Topic: Looking for a Pic They Took Off

Posted under Art Talk

There was an awesome Applejack pic on the posts earlier unfortunately it was a human with a nice ass so I think they deleted it. Can anyone bum a URL?


With sort of luck, you could look for the cached e621 on Google. Or just try to ask the uploader.

Updated by anonymous

I looked it up on Google and the link to this site only leads to removed post. There's no sign of the uploader either.

Updated by anonymous

Kreylioni said:
I looked it up on Google and the link to this site only leads to removed post. There's no sign of the uploader either.

on the empty post page, the name of the uploader should still be on the side under the tags.

Updated by anonymous

Give me a bit more details, I may have it on my photobucket.

Updated by anonymous

I'll send it to you in a pm.

The pic was deleted because it was humanized mlp and also it depicted RL nudity.

Updated by anonymous

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