// don't forget to handle your note boxes.

That's pretty much it. Alternatively you could add a noscript+img combo by default and have JavaScript dynamically add the image on participating browsers and while doing that, check the url hash in order to decide whether to create a resized image:

if (window.location.hash == "#resize")
// calculate width and height
// height

Updated by anonymous

I have a suggestion: E621 light. It'd basically be a frills-free version of the site for people with bad connections.

Updated by anonymous

:33 said:
I have a suggestion: E621 light. It'd basically be a frills-free version of the site for people with bad connections.

You mean HTML version and Java version?

Also,if possible,is it possible if we put mouse on one of the thumbnails for 3 sec,it leads larger version of that image as a mini window,so we don't have to click to see how image looks like?
I think 3 sec is best.Not too short,not too long.

Sorry for "art" quality,I drew that in 50 sec.

Updated by anonymous

After I edit tags on a picture I always look back at the list to make sure I didn't mess up anything (like typo'ing and creating a new tag). In images that have large lists it's often hard to spot my new tags... could they be highlighted after a tag update?

Along the same lines, I often go to add a tag and am not sure of the formatting when it's a multi-word tag (headband or head_band?, pierced_ears or ear_piercings?). I'll usually open up a new window and search for the tag in question to make sure I have the right spelling/formatting, but it would be awesome if this was built into the system. Pie in the sky would be intelli-sense like auto-complete with sub-string searching while editing tags =D

on a completely unrelated note, would it be possible to change the color of the site in the preferences? I love the purple of 20pc, and would love to see that here :)

Updated by anonymous

digital.zilla said:
on a completely unrelated note, would it be possible to change the color of the site in the preferences? I love the purple of 20pc, and would love to see that here :)

You can do it with user CSS if your browser of choice supports it.

Updated by anonymous

How about personal aliases? Your account has a user-defined list of strings. Enter in one of them while tag editing, and it gets replaced by a single tag or comma separated list of tags. This allows you to use your own shorthand or take aliases into your own hands. If the string in your list has an existing alias or tag (>0 posts), the UI for that entry is highlighted respectively. A safety setting allows you to prevent personal aliases from activating in the case of an existing alias/tag to prevent a catastrophic tagging accident.

Auto-complete sounds interesting although it introduces javascript in a textarea that didn't have it before and necessitates frequent and preferably fast AJAX contact with the server. If there was auto-complete it should do a broad search of *query* so "back" picks up "backpack" and "white_background". Characters like space, underscore, dash should be replaced by a single wildcard (maybe limited to those characters) so that the preferred spelling convention is found. Results should display in a count-sorted list. List could be scrolled or clicked on, but neither is a requirement.

Updated by anonymous

How about ability to upload picture to archive that will not appear on post list.After its being uploaded,it asks for tagging,and after its tagged than after pressing "Publish" button,it appears on front page.
That way,taggers won't have to fill the tags after its posted on posts page and being criticized that they don't "tag their s***".

Updated by anonymous

:33 said:
I have a suggestion: E621 light. It'd basically be a frills-free version of the site for people with bad connections.

74kb is too much to handle?

BranislavDJ said:
How about ability to upload picture to archive that will not appear on post list.After its being uploaded,it asks for tagging,and after its tagged than after pressing "Publish" button,it appears on front page.
That way,taggers won't have to fill the tags after its posted on posts page and being criticized that they don't "tag their s***".

you have a tag box in the upload page, fill that XD

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
you have a tag box in the upload page, fill that XD

I don't have that problem. :p

Updated by anonymous

BranislavDJ said:
How about ability to upload picture to archive that will not appear on post list.After its being uploaded,it asks for tagging,and after its tagged than after pressing "Publish" button,it appears on front page.
That way,taggers won't have to fill the tags after its posted on posts page and being criticized that they don't "tag their s***".

Doesn't bother me, as I can add most, if not all tags in about a minute. Don't know about other people though.

Updated by anonymous

Ourosboros? ;p

Sorry, whenever I read that I must make a joke with my character's name! ;p

Updated by anonymous

how about custom themes? like interchangeable backgrounds and other visible items.

Updated by anonymous

I was observing some mlp trolls and it got me to thinking about the blacklist (I don't use it). I ran some tests to see if it wouldn't capture certain images. I didn't find anything, but I noticed that there was no support for aliases or wildcards. A hypothetical blacklist could contain something like this:


First two are tags that can't exist because they alias to the full versions. Third uses a wildcard to capture a bunch of character names. Maybe it could help in reducing images that aren't tagged with the more common terms automatically. It's hard to think of a better example (like *penetration or *shota*) because most of these more specific tags implicate back to a generic term that could be blacklisted instead. Adding the full syntax might be much more useful for something like tag subscriptions (is it working?).

Btw, the blacklist instructions should mention that spaces within the tag need to be underscores, since some new users probably forget that.

Updated by anonymous

trfg7xz2oxps said:
Btw, the blacklist instructions should mention that spaces within the tag need to be underscores, since some new users probably forget that.

This information is included in the help:blacklist wiki.

Updated by anonymous

Is there anyway to search in the pool section, by the creators names?

Updated by anonymous

I hate direct links. I've noticed that with FA, a direct link translates into to the artist's main page. Is there any way for it to redirect to the page that the image came from, so we have a legit source?

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
I hate direct links. I've noticed that with FA, a direct link translates into to the artist's main page. Is there any way for it to redirect to the page that the image came from, so we have a legit source?


Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
I hate direct links. I've noticed that with FA, a direct link translates into to the artist's main page. Is there any way for it to redirect to the page that the image came from, so we have a legit source?

Not automatically, since it's impossible to generate a submission page URL from the file URL.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
We actually try to avoid direct links whenever possible.

So do I.

The direct link in my suggestion has only one purpose: so e621 knows where to get the image from. Maybe you could make it so this only works if you *also* specify a source, which must be different from the direct link.

The point of the suggestion was:
Making it easier to upload images directly from the Web, but *with* a proper source.

Updated by anonymous

Can we work on being able to add multiple sources for an image? Like in case an artist has images on a FA, DA, and Tumblr account, and either site gets shut down for whatever reason?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Munkelzahn said:
So do I.

The direct link in my suggestion has only one purpose: so e621 knows where to get the image from. Maybe you could make it so this only works if you *also* specify a source, which must be different from the direct link.

The point of the suggestion was:
Making it easier to upload images directly from the Web, but *with* a proper source.

The site already does this, although it's not terribly obvious (I went for several MONTHS without realizing that you can just copy/paste a link into "source" and it would automatically pull the image down, and it's kind of my job to know these things).

We need to make it more obvious to users that this is an option available to them.

Ultima_Weapon said:
Can we work on being able to add multiple sources for an image? Like in case an artist has images on a FA, DA, and Tumblr account, and either site gets shut down for whatever reason?

I would think that the artist's wiki page on e621 should contain that information. Is it really necessary to break it down to each individual image?

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
Is it really necessary to break it down to each individual image?

Sometimes an artist might either delete something or something gets deleted from one site, and not another. I have no problem looking for more sources.

Updated by anonymous

Can the help pages get cleaned up a bit? some info bare takes up a few lines and could get consolidated, while others have awealth of information and should be considered important to read, yet unless you look at ALL the things (and when you just want help with one thing, you don't) it'd be really useful to have a mini-synopsis of what each of them contain and some sort of visual tag to indicate the more important/useful ones.

Updated by anonymous

I, as a moderator, would like to have the option in my user settings to search active and deleted posts at the same time.

123easy said:
Can the help pages get cleaned up a bit? some info bare takes up a few lines and could get consolidated, while others have awealth of information and should be considered important to read, yet unless you look at ALL the things (and when you just want help with one thing, you don't) it'd be really useful to have a mini-synopsis of what each of them contain and some sort of visual tag to indicate the more important/useful ones.

If you're talking about the help files in the wiki, they can be changed very easily. The ones in aren't so easy to change.

Updated by anonymous

I'm blown away by how well e6 is managed and how in-tune admins are with the community. You are all doing a great job. You add to the love.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
I, as a moderator, would like to have the option in my user settings to search active and deleted posts at the same time.
If you're talking about the help files in the wiki, they can be changed very easily. The ones in aren't so easy to change.

I actually meant more, but it seems they're the same thing in a different format? >_>; That's what I've always known as the help, anyways.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
The site already does this, although it's not terribly obvious (I went for several MONTHS without realizing that you can just copy/paste a link into "source" and it would automatically pull the image down, and it's kind of my job to know these things).

We need to make it more obvious to users that this is an option available to them.

I had no idea...

Updated by anonymous

Is it possible to edit comments?

Edit:(not forum posts)

Updated by anonymous

titaniachkt said:
Is it possible to edit comments?

Edit:(not forum posts)

You used to be able to, but they changed it when they did the update.

Updated by anonymous

TheDustStorm9540 said:
Will this affect pics uploaded before this?

Stop necro-ing forum threads.

Updated by anonymous

TheDustStorm9540 said:
Will this affect pics uploaded before this?

Sure! everything will be deleted forever.

Updated by anonymous